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FlexiPro - James Flexipro关节王


这次的优惠太给力了 ☺️💯


#关节痛 #不做短期缓痛 #只做长期解决 #修复再生强化 #保护骨关节 #膝盖 #疼痛



过后就吃LiveON,吃2个月脚就不会痛上下楼梯也没问题,而且睡眠品质提高了,整个人精神有力,睡眠变好了 ☺️

膝盖最喜欢的3个动作!膝盖疼必看!!打球、健身动不动就膝盖疼 😢今天教大家3个膝盖最喜欢的动作 🦵每天坚持做帮你远离膝盖疼痛!!☺️膝盖痛的小伙伴赶快点赞收藏吧!💯 #膝盖痛  #关节  #风湿关节痛  #关节炎  #关节健康每一天  #关...


打球、健身动不动就膝盖疼 😢
今天教大家3个膝盖最喜欢的动作 🦵


#膝盖痛 #关节 #风湿关节痛 #关节炎 #关节健康每一天 #关节护理专家 #尿酸 #通风



随着不规律和不健康的生活习惯 (坐姿势,玩手机,肌肉僵硬,操劳过度,睡眠不足,肥胖, 等等)


而FlexiPro MoveOn是全面的治疗帮助我们从根本解决我们的关节问题,不单单只是深度消炎,而且还帮助软骨再生最后强化来帮助我们解决我们的关节疼痛问题✅

【现在走路的时候,膝盖会痛吗?】⚠️痛了很久,看了很多医生还是一样痛‼️那么从现在开始, 不需要再担心关节问题了!现在的医学和保健领域真的突飞猛进!把以前看起来是不治之症的病放到现在都是一件非常容易解决的事情来的💯尤其是40岁至70岁,关节...

那么从现在开始, 不需要再担心关节问题了!

🌟特别印象深刻的一位顾客 - 梅姐☺️
她目前67岁,面对膝盖关节痛已经有11年了!一直以来都有看医生吃药,吃药吃不好后医生建议注射💉骨油!一开始真的觉得有效,觉得关节那里舒缓了但是过一两个月后关节又开始痛了😱 走路都需要靠拐杖🩼支撑,蹲下、上下楼梯都痛!而且每走一步路都有“咔咔”声!

然后她就在 Facebook 看到 FlexiPro 广告询问了解后,再和女儿商量。第二天就购买 FlexiPro 来服用☺️ 服用 FlexiPro 2个星期后,关节非常明显的感觉不痛了!而且到目前为止,她只服用了一个疗程 FlexiPro 来完全改善超过11年的膝盖关节痛哦‼️ 过后她到现在没有,也不需要再服用 FlexiPro 了🎉 真的替她开心!

每天只需服用1包 FlexiPro 来改善/强化关节🥰

90%以上的人都有个错误观念就是认为保护关节是要 补充钙质,但是补充了钙质过后关节问题都没有好转。那是因为钙质需要胶原蛋白来粘住!粘进去关节骨头里才会有效的!💯
FlexiPro 全天然无副作用💖


赶快 【Send Message】 给我们吧!



他们之前都是跟你一样面对着膝盖关节疼痛问题的,也是try了很多不一样的偏方疗法,但是都不works只是短暂止痛而已 ❌

但是当他们长试了FlexiPro 过后都在7-14天得到了改善,在完成治疗后也完全没有疼痛的问题了👍

那么如果你们现在有面对着关节疼痛问题的话一定要联系我了解更多哦 ☺️

Are you also facing joint pain?

They were all facing knee joint pain problems like you before, and tried many different folk remedies, but none of them worked, just short-term pain relief ❌

But when they tried FlexiPro for a long time, they all improved within 7-14 days, and there was no pain problem at all after finishing the treatment✅👍

So if you are facing joint pain problems, please contact me for more information ☺️

#关节痛 #膝盖痛 #卡卡声 #脚痛


年轻的时候运动时候弄断韧带(ACL), 跑步,上楼梯,下楼梯都有问题,老了过后到左脚有问题,晚上睡觉的时候脚会抽动,脚膝盖被针刺那样,非常难受 😫

1987年受伤过后前前后后开了7次,过后就尝试MoveOn,他在7天就感觉到真的有帮助到疼痛减少,两个脚轻松了很多,之前开刀都不能解决的问题MoveOn帮他解决了,甚至可以轻松完成设定的运动量,对喜欢运动的他真的是很大满足 🥰

When I was young, I broke my ligament (ACL) during sports. I had problems running, going up stairs, and going down stairs. After I got old, I had problems with my left foot. When I slept at night, my feet would twitch, and my knees were pricked by needles. It was very uncomfortable 😫

