Soul Retreats with Renata Ash

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Soul Retreats with Renata Ash Renata is a soul coach and teacher of feminine wisdom. Renata has been immersed in the work with the Divine Feminine for many years. Sabai means blessing.

Using ceremony, myth, storytelling, song, drumming and her own life experiences as a woman, wife, mother and priestess, she helps others find healing and empowerment on their Sacred Path. Her spirit name Blue Star Woman was given to her by Golden Eagle and in 2003 the late Wallace Black Elk, medicine man of the Lakota people, adopted her as his spiritual granddaughter. However, her deep connection

to the Divine Mother was revealed to her in a channeling some 15 years ago when she was told that she was the hands and eyes of Quan Yin, the Buddhist Goddess of Compassion. She was instructed to pass on the blessings of Quan Yin to all the people whom she met on her path and through her work. A few years later her husband’s brother David Ash brought back a sacred shawl from his travels through Thailand. This shawl - called a Sabai - and sown by hand in prayer in an ancient temple was dedicated to Quan Yin. David spontaneously decided to gift Renata with this sacred cloth and in doing so started Renata’s work as a priestess of Quan Yin. Some years later she was given the name Renata Dea as a sign of her deep connection to the Divine Mother. Renata gently guides people into their own connection with the divine-feminine energy. Her clarity, sensitivity and uncompromising desire to serve the Feminine Divine allow her to open people’s hearts to the loving presence of the Great Mother as a safe haven in a world full of change and challenge. Weaving ancient myth into modern day living she finds unique ways to help people towards an understanding of the mysterious powers and energy currents that underlie each human life. Renata’s teachings come from her own life experiences as a woman, wife, mother and priestess who has passed through the cycles of womanhood and taken on the mantle of the Wise Woman/Crone to share her wisdom and experience with other people on the Sacred Path. Renata is the creator of the GOLDEN LIGHT PROJECT, an online program for healing and personal growth. Since 2003 she has been running transformation workshops and Sacred Journeys and Retreats to very special places of power in England, Scotland and Ireland to connect people through ritual and ceremony with the deeply healing energy of the Feminine Divine which has been present at these sacred temples since time immemorial.

Yesterday my beloved Steven turned 70. After his brush with death last autumn we celebrated this special day with as muc...

Yesterday my beloved Steven turned 70.
After his brush with death last autumn we celebrated this special day with as much beauty, fun and love as possible.
When you've nearly lost the one person you love most in the world, appreciating and celebrating each day, each moment together takes on a new urgency, a depth that wasn't there before.
We both are infinitely grateful for the wake-up call and the richness, beauty and deep love and appreciation that now fills our days. It is the experience of the finite nature of our lives that makes each moment alive the most precious gift there is.
Steven's birthday present was to make a dream he'd held for over 40 years come true - to record his music with children singing with him. Here's the link for you to enjoy:

Does your heart need healing?Well, Steven's heart needed lots of healing after he suffered a near fatal heart attack in the autumn of 2020 and it was grace w...

A PRAYER TO THE DIVINE MOTHERO Divine Mother,In this extreme danger,when we and all sentient beingsand nature,herself,Yo...


O Divine Mother,
In this extreme danger,
when we and all sentient beings
and nature,
Your glorious body,
face unprecedented misery and destruction,
inaugurate in fierceness and tenderness
the splendor of
Your Age of Passionate Enlightenment.
Bring us into the fire of Your sacred passion for reality,
rejoin the severed mandala of our being,
infuse our bodies, our hearts, our souls, our minds,
with the calm and focused truth of Your highest illumination
that brings each of those things into mutual harmony.
Engender in the ground of all of our beings
the sacred marriage,
that union between masculine and feminine
from which in each of us the Divine Child is born,
that Child that is flesh of Your flesh,
heart of Your heart,
light of Your light,
That Child that is free from all dogma,
free from all shame,
free from all false divisions
between holy and unholy,
sacred and profane,
free to burn out in love,
free to play in love free to serve in love,
as love
for love
In the heart of Your burning ground of life,
Teach us, O Divine Mother, directly
at every moment in this hour of apocalypse
the appropriate action that heals
and preserves
and redeems
and transforms.

~ Andrew Harvey

We do not become healers.We came as healers. We are.Some of us are still catching up to what we are.We do not become sto...

