Chia seeds come in Lamiaceae family (Salvia hispanica) are edible seeds, oval and grey with black and white spots. These seed are hydrophilic (water absorbing property) in nature and when soaked in water, give mucilaginous texture in different food and beverages.
Chia seeds are very good source of Vitamin B, thiamine and niacin provide 20% or more of the daily value from 100gms. It is moderate source of riboflavin and folate (14% and 12% respectively).
These seeds are also rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc, gives 63%, 59%, 94%, 130%, 123%, 48% respectively of daily value (100gms).
Chia seeds oil have unsaturated fatty acid linolic acid and linolenic acid, rich in omega-3 and good for body whereas seeds are very less in calories and high in fiber.
How to use:
Chia seeds can be used in adding up in juices, smoothies, yogurt, morning breakfast or different energy bars, milk pudding or simply sprinkle on the salads or yogurt.
28 grams or 2table-spoon= single ounce.
Chia seeds are gluten free and whole grain-food. These are rich in antioxidants and can have positive health effect.
28 grams of chia seeds give 12 grams of carbohydrate whereas 11 grams is fiber.
Health benefit:
Chia seeds are very popular these days of having high nutritional value. It increases blood levels of Omega-3 fatty acid which is really important for body and brain.
Chia seeds are healthy for improving the condition of blood sugar level.
Chia seeds and chia flour both have tendency to reduce blood pressure in individual because of having high content of fiber.
High fiber intake improves gut health and decrease the risk of other disease.
1 ounce (28grams) of chia seeds give 11 grams of fiber which is 29% and 44% of RDI for men and women respectively.
Due to water absorbing tendency and insoluble fiber of chia seeds, it improves satiety value of tummy, volume of food in intestine so reduce the hunger. It decreases risk of diabetes, increases stool bulk and reduce the constipation.
If individual is taking blood thinning medications, consult with your doctor before having large amount of chia seeds in the diet, because omega-3 fatty acid may have blood thinning effect.
In case of diarrhea, better to avoid chia seeds. Large amount of fiber includes bloating, gas, cramping and diarrhea.
Mango-Orange Smoothie: (Gluten free, vegetarian)
This mango-orange smoothie with chia seeds is the power breakfast and best way to energized you and start your day.
Serving: 1
Total time: 10 mins
• 100ml or ½ cup (3 ounce) freshly squeezed orange juice
• 1 small or ½ large mango, peeled and chopped
• ½ cup plain yogurt
• 1 tablespoon chia seeds
1. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Pour in the glass and enjoy.