In 1987, after being injured, he was surgery 7 times back and forth. After that, he tried MoveOn. In 7 days, he felt that it was really helpful, the pain was reduced, and his feet were much easier. MoveOn helped him solve the problem that surgery could not solve before. Yes, he can even easily complete the set amount of exercise, which is really satisfying for him who likes to exercise🥰




的却,这些治疗确实对她的膝盖有帮助,但是只有暂时的效果和不舒服的感觉(疼痛和僵硬)会一次又一次地出现,所以她决定尝试 MoveOn,在短短 7-14 天内,她就看到膝盖有了很大的改善,睡觉的时候晚上不会突然间痛然后醒来,MoveOn正在的帮助达到长期强化的效果,而不是短暂止痛👍

Agnes have knee injury problem, she do try Acupuncture, Chinese bone setting medication and physiotherapy ✅

And yes the treatment do help with her knee, but temporary effect and the uncomfortable feelings (pain & stiffness) comes back again and again, so she decided to try MoveOn and she see great improvement on her knee in just 7-14 days 👍


50岁以上就有高达5️⃣0️⃣%的人群患有 #骨关节炎 ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
让他们去哪里都能ON 👌🏻

My joints hurt, I don’t want to go anywhere⁉️
According to the survey, our joints will begin to degenerate at the age of 30,
Up to 5️⃣0️⃣% of the population over the age of 50 suffers from ,
And 9️⃣0️⃣% of people over 65 years old suffer from this disease!
Degenerative bone joints not only make the elderly feel sore,
Let their vitality drop even more!
As children, you will feel very distressed when you see it! 😭
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why not let 【MOVEON】be the "knee" of their degenerative joints✨
Effectively help repair, regenerate and strengthen joint tissue,
Reduce symptoms of joint inflammation!
No need to boil, no need to cook, just tear open and drink directly!
Guarding joints is that simple
1️⃣day 1️⃣pack【MOVEON Flexible Drink】
No longer let joint pain limit the freedom of your parents!
Let them be ON wherever they go 👌🏻



让你修复 → 再生 → 强化 → 一步到位!🙌

MOVEON Flexibility Drink is definitely not an ordinary product! It combines three major patented ingredients from renowned brands. Moreover, it is backed by national recognition and protected by proprietary technology based on public disclosure. 🙂

These ingredients, through unique and efficient patented technology, are extracted from high-quality raw materials, ensuring the highest level of activity and nutritional value. Multiple experiments have demonstrated their efficacy! 🎊

Let's explore how amazing MOVEON together! 🦵

It helps you repair, regenerate, strengthen, and achieve results in one step! 🙌

Want to stay active as you age? You must take good care of your joints! 👊



吴柳莹【2016 Olympic混双亚军】不只是保护自己的膝盖但是非常孝顺 😍

让我们一起不单单只为自己,也一起为 #父母 的骨关节健康保驾护航!💕☺️
🥶 这不仅会影响他们的行动能力,


Goh Liu Ying 吴柳莹 isn't protecting her joint by herself only, she takes care of her parents too ! 😍

Joint care is not an individual works, it is a family responsibility. We as a children, must protect our parents joint pain, so that they are able to spend more time with us travelling around 😊


羽坛女将 Goh Liu Ying 吴柳莹 在运动生涯里,
直到遇见了Flexipro MoveOn,

让你修复 ➡️ 再生 ➡️ 强化 ➡️ 一步到位!

2016 Badminton mix double champion Goh Liu Ying, through her fearless struggle and perseverance in the face of failure in her sporting career, has carved out a path to success in the badminton world. 💪🏻 However, her efforts have not only been in the form of sweat 🏸, but over the years, she has also suffered from joint injuries due to sports. It wasn't until she discovered Flexipro MoveON and started taking it for a period of time that she felt her joints became more vibrant!
✨MOVEON Flexibility Drink possesses five major benefits:
✅ Helps protect cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
✅ Alleviates joint pain and stiffness.
✅ Helps increase bone density and strengthen bones.
✅ Restores comfort, mobility, and flexibility to joints.
✅ Promotes the repair of bones and joints after exercise.
With MOVEON, you can repair ➡️ regenerate ➡️ strengthen ➡️ all in one step!
To maintain joint health, Goh Liu Ying chooses MOVEON!
So, why aren't you taking good care of your own joints? ☺️



Goh Liu Ying 吴柳莹 (2016年Olympic羽毛球混双亚军)受伤的关节不再疼痛,而且膝盖骨关节变得更有活力了!


