My name is Prema.
I'm a Holistic Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Human Energy Specialist, Transformational Coach and Aromatherapist.
6 years ago I left my successful career as a Fitness Trainer in London and moved to India searching for answers of my true Self, purpose and realization.
During my stay in India I did lots of studies and practises of Yoga (Hatha, Ashtanga, Yoga Therapy), Ayurveda, Meditation (Vipassana), Tantra and Reiki.
After a regular practice I've discovered an extrasensory abilities as: clairsentience,
clairvoyance, channeling and healing.
In 2019 I moved to Bali where I practised Regressions (past lives journeys), Thetahealing and Akashic Records reading.
It has been a long journey of transotmation and self healing.
During it I've realized my purpose - to heal people from any kind of traumas, to unfold talents and potential and to find their purpose.
By now I've conducted 700+ healing sessions and consultations all over the world, and every day I keep helping people to solve the most difficult problems, and guide them on the path to harmony and well-being.
With joy and love in my heart I am ready to accompany YOU on this journey to FIND YOURSELF, your PURPOSE and your HAPPINESS...
With Love
Deva Prema
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The crown chakra is located at the crown of the head, and it is where your personal consciousness meets a universal consciousness. When balanced, your crown chakra enables you to grow spiritually and connect with the universe; you can also see the beauty and connection between all things, and experience greater clarity. To balance your crown chakra, choose essential oils that can enhance meditation and support spiritual connections.
4 essential oils for the crown chakra:
Sacred Frankincense:
Many people have used Sacred Frankincense oil throughout time to enhance meditation. Sacred Frankincense oil can help you achieve a more tranquil state of mind, promoting a higher state of consciousness and supporting spiritual growth. With its woody and sweet aroma, Sacred Frankincense can also ease feelings of anxiety, tension, or stress that can block your crown chakra.
Sandalwood essential oil is excellent for calming an overactive or chatty mind, allowing you to focus more on meditation and your connection to the universe. Sandalwood oil has a sweet and woody aroma that can promote deeper mediation and help you find your inner center.
This floral oil has a high spiritual frequency, allowing you to overcome mental barriers and access a higher spiritual state. Helichrysum oil is also great at easing the physical symptoms of an imbalanced crown chakra, including headaches or migraines.
Basil’s deep and herbaceous aroma can help stimulate a spiritual connection and realign the subtle energies. Basil essential oil can also inspire you to participate in selfless or humanitarian efforts as a way to support your connection to the universe and others.
Other oils to balance the crown chakra:
Vanilla, or Balsam of Peru
Balanced chakras provide a variety of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits, but having even one imbalanced chakra can throw things off. B
"Sahasrara" is sometimes used to designate the seventh chakra. It can be translated as "Thousand petals".
The crown chakra is the seventh chakra. Located at the top of the head, it gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions. The function of the Crown chakra is driven by consciousness and gets us in touch with the universal.
The Crown chakra is primarily associated to the pituitary gland, and secondarily to the pineal and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland work in pair to regulate the endocrine system.
Because of its location, the crown chakra is closely associated with the brain and the whole nervous system.
Note that energetically, the seventh chakra has a connection with the first chakra, as they both are at the extremities of the chakra system.
The crown chakra is associated with the transcendence of our limitations, whether they are personal or bound to space and time. It is where the paradox becomes norm, where seemingly opposites are one. The quality of awareness that comes with the crown chakra is universal, transcendent.
As we are immersed in the energy of the crown chakra, we feel a state of blissful union with all that is, of spiritual ecstasy. This chakra allows access to the upmost clarity and enlightened wisdom.
Some describe this chakra as the gateway to the cosmic self or the divine self, to universal consciousness. It's linked to the infinite, the universal.
When the Crown chakra has an imbalance, it can manifest as:
• Being disconnected to spirit, constant cynicism regarding what is sacred
• On the opposite side, an overactive crown chakra could manifest as a disconnection with the body
• Living in your head, being disconnected from your body and earthly matters
obsessive attachment to spiritual matters
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Located between the brows, the third eye chakra is responsible for how you perceive the world around you. This chakra is your link between the outer world and your mind. When balanced, your third eye chakra can help you open your mind to greater wisdom and intuition, as well as the ability of self-respect. When balancing your third eye chakra, try using essential oils that promote clarity of mind and greater focus.
