🌿 MATHS IN YOGA?! Yes you read right 👩🏽🎓
🐒 In yoga we can work on every area of a child’s development, most of the time without them realising that they’re actually learning!
I’m going to start simply with 5 ways we work on early maths in our 2-3 year old sessions.
Believe it or not this is how we all start learning mathematics!
Being dyslexic, I have never been good with numbers myself. I can’t help but think I may have enjoyed them slightly more if I had an activity like yoga to practice these skills in!
- We count everything! How long we hold poses for, how many children there are, how many of something you can see. The list goes on!
- understanding the meanings of bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, heavier and lighter. These comparisons enable children to enhance their vocabulary not just on the mat, but off the mat too!
- noticing shapes in the environment as well as shapes we can create ourselves. Noticing our rectangular mats, our triangular cones, and our circular stickers, to name a few. We can also use our own bodies to create different shapes, the possibilities are endless!
- this does refer to more physical patterns, but similarly to patterns on paper, we give opportunity to notice patterns in movement. What is repeated, what comes next? What would make sense here? All of these allow children to feel in control and increase their independence!
- Being able to match a number of objects to the correct number is a skill that needs to be developed. This means we are always counting objects, asking how many of something there are and correcting ourselves when we don’t get it quite right so we have a chance to learn 🐒
These are just a few ways your child could work on their maths without even realising it … who’d of thought 🤫
💌 Any questions or enquiries please don’t hesitate to drop us a DM! 💌