We do not become healers.
We came as healers. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become storytellers.
We came as the carriers of the stories we and our ancestors
actually lived. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become artists. We came as artists.
We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become writers...dancers...musicians...helpers...
We came as such. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not learn to love in this sense.
We came as Love. We are Love.
Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.

~Clarissa Pinkola Estes~

Dear Friends,In order to stay connected with you during this time of lockdown and separation we are offering a series of...

Dear Friends,
In order to stay connected with you during this time of lockdown and separation we are offering a series of 3 Zoom workshops, all on subjects that can be used with great success by people from all walks of life.
You don't need to be deeply into shamanism or sound healing in order to benefit from the techniques and ideas that we will share with you. They are simply a way to make everyday life easier and bring clarity and a sense of ease and wellbeing into your every day lives.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Much love,

Buy tickets for SMUDGING - The Art of using Sacred Smoke to clear Past, Present and Future with Renata and Steven Ash at Zoom, Wed 20 May 2020 - When we waft the sweet smoke of certain plants through the space where we live or work, around ourselves and each other before a ceremony, a clarity is est...

Ancient wisdom to support you through these challenging times...shared with love from our hearts 💜

Ancient wisdom to support you through these challenging times...shared with love from our hearts 💜

At this strange and challenging time we want to offer you wisdom and tools from ancient teachings that will support you in finding meaning and acceptance eve...


Grandmother Flordemayo is my teacher - please listen to her wisdom coming from a heart filled with love and the deepest of prayers. May her words touch your heart and your soul.
Blessed be.

Einstein said that we cannot solve problems on the level they were created at. In dealing with any problems in our lives...

Einstein said that we cannot solve problems on the level they were created at. In dealing with any problems in our lives we need to take them to the highest possible level (the level of Spirit) and begin our work of unravelling and healing from there - from the inside out. The true solution to this pandemic will be found on this highest vibrational level too.
Blessed be.

"Containment is the first practice in any kind of pandemic. But I want to look at this pandemic, that is sweeping through the world today, from the point of view of the Shaman - from Mother Earth - and how we can be of service for the solution. From the four levels of creation, here's how to tackle this head on.

Level of Serpent - the body - take vitamin C & D daily. If you show symptoms, start taking 1 gram hourly to assist the illness to move through you faster. You will begin to eliminate it if you are taking too much. Take a good probiotic - remember to open capsules into warm water 5-10 minutes before ingesting. (This is assuming you are in good health - consult your doctor for medical issues)

Level of Jaguar - the mind & emotions - find out who you need to forgive, beginning with yourself. Take this time to say "I love you" and "Please, forgive me" to the people in your life. The less emotional baggage you carry, the better your immune system works.

Level of hummingbird - the soul - commit yourself to a sacred journey. See the shifts you can make in the world by being a source of light to yourself and to others. We recommend you talk to your probiotics and let them know you're part of the solution. Remember the mind of Gaia is bacterial, speaking to your probiotics will assist them on working on your behalf. Recommit yourself as an Earthkeeper; become part of the solution.

Level of eagle - Spirit - upgrade the quality of your luminous energy field through releasing the toxins. The anger, the judgments, the envy, the greed. Take some time and open up to nature. Sit outside and listen. Journal to identify the toxicity in your life and do a little ceremony to release it. Have a little fire ceremony and blow your emotions into a stick and burn the stick. Or blow the emotion into a stone and give it back to Mother Earth to transmute.

We wish you an inspired and healthy time ahead. Take care of yourself and your loved ones."~

~Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds Society

If you feel helpless, anxious and worried, then let this music be a healing balm to calm your mind, heal your heart and ...

If you feel helpless, anxious and worried, then let this music be a healing balm to calm your mind, heal your heart and bring peace to your soul.
We recorded this song in 1995 but it is as healing and uplifting today as it was then.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Legend has it that the spirit of the once and future King Arthur rests at this spectacular stretch of coast under the highest cliff in Cornwall. As your eye ...


Listen to where the sea 2014-12 by Renata on

Your heart is a seed,Replete with everything you need to blossom.The lies that you have been told about who you are,Your...

Your heart is a seed,
Replete with everything you need to blossom.