4 essential oils for the third eye chakra:
Known as the universal oil, Lavender can help treat some of the physical ailments of an imbalanced third eye chakra, such as headaches or migraines. Lavender can also calm the inner mind, which can be great for those whose third eyes are blocked due to feelings of anxiety or stress.
German and Roman Chamomile:
The Chamomile oils are great for calming an overactive third eye chakra. Both Roman and German Chamomile essential oil can help promote proper and greater flow of chi throughout both your physical body and subtle body. These oils cal also work as a mild sedative, helping you feel relaxed and remove distractions so that you can more fulled reflect or meditate.
Frankincense Serrata:
If you want to keep a balanced third eye chakra, Frankincense Serrata can help. This particular Frankincense oil is a great meditation aid, helping to soothe tension and calm the mind of agitation or distractions. Frankincense oil can help you let go of fear, allowing you to open up your mind and see your inner intuitions.
Lemon essential oil has a famously fresh, light, and bright aroma that can aid concentration, release tension, and uplift the mood. With these benefits, Lemon oil can help you stay focused, thus helping you to increase your knowledge and achieve tasks, particularly those that are more mind-focused. Lemon oil cal also help clear your mental space when you feel foggy or blocked, allowing you to open your mind to new information.
Other oils to balance the third eye chakra:
The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra. Located on the forehead, between the
eyebrows, it is the center of intuition and foresight.
The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination.
The most common Sanskrit name for the Third eye chakra is "Ajna", which means "command" and "perceiving"
In yogic metaphysics, the third eye or Ajna Chakra, is the center where we transcend duality - the duality of a personal "l" separate from the rest of the world, of a personality that exists independently from everything else.
As Harish Johari says, “a yogi who has passed through the Vishuddha Chakra at the throat to the Ajna Chakra transcends the five elements and becomes freed (mukta) from the bondage of time-bound consciousness. This is where the l-consciousness is absorbed into super-consciousness."
The Third eye chakra is associated to the pineal gland in charge of regulating biorhythms, including sleep and wake time. It's a gland located in the brain that is a center of attention because of its relationship with the perception and effect of light and altered or "mystical" states of consciousness. It's positioned close to the optical nerves, and as such, sensitive to visual stimulations and changes in lighting.
The third eye chakra is an instrument to perceive the more subtle qualities of reality. It goes beyond the more physical senses into the realm of subtle energies. Awakening your third eye allows you to open up to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception.
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The throat chakra is located in the center of the neck, extending down to the heart and up through the shoulders. This chakra has a strong connection with your sacral chakra, and it embodies your authenticity and originality. When balanced, your throat chakra allows you to communicate your authentic voice with effectiveness and conviction. To balance your throat chakra, focus on oils that promote communication and honesty.
4 essential oils for the throat chakra:
This floral oil helps provide a calm environment that you can feel safe and secure in, allowing you to more freely express your honest thoughts. In addition, Geranium oil can increase your ability to have more intimate conversations with others, helping you stay calm and centered, and to speak from your heart.
Cypress oil is great for decongestion and clearing up your airways, which can physically clear up your throat for better communication. In addition, this herbaceous and woody oil can create a strong sense of clarity and authenticity. Cypress essential oil can help you see a new perspective in situations, helping you see eye-to-eye with others whom you may have conflict.
With its invigorating aroma, Peppermint oil can bring renewed feelings of optimism and hope as you interact with others. Peppermint oil can also help you think about what you actually want to say before you talk with someone. With menthol as its main ingredient, Peppermint oil can help relieve headaches and tension while giving you the strength you need to stand up for what you believe in.
Eucalyptus essential oil offers a fresh, medicinal aroma that can help calm sore throats and clear airways. Emotionally, Eucalyptus oil can promote feelings of well-being, particularly when you may feel overwhelmed or constricted. By using Eucalyptus oil, you can increase feelings of inner freedom, allowing you to more fully express your thoughts and emotions.
Other oils to balance the
The Throat chakra is the fifth chakra. Located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat, it is the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head.
