Ive been a massage therapist for 11 years. Ive observed with repeat clients that open up about their lives, their pain, their struggles, their desires, an incredible phenomenon. Those who are willing to look to the future and allow themselves to want more than what they currently or previously have experienced in their lives will experience miracles. A client who talks about his wife's miscarriage and their fears of missing out on the experience of parenthood, told me a few months later they were expecting and its going really well. A client who wasn't satisfied in her job and was looking at moving but didn't have direction also spoke on how much she loved to visit her family out west. She called me a couple weeks later esctatic that her and her partner both got amazing job offers and are buying a home in her hometown. A client who was applying for a dream job was thrilled to tell me he got it but then wasn't satisfied with the pay. next time i saw him he had been bumped into a better position with better pay.
I am so lucky to witness so many amazing humans' journeys. I have prayed for each of these peoples success. I add them to my list of desires. At christmas I had a "Dear Santa" list I secretly added clients wishes to.
Florence Scovel Shinn wrote "A keen observer of life once said, "no man can fail, if some one person sees him successful. Such is the power of the vision, and many a great man owed his success to a wife, or sister, or a friend who "believed in him" and held without wavering to the perfect pattern."
We all have resistance to our own dreams and desires. Fears and doubts. Do your part to believe in yourself but also tell someone who can carry that torch of faith for you without resistance. Someone who doesn't necessarily have an entangled history with you and their own fears. Tell your massage therapist, hair stylist, teacher, coach, your dog, your church, your online community. Someone who can hold the vision.
Ultimately, what I am wishing to relay today, is allow yourself to want more out of life. And align yourself with your desires. Be your own best friend, your cheerleader, your unconditional love. And get ready to gush with excitement as your dreams come true.