The lies that you have been told about who you are,
Your not-enoughness,
Who you can become...
Are only dust, blown away in your growing awareness.

All your heart seed needs is deep nourishment:
The waters of your emotions to flow through unimpeded,
The light of your courage
to pe*****te and warm the darkness,
The loving reflection from your sisters.

Shake off the tendrils of doubt!
Allow your creativity to root inside your belly,
So that your stems and petals
can reach all the way up to expansive blue.

Let the world see your colors,
magnificent and uniquely you,
So that the colibri and mariposa can feed their spirits
from your nectar.

Let your mind become a vessel
for the blooming of your soul,
And the fragrance of the wild will heal you.

~ Grandmother Flordemayo ~

When I feel disheartened or worried, I go into my garden and really put my attention on everything that I can see and he...

When I feel disheartened or worried, I go into my garden and really put my attention on everything that I can see and hear - the trees, the flowers, the grass, the joyful song of the birds, the humming of the bees, the beauty and perfection all around me.

And I realise that the tree doesn't worry about tomorrow, the flower is not concerned whether she will still bloom the next day, the bees and butterflies flutter from blossom to blossom without a care in the world and the birds can't help but share their joy with anyone who cares to listen to their song.

The abundance of life itself reminds me to come back to the present moment and trust that my needs too are taken care of by a power far greater than my little mind can ever perceive.

And in that moment my body relaxes, the breath, that I didn't know I was holding, returns to flowing in and out of me in a steady, gentle rhythm and I am back in my heart with gratitude for all the goodness that I already enjoy in my life.

I just couldn't see it because worry and fear had hidden it behind that dark veil of despair that clouds our vision when we choose fear over love.

Why do we need soul retreats?Deep down we all long to find the way to our true Self, that place of safety and peace that...

Why do we need soul retreats?

Deep down we all long to find the way to our true Self, that place of safety and peace that we know exists, but have forgotten how to get there.

Returning to places of ancient power, walking on paths that have been trodden by thousands of pilgrims since time immemorial, accompanied and guided in ceremony by people sensitive to our needs, we are offered this most precious gift of all - to reconnect with our soul so we can find the answers to our questions, the healing we need and the love and courage that help us to get through even the most difficult of times.

"Such a wonderful journey into the mystical land in the west of the British Isles with deeply touching and meaningful ceremonies during which I was able to release so many old patterns and limitations. During this week I was finally able to find my way back to myself and understand who I am and what I really need." (Conni, CH)

This song is dedicated to my friend Rita, who left this world for the summer lands a few days ago. She was my soul siste...

This song is dedicated to my friend Rita, who left this world for the summer lands a few days ago. She was my soul sister - a beautiful, warm hearted, loving and kind human being who brought so much radiance and joy into people's lives.
May her soul be blessed as she travels into the light 🌺

Irish Blessing May the road rise up to greet you May the sun be always at your back May the rain fall soft upon your face Until we meet again May the Goddess hold you In the hollow of her hand. This

I had my own wonderful soul retreat yesterday visiting my old friends, the giant yew trees at Newlands Corner in Surrey,...

I had my own wonderful soul retreat yesterday visiting my old friends, the giant yew trees at Newlands Corner in Surrey, UK! I hadn't seen them for over 15 years and yet the welcome I received as I entered the grove brought tears of happiness to my eyes. I truly felt like coming home....

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?~ Mary Oliver ~

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
~ Mary Oliver ~

There comes a time when we have to jump over our shadow, push aside our fears and trust in the voice of our heart to lea...

There comes a time when we have to jump over our shadow, push aside our fears and trust in the voice of our heart to lead us where we must go to heal, to grow and to live life to the fullest.

This is what Soul Retreats is all about - easing you out of the paralysis of your comfort zone and taking away the blinkers that keep you from seeing all of your talents, your gifts, your courage and your invincible strength that will see you through anything life throws at you.

Want to travel with us?

A heartfelt thank you to you all who liked my page - 200 likes already! I am so thrilled that you took the time to encou...

A heartfelt thank you to you all who liked my page - 200 likes already! I am so thrilled that you took the time to encourage me in my new venture! I'll do my best to keep you entertained, inspired and reaching higher than you've ever done before!
Individually and collectively we are embarking on one heck of a ride and our souls are smiling! 😃😉🥰

"A person needs at intervals to separate from family and companions and go to new places.One must go without familiars i...