The function of the Throat chakra is driven by the principle of expression and communication. The most common Sanskrit name for the Throat chakra is "Vishuddha", which means "pure" or "purification".
This chakra is related to the element of sound. Through the throat, sound is propagated into the air and its vibration can be felt not just in our ears, but also in our whole body. It is an important instrument of communication and expression.
The Throat chakra is about the expression of yourself: Your truth, purpose in life, creativity. Note that this chakra has a natural connection with the second chakra or sacral chakra, center of emotions and creativity as well. The throat chakra's emphasis is on expressing and projecting the creativity into the world according to its perfect form or authenticity.
Another function of the throat chakra is to connect you to spirit. Because of its location, it's often seen as the "bottleneck" of the movement of energy in the body. It sits just before the upper chakras of the head. Opening the throat chakra can greatly help align your vision with reality and release pressure that may affect the heart chakra that is located just below.
The throat chakra is associated with the etheric body, which is said to hold the blueprint or perfect template of the other dimensions of the body. It's an important reference point to align the energy through the whole chakra system.
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Located in the center of your chest, the heart chakra is the center of your love, compassion, and affection for both yourself and others. When balanced, your heart chakra can help you feel connected to others in both romantic and platonic relationships. To help balance your heart chakra, choose essential oils that promote feelings of compassion, respect, love, and forgiveness.
4 essential oils for the heart chakra:
Well-known for its soothing benefits, Rose essential oil helps open your heart chakra and enables you to love more unconditionally. Rose oil can enhance your capacity to love and nurture yourself, especially when you experience emotional heartache. It can also enhance your relationships with others by encouraging a healthy relationship, evoking greater honesty, desire, and respect.
Jasmine oil offers a warm, rich, floral aroma, and it is the symbol of love, happiness, and hope. With Jasmine, you can create emotional balance that can help soothe feelings of anxiety, stress, or apathy. Jasmine works particularly well in supporting healthy relationships, helping you to open up your heart to greater love and compassion.
The chaos and stress of everyday life can result in an overactive and emotional mind. Copaiba essential oil offers the ability to help soothe the mind, as well as stabilize your mood and emotions. Having balanced emotions can help you avoid being overly critical to yourself or others, and it can leave both your mind and heart open to understanding where others are coming from.
Neroli essential oil can help stimulate an underactive heart chakra, bringing feelings of pure love and joy. This soft and soothing floral oil can help heal hearts that are broken by emotional suffering or sadness. It can help you open your heart to more freely love yourself and others. Neroli oil is great for encouraging feelings of joy, peace, confidence, strength, and courage while bringing greater energy, hope, a
Anahata, is the center of love, balance, and connection. Located right in the center of the chest in the heart region, the heart chakra is associated with the color green and the element of air.
This chakra is responsible for regulating the energy associated with self-acceptance, self-love, compassion, openness, and unconditional love of others.
When you have a clear, strong and harmonious heart chakra, you will firstly feel open and receptive. You will no longer struggle with isolation, fear, and bitterness, but instead, you'll feel courageous enough to open your heart to others. You'll realize that you can only truly learn how to love others when you love yourself.
Profound self-acceptance and self-love will come to define your relationship with yourself. As a result, your heart will soften and feel safe around others, even when they try to hurt you.
Not only will you develop self-love, but you will begin to release old toxic behavioral patterns that came to define your relationships. You will give up being a victim or martyr, and you will come to trust in yourself more. The more trust and love you develop towards yourself, the more you will be able to show compassion and understanding to others. You will feel loving, expansive, receptive, and forgiving of both yourself and other people.
The best way to tell whether you need to undergo heart chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions, and physical sensations within your body.
Here are some signs to look out for:
You feel disconnected from the people around you (even those closest to you)
You are withdrawn and try to avoid socializing with people
You tend to be needy in your relationships,
You tend to feel emotionally distant in your relationships
You are terrified of being alone
You gain your self-worth from other people (you're a people-pleaser)
You find it hard to forgive and you hold grudges easily
You find it hard to let go of bitter a
The Solar Plexus chakra is found a couple of inches above the navel, extending up to your sternum. This chakra is the core of your identity and personality, creating your connections to emotions such as willpower, self-esteem, and self-discipline. A balanced solar plexus chakra allows you to master your thoughts, overcome feelings of fear, and make more conscious decisions. To balance your solar plexus chakra, choose oils that support healthy digestion, and encourage feelings of self-confidence and motivation.
