📲 ... Only one job left to do today right? ... WhatsApp and book yourself in!
📲 07737 325 699
#InvestInYourHealth #InvestInYourself #RavenTherapies #PeaceAndQuiet #Relax
#ExcitingNews #TheNaturalPath #HealingHub #PeaceAndQuiet #HolisticHealth #BookToday
🧠💛 Our pal the Pituitary Gland! 💛🧠
✅️ Only one job left to do today right? ...
📲 WhatsApp 07737 325 699 to book yourself in!
#PituitaryGland #Oxytocin #StressBuster #HappyHormones #Relax #InvestInYourHealth #InvestInYourself #RavenTherapies
Sleep is THE BIGGEST HEALER!! Which so many of sadly suffer a lack of for various reasons, ailments and circumstances.
HOWEVER, touch therapies such as Reflexology, Mian Dui Facial Ritual and Deluxe Treatments can aid in supporting a good nights sleep. Encouraging your body to do it's main job ... keeping us alive, feeling well, convalescing and fighting off any nasties or traumas that have come our way!
So ... only one job left to do today right? ... BOOK YOURSELF IN! 💆👣
📲WhatsApp 07737 325 699
#MentalHeathAwareness #WomensHealthAwareness #Sleep #SleepAid #Reflexology #MianDuiFacialRitual #DeluxeTreatment #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #RavenTherapies
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Reviews! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#GoogleReviews #RavenTherapies #InvestInYourHealth #InvestInYourself #ThankYou
#WorldHealthDay #MyHealthMyRight #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #YouAreWorthYourOwnInvestment #RavenTherapies
7️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week✨️7️⃣
... day 7️⃣ Remember ... you are worth your own investment!
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #HolisticHealth
Lucy - Reiki Practitioner Be In Your Element
Jane - Massage Therspist JEM Reflexology
Michelle- Massage Therapist MA Holistic Therapies
Sue - Massage Therapist Perfect Pressure Therapies
Tonia - VNR Practioner (Vagus Nerve Rejuvenation) and Naturopath Nutritionalist FB The Natural Path
Faye - Kinesiologist FB Fay Coathup Kinesiology
Sam - Ayaveydic Practioner @ElysiumHolisticTherapy Instagram
Harriet - Breathwork Coach @YourFriendlyBreathingCoach Instagram
Rell - Facial Yoga @FireFlyFormula Instagram
6️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week✨️6️⃣
... day 6, CHAKRA-OLOGY! 🕉👣
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #Reflexology #ChakraBalance #EnergyBalance #Chakra #Chakraology #HolisticHealth
5️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week✨️5️⃣
... day5, DELUXE TREATMENT! 💆♀️👣💆♂️
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #Reflexology #MianDuiFacialRitual #TopToToe #DeluxeTreatment #HolisticHealth
4️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week✨️4️⃣
... day 4, MIAN DUI FACIAL RITUAL 💆♂️✨️💆♀️
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #MianDuiFacialRitual #MianDui #Facial #FacialTreatment #FacialMassage
3️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week✨️3️⃣
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #PregnancyReflexology #PregnancyJourney #PregnancyLife #PregancyPamper
2️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week✨️2️⃣
... day 2, REFLEXOLOGY! 👣
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #Reflexology #ReflexologyMassage #ReflexologyTreatment #ReflexologyMagic
1️⃣✨️Complementary Therapy Awareness Week!✨️ 1️⃣
... tune in for the next 6️⃣ to find out a little more on what Complementary Therapies Raven Therapies has to offer!
#ComplementaryTherapyWeek #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth
💗 Better to be safe than sorry! 💗
Be reflective lovely ladies, tap in and know your body so you notice any subtle changes.
Overian Cancer is one of our bastard silent assassins!
As well as cervical cancer - book your smear when you get your letter!! DO NOT PUT IT OFF.
Signs that can be pertained to the day to day ailments of life and growing older.
But if you're aware of your body, its sensations and functioning, you'll notice and feel when something is off.
📞 Urinating more than usual?
📞 Bloating/swelling more than usual?
📞 Feeling fuller quicker or a bit funky when/post eating?
📞 Pelvic and lower abdominal discomfort out of the ordinary to your usual?
📞 Sex feeling a bit gnarly inside?
📞 Random fatigue washing over you?
📞 CHANGES IN YOUR BLEED/CYCLE? (Always take note of this, like babies and checking their poo for what's happening inside ... our bleeds are much the same ... our body trying to tell us something!)
📞Unexplained weight loss?
... make that phone call if something is out of the ordinary!!
... you are worth the time, investigation, and investment!
Love and LIFE!!! (Freudian slip there! 😹) ... Always.
#OvarianCancerAwarenessMonth #KnowYourBody #MakeThatCall #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth
... Escape the chaos and enter the calm 🧘♂️🕉 😌
#ReasonThree #InvestInYourself #InvestInYourHealth #StepAway #DownRegulate #Escape #DownRegulateYourNervousSystem #BookNow