The coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the heart.
CHD develops when the coronary arteries become too narrow.
CHD tends to develop when cholesterol builds up on the artery walls, creating plaques. These plaques cause the arteries to narrow, reducing blood flow to the heart. A clot can sometimes obstruct the blood flow, causing serious health problems.
Coronary arteries form the network of blood vessels on the surface of the heart that feed it oxygen. If these arteries narrow, the heart may not receive enough oxygen rich blood, especially during physical activity.
CHD can sometimes lead to heart attack. It is the “most common type of heart disease
CHD occurs due to damage in the coronary artery that leads to plaque buildup.
CHD develops as a result of injury or damage to the inner layer of a coronary artery. This damage causes fatty deposits of plaque to build up at the injury site.
These deposits consist of cholesterol and other waste products from cells. This buildup is called atherosclerosis.
If pieces of plaque break off or rupture, platelets will cluster in the area in an attempt to repair the blood vessel. This cluster can block the artery and reduce or block blood flow, which may lead to a heart attack.
CHD can lead to angina. This is a type of chest pain linked to heart disease.
Angina may cause the following feelings across the chest:
Angina might also cause the following symptoms:
CHD can also lead to shortness of breath. If the heart and other organs do not receive enough oxygen, any form of exertion can become very tiring, which may cause a person to pant for air.
Heart attack occurs when the heart muscle does not have enough blood or oxygen, such as when a blood clot develops from plaque in one of the coronary arteries.
The formation of a blood clot is called coronary thrombosis. This clot, if it is big enough, can stop the supply of blood to the heart.
Symptoms of a heart attack include:
•chest discomfort
•mild or crushing chest pain
•shortness of breath
a gray pallor in the face
•general discomfort
•nausea and vomiting
•clammy skin
The first symptom is usually chest pain that spreads to the neck, jaw, ears, arms, and wrists, and possibly to the shoulder blades, back, or abdomen.
Changing position, resting, or lying down is unlikely to bring relief. The pain is often constant but may come and go. It can last from a few minutes to several hours.
There is no cure for CHD. However, there are ways that a person can manage the condition.
Treatment tends to involve making healthful lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, adopting a healthful diet, and getting regular exercise.
However, some people may need to take medications or undergo medical procedures.
Controlling blood cholesterol levels can help reduce a person’s risk of CHD. To better control blood cholesterol levels:
be more physically active
limit alcohol intake
avoid to***co
adopt a diet with less sugar, salt, and saturated fats
People who already have CHD should ensure that they control these factors by following the doctor’s recommendations.
The following factors increase a person’s risk of developing CHD:
Having high blood pressure, or hypertension
having high levels of low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol
Having low levels of high-density lipoprotein, or “good,” cholesterol
Having a diagnosis of diabetes, in which the body cannot effectively remove sugar from the bloodstream
Having obesity
Smoking, which increases inflammation and increases cholesterol deposits in the coronary arteries.
Some risk factors are not lifestyle-related. These may include:
Having high levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which one 2015 study linked to a Higher incidence of CHD
having high levels of fibrinogen, a blood protein that encourages the clumping of platelets to form blood clots
having a family history of CHD
for women, having been through menopause
for men, being over 45 years of age be
Having high levels of lipoprotein(a) specifically is also linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and CHD.
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