4 essential oils for the Solar Plexus chakra:
Juniper Berry:
Juniper Berry essential oil can help activate your solar plexus chakra by increasing circulation through your body and organs, and by freeing up restricted energy. This light and refreshing oil can also restore emotional balance, promoting feelings of love and peace while also strengthening your sense of self-worth and confidence.
Black Pepper:
Although Black Pepper is not as well known of an essential oil, it is excellent for restoring balance to your solar plexus chakra. This spicy, slightly sweet-smelling oil has a warming effect that can help you feel more relaxed and mindful of yourself. Black Pepper essential oil also stimulates your mind, giving you that motivation to take control and get things done.
Grapefruit essential oil is great for maintaining a balanced solar plexus chakra by supporting proper digestion and helping to regulate your appetite. Grapefruit’s light, fresh, and fruity aroma also stimulates more energy and reduces feelings of stress, moodiness, irritability, or a lack of self-confidence.
This woody and spicy-smelling oil is great for supporting and promoting feelings of compassion, hope, and love. Spikenard oil can help you release any fear of the unknown, thus helping you have greater willpower and motivation to act, and the courage to take action.
Other oils to balance the Solar Plexus chakra:
Manipura, is the center of our willpower, self-esteem, and energy of transformation. Located about six inches above your belly button within your diaphragm, the solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow and the element of fire.
This chakra is responsible for regulating the energy associated with action, intention, identity, and vitality.
When you have a clear, strong and harmonious solar plexus chakra, you will firstly feel confident in yourself. You will no longer struggle with self-doubt or aggressive egotism, but instead, you'll feel comfortable in your own skin and you'll trust in your abilities. You'll come to understand that you have the power of choice, i.e. the power to choose your mindset, and therefore how you approach life and other people.
Not only will you feel more self-assured, but you will also have the energy and willpower needed to create healthy boundaries. You will no longer lapse into explosive or self-minimizing roles around others, but instead, you'll stand your ground with respect for yourself and others. Your newly found energy will allow you to move out of lethargic and addictive patterns, and instead carry out your goals and dreams with enthusiasm. You will feel energized, focused, empowered, and in alignment with life.
The best way to tell whether you need to undergo solar plexus chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions, and physical sensations within your body.
Here are some signs to look out for:
You constantly feel fatigued and lazy
You have a problem with overeating and overindulgence
You tend to manipulate others to get what you want,
OR ...
You frequently feel powerless and weak
You tend to be a bully or overly dominating around others, OR ...
You feel insecure and unassertive
You lack self-confidence in most areas of life
You tend to seek approval from other people (i.e. you're a people-pleaser)
You have low self-esteem,
OR ...
You have an excessively inflated sense of sel
Essential Oils for Balancing the Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, near the navel. It is the center of passion and creativity, allowing you to discover what you truly enjoy and create intimate relationships. When using essential oils to balance your sacral chakra, choose oils that help inspire those feelings of creativity and passion.
4 essential oils for the sacral chakra:
Clary Sage:
Clary Sage essential oil offers a warm, slightly spicy and musky aroma that provides feelings of strength and relaxation. This can help replace emotionally charged reactions, or feelings of anxiety or insecurity that can arise from an imbalanced sacral chakra. Clary Sage also promotes clarity and inspiration, reducing confusion, and stimulating desire and passion in intimate relationships.
Cinnamon Bark:
The spicy scent of Cinnamon Bark oil is a great way to feel invigorated and stimulated. Such effects are great for diminishing feelings of sadness, timidness, or anxiety. Cinnamon Bark is also great for boosting libido, increasing not only your desire but also helping you to nourish and strengthen intimate relationships.
Ylang Ylang:
This floral oil is famous for its aphrodisiac properties. It can stimulate sexual energy while also calming any overactive emotions that may cause you to fear intimacy or passion. Ylang Ylang essential oils can also replace feelings of insecurity with those of self-love and confidence, as well as a joy for the simple things.
