While everyone should learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) New Jersey State Law requires that the following professions / businesses have employees trained in CPR:
Assisted Living Facilities / Nursing Home Staff
Employees who work with People with Developmental Disabilities
Speech & Language Pathologists
Pregnant & Parenting Teen Services Staff
Public and Private Golf Courses
School Athletic Coaches
Paramedics, EMTs, First Responders
Amusement Park Staff
Elder Services Staff
Nurses & Nursing Students
Child Care / Daycare Staff
Dentists / Doctors / Optometrists
Substance Abuse Medical Staff
Personnel Trainers / Health Club Employees
High School Heath Education Teachers
School Staff
Hospital Staff
Massage Therapists
Railroad Personnel & Station Staff
Camp Counselors / Camp Staff
Polysomnographic Technicians
Psychiatric Facility Staff
Hot Tub / Spa Supervisors
Blood Donation Staff
Are you interested in getting trained? 2 year certifications from the American Red Cross are available as low as $95.00 per person!