Let's breathe together, shall we?
If you're curious to learn more about the study referenced in the video follow this link: https://news.berkeley.edu/2017/03/16/nature-videos/
#painmanagement #paincoach #breathe #selfcare #breatheinbreatheout #nature #peaceful #chronicpain #recovery #naturelovers
This kind of testimony from our clients is what keeps US going!
#solvepaintogether #painmanagement #paincoach #supportgroup #transformation #dontjourneyalone #togetherwewin
Happy Birthday to our founder Debbie Murphy!!
If you haven't met our founder, Debbie Murphy, we're sorry to inform you that you're missing out on a significant amount of encouragement, grace, and warmth in your life! 😜 Despite over 20 years of chronic pain, Debbie maintained a heart for others. She didn't allow the pain to change the core of who she is. If anything, she became more others-focused and empathetic.
Her natural ability to make others feel safe and comforted, along with her transformational journey through chronic pain, made her decision to pursue a certification as a pain management coach an easy one.
Now, equipped with experience, empathy, tools, passion, and science, Debbie gets to guide others through their own transformational journeys every day!
If you haven't met her, trust us… You’ve got to!
#painmanagement #paincoach #solvepaintogether #founderspotlight #healthandwellness #chronicpain #bcsentrepreneurs
There is hope.
#painawarenessmonth #solvepaintogether #painsupport #hope #recovery #paincoach