With a sweet, woody, and floral aroma, Rosewood oil provides a relaxing yet stimulating aroma. Rosewood oil is well-known as an aphrodisiac, but it can also help calm the mind, body, and emotions. This oil is great for relieving feelings of anxiety or stress and for helping you to be more in touch with your emotions; this can help you avoid being overly dramatic or having emotionally charged responses.
Other oils to balance the sacral chakra:
Swadisthana in Sanskrit. It is located about an inch and a half above the base of the spine. The nerves of the Swadisthana chakra operate on the reproductive system. The sacral chakra is one of the seven chakras, that store and distribute energy; the chakras also serve as the repositories of psychological or mental tendencies, habits, and desires, which descend from the subconscious mind.
The energy that emanates from the sacral chakra is grossly sensual. Outwardly, the chakra governs sexual activities including procreation and expansion of the species. Inwardly, it leads to creativity of all kinds, as well as openness and the ability to receive new ideas and divine inspiration.
The sacral chakra corresponds to the element of water. If one manifests the quality of flowing consciousness, then one can develop the positive and spiritual qualities of the Swadisthana chakra. For example, while flowing consciousness directed outward could lead one to attach oneself to myriad, ever-changing phenomena in the world, the same consciousness directed inward enables even-mindedness in the midst of change. The ability to flow with life's changes leads one to inner freedom.
Another aspect of the water element is true discrimination. Developing the second chakra can contribute to a feeling of fluidity with other people; one learns to recognize how actions bring about pain or love. Discrimination or discernment between right or wrong enables loving and respectful relationships.
But the development of the Swadisthana chakra must follow the grounding of oneself in the first or Muladhara chakra. Without the stability that the first chakra in the coccyx region provides, an overdeveloped second chakra leads to wishy-washy, irresolute, or hopelessly indecisive behavior. In order to settle down, one must develop the first two chakras in conjunction.
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The root chakra is located at the base of the tailbone. It draws its energy from the ground and your connection to the earth, and it relies on on your other chakras to function to its fullest capacity. A balanced root chakra helps you feel anchored to the world around you, providing you with a sense of security and stability. When using essential oils to balance your root chakra, it is important to select oils that will help you feel grounded and calm while also uplifting your mood.
4 essential oils for the root chakra:
This earthy and woodsy oil is great for easing feelings of restlessness, frustration, or anxiety. These feelings can disrupt your ability to focus and be productive, but Vetiver can calm those feelings and an overactive root chakra.
As one of the oldest oils known to man, Myrrh is renowned for promoting feelings of peace and overall well-being. Myrrh oil is great for stimulating the brain, allowing you to enhance your feelings of purpose and your connection to your emotions. As a result, you can help turn negative feelings into positive ones, and move forward with the focus and energy you need.
This herbaceous and earthy oil provides an excellent grounding effect. Patchouli oil can help you experience feelings of peace, joy, and self-confidence, especially when you are facing difficult times. These benefits make Patchouli essential oil great at calming an overactive root chakra.
Your root chakra forms your connections between your physical body and the environment around you. Cedarwood oil makes you feel as if you are out in nature among the trees, which can help calm your environment and provide a grounding effect, especially after a hectic day. Using Cedarwood essential oil to balance your root chakra can bring feelings of calmness and confidence in your abilities.
Other oils to balance the root chakra:
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Mūlādhāra in Sanskrit.
The Root Chakra is the first of our energy centers and forms the basis and the starting point for our development.
The vital life force energy of Root Chakra begins at conception and continues with life force energy dividing the cells during Embryogenesis.
The spinal column begins to develop from the bottom (root chakra) moving to up (crown chakra), and then organs begin to develop.
The Root Chakra is associated with the first task we undertake after birth, and that is to determine "Do I belong here?" ...on this Earth and in this family system. It is not a conceptual question based on (thinking) cognition. It is instinctual.
Root chakra-Mülādhāra is the most instinctual of all chakras - it is your survival center. The primal energy of survival is fight, flight, or freeze response and is initiated from Root chakra energy.
This is your primal, animal nature of survival. This is the chakra that controls our animal nature and governed by the predominant survival sense of smell, then taste.