"A person needs at intervals to separate from family and companions and go to new places.
One must go without familiars in order to be open to influences, to change. If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, then your life will be safe, expedient and thin."

~ Katherine Butler Hathaway~

My Imbolc altar....What seeds did you sow today for the year ahead?

My Imbolc altar....
What seeds did you sow today for the year ahead?

Ceremony and ritual are powerful catalysts to move you towards your soul path.One of the turning points on my personal g...

Ceremony and ritual are powerful catalysts to move you towards your soul path.
One of the turning points on my personal growth journey happened 3 years ago when I decided to celebrate my transition into the realm of the wise woman, the crone, in a beautiful ceremony.
I knew then that life wasn’t going to continue in the same way it had for some 60+ years; I could feel the changes coming towards me on the breeze that blew over me on that beautiful summer day and whispered of the new beginnings that would see me through the third and final act of my life.
That was the moment SOUL RETREATS was born - I just didn't know it at the time.
What are the turning points in your life? Do you remember when you first felt that your life was going to change in a momentous way? Were you excited or fearful - or perhaps both?

🌱Imbolc is the first festival in the Celtic wheel of the year. It is dedicated to new beginnings, the goddess Brigid and...

🌱Imbolc is the first festival in the Celtic wheel of the year. It is dedicated to new beginnings, the goddess Brigid and the element of fire.

In a world that is dominated by computers, electronics and IT, the conscious connection to the forever turning wheel of the seasons safely roots us into the earth and the beauty and power of her nature as well as into the core of our own being. In all ancient shamanic traditions this process of Earthing is regarded as absolutely vital to life. It is only in our modern world that we seem to have largely forgotten about its importance.

Take time today to think about what you would like to sow and harvest this year. Bless the new beginnings and fill the months ahead with positive intentions.

Each year, each day, even each hour can be a new beginning if we want it to be so. There is no law that states that our past has to determine the future that is lying before us like a virgin canvas. Our future is in our hands - and in the conscious choice of the thoughts we think.

🌱 Imbolc ist das erste Fest im keltischen Jahreskreis. Es ist dem Neubeginn, der Göttin Brigid und dem Element Feuer gewidmet.

In einer Welt, die von Computern und IT dominiert wird, bringt uns die bewusste Anbindung an das sich beständig erneuernde Rad der Jahreszeiten wieder mit der Erde, der Natur und unserem eigenen Urgrund in Verbindung. In allen alten schamanischen Traditionen wird diese Verbindung als lebensnotwendig gesehen - in unserer modernen Welt scheint sie leider zu einem grossen Teil verlorengegangen zu sein.

Nimm dir heute die Zeit, darüber nachzudenken, was du in diesem Jahr säen und ernten möchtest. Segne den Neubeginn, und erfülle die Monate, die vor dir liegen, mit positiver Absicht.

Jedes Jahr, jeder Tag, ja sogar jede Stunde kann ein Neubeginn sein, wenn wir es wollen. Es gibt kein Gesetz, das besagt, dass unsere Vergangenheit die Zukunft bestimmen muss, die wie eine unberührte, jungfräuliche Leinwand vor uns liegt. Wie unsere Zukunft sich entfaltet, liegt in unserer Hand - und in der bewussten Wahl unserer Gedanken.

🌄Dear friends and soul family, tomorrow is Imbolc - the start of a new growth cycle - and it’s the day I have chosento l...

🌄Dear friends and soul family, tomorrow is Imbolc - the start of a new growth cycle - and it’s the day I have chosen
to launch my new identity on FB and in my work.🌷
It has been a huge decision to make this step and not one that was taken lightly. But I HAD to do it. Why - you can find out here:

🌅Liebe Freunde, liebe Soul Family, morgen feiern wir Imbolc - den Beginn eines neuen Wachstumszyklus. Ich habe gerade deshalb diesen Tag gewählt, um meine neue Identität auf FB und in meiner Arbeit nach Außen zu tragen.🌷
Diese Entscheidung war ein großer Schritt für mich und Ihr könnt mir glauben, ich habe sie nicht auf die leichte Schulter genommen. Warum ich mich dazu entschieden habe - könnt ihr hier weiter lesen:




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