Find your balance, find your growth potential, find your purpose, find your intuition, find your peace, find your drive, find your love 🤍💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
#gemenergetix #chakrahealing #crystals #crystalproducts #chakrabalancing #crystalhealing #balance #growthmindset #healing #chakras
This week we've been looking at all things Crown Chakra Cleanser. It's little wonder that many of us do not feel attuned to our life purpose in this complicated, matrix driven world! 🌍
The Crown Chakra Cleanser has 20 crystal frequencies in it, specially chosen to help attune to cosmic consciousness and life purpose, balance yin and yang, calm the mind and develop greater understanding and wisdom.
With the frequencies of beautiful white and clear stones such as Clear Quartz, Howlite and Selenite to help purify energetic 'gunk', the remedy helps quieten a scattered mind and attune to spiritual insight. Feeling at greater peace with the past, present and future can sometimes be a challenge, but this remedy helps the energetic body to move on from a fragmentation in these states 🙏
This remedy helps to balance out strong and difficult emotions such as rage, anxiety, bitterness, deep sadness and grief - sometimes we are trapped in cyclic themes that just don't help us but were manifested in the past ☯️
Sunny frequencies Citrine and Sunstone 🌞 also help to uplift, help optimism blossom and help attract what you positively need now to move forward with success in your life 🌺🌻
#gemenergetix #crystals #wellbeing #crystalhealingenergy
This week we have been looking at all things Sacral Chakra Cleanser! So I would love to share with you our fantastic crystal remedy the Sacral Chakra Cleanser for helping with sensuality, emotional balance and reaching aspirations 🌠
This remedy is carefully infused with 22 crystal frequencies to help cleanse, balance and activate the sacral chakra. The Sacral chakra's mantras are 'I trust my feelings and give them expression', 'I embrace my sexuality' and 'I live a pleasurable life'.
Life can feel brutal at times, and unconsciously we store difficult emotions in our tummy area. Excessive anger, anxiety, feelings of detachment and risk-taking behaviours are all linked to imbalances in this chakra. In order to help you process these difficulties, the frequencies of stones such as Bahia Agate, Carnelian, Orange Aventurine and Aragonite can all help you to take better care of yourself and help you to practice positive emotional expression. Feeling grounded and enjoyment of your experiences of the world around you are enhanced.
For those who need to heal from sexual trauma you may find these repressed difficulties can begin to unstick, allowing the traumatic experiences to be released and processed.
This remedy can also help those who struggle with a fear of happiness or enjoyment in life.
To find out more or shop for our incredible crystal healing remedies go to
#gemenergetix #crystals #crystalhealing #sacralchakra #sacral
This past week we've been looking at the Root Chakra. This fabulous chakra is essential for feeling stable, secure, belonging, and grounded to Earth and the enjoyment of all Earth has to offer. If you find yourself feeling your root chakra needs work, there's lots you can do to detox, balance and activate this chakra (image in comments) ❤
Transform Gem Energetix remedy
Today we are looking at the TRANSFORM remedy from the Crystal Combinations range - the #crystal remedy for helping you through times of change and transformation.
Packed to the brim with 20 crystal frequencies that will give you courage (Labradorite, Citrine, Brown Tiger's Eye) and help you manifest and help you solve difficulties (Botswana Agate).
When making changes we need to get balance between our spirit, mind, heart and earthly aspirations.
For a detailed guide on all of our ready-made remedies a FREE pdf. of our catalogue by emailing [email protected]
Paper copies are also available for £3.70 (includes postage, UK only).
Mental clarity remedy
Today we are looking at the 'Mental Clarity' remedy from the Crystal Combinations range - the #crystal remedy for helping to clear the and focus the mind.
With lots of blue stones, such as Blue Quartz, Blue Tiger's Eye, Blue Calcite and Blue Lace Agate, this remedy has the ability to calm a noisy mind. White/clear stones Selenite and Clear Quartz help focus the mind to help with concentration and intuitive vision. Use this remedy to help with important large work tasks or studying, or as an aid to meditation. Pyrite has also been included for its ability to inspire creativity within a range of disciplines, such as art, mathematics and science. Artists may choose to take this remedy with the Sacral Chakra Cleanser or the Throat Chakra Cleanser when working creatively.
Love remedy Gem Energetix
Today we are looking at the 'Love' remedy from the Crystal Combinations range - the #crystal remedy for helping to clear the energetic blockages of the heart and support you to attract love, experience true love to its fullest, have better relationships and help heal heartfelt trauma. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤💔
Head to to find out more about this wonderful remedy.
Energise remedy
Don't we all need a little lift from time to time? Today we are looking at the ENERGISE remedy from the Crystal Combinations range - the #crystal remedy for helping to clear the energetic blockages we have that lead to poor energy and a lack of motivation and confidence.
This sunny remedy has stones that help cleanse and restore the solar plexus and sacral chakras, such as Ametrine, Brown Tiger's Eye, Carnelian and Citrine. Whilst this remedy cannot treat medical conditions that cause fatigue, it works by harmonising the solar and sacral chakras and igniting the energetic body for more vigour, direction and optimism. Beautiful! Let your body and soul shine like the sun! ☀️
Communication Gem Energetix remedy
Don't we all need a little help expressing ourselves and communicating with others? Today we are looking at the COMMUNICATION remedy from the Crystal Combinations range - the #crystal remedy for helping with communicating our truth, expressing ourselves, engaging others during public speaking, and having the patience and tolerance to communicate with others and hear their truth 🌠
Calm crystal frequency remedies
It's so easy to get stressed in today's world. This week we are looking at the CALM remedy from the Crystal Combinations range - our super #crystal remedy for helping with relaxing and calming a scattered and anxious mind 🌠
To find out more about the Calm remedy:
If you would like a FREE pdf. of our catalogue (which is a guide to all our remedies) email [email protected] to request one. Paper copies are also available to UK customers for £3.70 (includes postage).
#crystals #crystalhealingenergy #crystalhealing
Bespoke Gem Energetix
All about our #Bespoke remedy service. For more info email us at [email protected]
#crystals #crystalhealing
Gem Energetix
#gemenergetix #crystalhealing #crystals #chakras #norwich
Spring checklist
Spring clean!
#chakrackeanse #gemenergetix #spring #crystals #crystalhealing
🌷 We are hope you are enjoying the #Spring air and the optimism of this beautiful new year! Time to clear away the cobwebs...
We all collect energetic imprints and injuries. Why not detox your chakras with our seven chakra cleansers?
#detoxchakras #cleanserchakras #chakras
Gem Energetix new official seller
We are so blessed and privileged that Ava has become an official seller of our beautiful crystal remedies. Ava is a tarot reader, who has studied astrology, who is making her mark right now! Her twitter following is over 100K and it's not hard to see why her followers are growing so quickly! Her intuitive gifts and wisdom exceeds her age of sweet 21. She is genuinely an old soul with youth on her side. This girl is going far with her life by helping others to heal and transform with the power of her insight. Her messages spread hope with teaching of divine understanding. Ava works personally with crystals and has been using Gem Energetix products for quite some time now.
Find her @moonsoultarot on twitter so you can experience her amazing FREE readings yourself and find out more about Gem Energetix remedies.
GEM ENERGETIX the home of crystal remedies 🙏🏽💙💫💧💎