This is the very primitive sensing of the world that a newborn infant engages in, commonly called “rooting" as the baby, through its mouth and sense of smell, turns her/his head, 'rooting' around, and sensing her/his way to food.
Over time if this primal survival need is met, the infant will move directly to the object without searching and the
infant found his/her first primitive affirmation that he/ she does belong in this world and that survival will be
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Nowadays, some people use essential oils to open the mind, enhance spiritual connections, and invite inspiration.
They do so by inhaling an essential oil while meditating or through the application of diluted essential oils to the body (i.e., the crown of the head, base of the skull, or over the heart).
In another way, essential oils may indirectly improve spirituality by removing obstructions that hinder its full potential.
For example, negative emotions have the potential to harm spirituality. Essential oils release molecules into the air that interact with the nervous and endocrine systems and can affect hormones and neurotransmitters involved in mood, memory, emotions, and cognition.
Physical pain and discomfort can quickly lead to an overwhelming sensory and emotional experience that dulls the spirit. Indeed, spiritual pain—pain and distress caused by an inability to find sources of hope, meaning, love, and peace during life circumstances that conflict with deeply held beliefs—can be an incredibly disruptive pain in and of itself.
Inhalation of calming essential oils can reduce one’s response to pain and provide much-needed, soothing relief.
From a holistic perspective, it is impossible to affect one aspect of your health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) without influencing the other areas. Spirituality is a vital aspect of overall well-being that cannot be neglected for those who seek peak vitality. Essential oils may be what you need to take your holistic health to the next level.
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Chakras are energy centers in the body, and they are seven in number (root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra). These run the length of the spine, from the base to the crown chakra at the top of the head. They are inextricably tied to our mental, physical, and spiritual qualities, and when they become blocked or too ‘open,’ they may cause emotional blockages and/or appear as physical illness.
When a chakra is ‘blocked’ by being underactive (too closed) or hyperactive (too open), our whole being is out of balance, which may lead to disease and/or emotional barriers. This may be triggered by our surroundings, the people we are related to, our emotions, trauma, and other life events.
“The seven chakras form a profound formula for wholeness that integrates mind, body and spirit. From liberating our spirits to manifesting our dreams, the chakras are the very wheels that carry us through life”. Anodea Judith
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Jumping into the world
of essential oils can be overwhelming.
There are so many oils to choose from, so how do you know where to start?
To help you out, here are the most popular döTERRA oils to date.
These are dõTERRA family favourites both for their wide variety of uses and their beautiful aromas.
Is widely used to promote calm and relaxed feelings.
Adds a refreshing, minty taste to desserts, beverages and smoothies.
Has uplifting andenergising properties that promote a positive mood with its
invigorating aroma.
On Guard:
Has an array of properties and is
incredibly beneficial in DIY recipes.
Has a soothing sensation
and aroma that promotes feelings of a balanced mood.
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Moving Forward: Stopping the Cycle of Intergenerational Trauma
In order for families to heal, authentic conversations with support are vital. Moving forward in a way that is healthy for families is important to stop the cycle of intergenerational trauma.
Questions to consider when moving forward throughout the process are:
Who is a part of your family’s support system when dealing with stressors or life changes?
What strategies do your family use to heal after a challenging situation?
What does being healthy physically and emotionally mean for your family?
What stories or themes did you hear about your family growing up?
How have these stories or themes impacted you and your family?
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Some people ask, “Does essential oil purity really matter?” Or, “What happens if I use essential oils that aren’t pure?”
The answer is yes—essential oil purity matters. If you use an oil that has been adulterated, contaminated, or loaded with synthetic fillers, you will not receive the full natural benefit of the plant. And in some cases, low-quality oils can even be dangerous and pose serious threats to your health.
This is why doTERRA cares so deeply about essential oil purity. If you use an impure oil, it can be difficult to feel the benefits of the oil and can possibly put your health at risk. However, when you use pure, unadulterated essential oils, they’ll be more effective, and you can stay within the bounds of safe use.
This is why doTERRA works to create potent essential oils that are powerful enough to promote healthy looking skin, yet gentle enough to use on a daily basis. When used topically, essential oils can improve complexion and skin tone. They can also be used as part of a soothing massage.
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