So many people are suffering from anxieties so I thought I'd do a helpful post to share with you some knowledge I've learnt along the way. I'm not by any means a professional but I care so much about others and if I can help somone even have one better day I will.
I'll start with meditation, this doesn't have to sound scary anyone can meditate. I'd recommend putting in your headphones so you dont get distracted putting on a guided meditation of youtube. Meditation will be your saviour it calms the mind, you feel light, relaxed and free.
Are you eating the right foods ?? Food can play a massive role in how you are feeling. Junk foods when your feeling down will only make you feel more sluggish 0 energy. You need feel good boosting foods nuts, fatty fish, turmeric, yoghurt, berries, spinach, oranges etc. You need feel good gut foods. And plenty of water.
Do you like reading books? The one I always tell people about is You can heal your life by Louise Hay!! This book is absolutely amazing at helping change your thought process.
Have you tried spending time outdoors in nature? Being outside has been proven to help people suffering anxiety and depression. Being in nature reduces fear, anger, stress and it increases more pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.
Do you ground yourself? This is my absolute favourite!!! Grounding yourself has so many heath benefits. So when your mind is racing grounding will bring you back to the here and now it will bring you back down. It is amazing at managing overwhelming feelings and anxiety. It's the perfect way to calm down quickly. All you have to do is have your bare feet on the ground, grass, soil, sand, sea, river. When you practice this breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Have you tried CBD oil? Some people steer away from this because they think they will get high/stoned when In fact CBD doesn't have any THC content so will not get you high. CBD oil has so many health benefits I take it every day. CBD oil can help with anxiety and depression studies have shown it may change your brain receptors respond to serotonin. Serotonin is your happy chemical in your body this is what makes you feel happy.
Having low serotonin can make you feel anxious, depressed mood, angry, impulsive behaviour, irritable, insomnia, low self esteem and poor appetite. Theres a capsule called 5HTP which you can take daily (always check if it's ok with any other medication) this tablet can help with your anxiety levels, reduce depression, can help you sleep better, helps you feeling less nauseous, can help control your bowel movements. (Always do your research when taking something new)
Have you tried exercise or yoga? Regular exercise no matter how small can reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression and the effects can be long lasting as you are releasing endorphins. Endorphins and serotonin are a good combo together. Yoga is amazing for all over mind and body health when you go to a yoga class or you just copy one on the TV they will teach you how to breathe this is called breath work and this is perfect for the mind.
And finally do something for YOU! Do more self love, talk to yourself kindly, compliment yourself. Be easy on yourself.