让你修复 ➡️ 再生 ➡️ 强化 ➡️ 一步到位!

What is it like to be in a life of an Olympic athlete ?
Do you know that has been the number 1 killer towards all athlete?
Having a bad joint pain can easily ruin an athlete's career path ! This is why precautions is so important in their life ! 😍
Let's see how Goh Liu Ying 吴柳莹works towards in protecting her joint 😊


🍀绿绿粽叶包吉祥,欢欢喜喜过端午;☺长长丝线绑健康,无病无灾身体棒;🥟甜甜粽馅溢飘香,幸福生活万年长;🥳端午祝福来送上,愿您平安又舒畅!🍀'The green leaves of dumplings wrap up luck, enjoy ...


🍀'The green leaves of dumplings wrap up luck, enjoy the time of Dragon Boat Fest;

☺The long silk thread holds in health, no ills no shocks for a body of strength;

🥟The fragrance of sweet dumplings airily floats, have a happy life many years long;

🥳Duanwu blessings are offered up, wishing you peace and ease!


👉 天天都会出现在我们的餐桌上,
其中包括来自📍西班牙 Ovoment 的蛋壳膜粉末,
让Wellous的饮食治疗师 Ginnie 为你分享有关MOVEON的详细资讯吧!🤩

Poached eggs 🍳, egg rolls 🥚, scrambled eggs with onions, etc.,
Any food related to eggs 🍽,
👉 will appear on our table every day,
Maybe you will know that eggs have high nutritional value,
But maybe you don't know,
For a 0.07 mm eggshell membrane,
In fact, it is beneficial to the health of bones and joints! 😲
🥚Eggshell membrane looks ordinary,
But it's actually a potent natural supplement,
Can help joint repair!
If you often feel joint pain, 🏃🏼
Then 💚MOVEON will be your ideal choice!
MOVEON combines three international patented ingredients,
These include eggshell membrane powder from 📍Ovoment, Spain,
Can help you restore body function, relieve pain,
And improve your quality of life. 👍🏻
So, don't underestimate the eggshell membrane,
Let MOVEON be your good helper to keep your bones healthy!
Want to learn more? Then click on the video,
Let Ginnie, Wellous' diet therapist, share the details about MOVEON with you! 🤩



💚 MOVEON是送礼给父母的第一选择!
是第一个拥有 ☀️ 3大国际专利成分的骨关节配方!
当中就包括了来自❣️ 西班牙的Ovomet 蛋壳膜粉,
❣️ 美国的UC-II 二型胶原蛋白以及 ❣️ 日本的Bonepep蛋黄多肽,
达到修复 ,再生与强化的效果!

The simplest wish cannot be fulfilled,
Bone and joint problems have become the biggest obstacle! 🥲
Do the elders in the family also encounter this problem?
Coming Parents' Day,
💚 MOVEON is the first choice for gifting to parents!
It is the first bone and joint formula with ☀️ 3 major international patented ingredients!
It includes Ovomet eggshell membrane powder from ❣️ Spain,
❣️ American UC-II type II collagen and ❣️ Japanese Bonepep egg yolk polypeptide,
Achieve the effect of repair, regeneration and strengthening!
Flexible bones and joints, parents can also have fun
Buy a health for your parents now! 😍





让你修复 → 再生 → 强化 → 一步到位!🙌

MOVEON flexible drink is by no means a "little generation"!

It is a combination of 3 famous brand patent ingredients!
Moreover, it is a proprietary technology recognized by the state and legally protected on an open basis. 🙂
These ingredients👉🏻Through unique and efficient patented technology,
Nutrients are extracted from high-quality raw materials,
And ensure to maintain its 💯highest activity, and nutritional value, etc.
It contains a number of experiments to prove its efficacy! 🎊
Let’s understand how powerful MOVEON is~🙃
Allows you to repair → regenerate → strengthen → in one step! 🙌
Want to "go" to old age?
Joints must be protected! 👊

点击👉🏻 linktr.ee/wellousofficial ,了解更多!


Top 10 Hiking you should Avoid to protect from joint injuries 🦵👍✅                                                       ...

Top 10 Hiking you should Avoid to protect from joint injuries 🦵👍✅


When our starts to grow older, they tends to suffer from severe 😪😪
⚠As youngster, we know that is not the best solution when it comes to treat joint pain ⛔
So what can we do in order to help with our parents ?🍀

Studies show that 1.2million of is suffering from sever joint pain & arthritis ❗
Joint pain can be caused by a lot of factors including , and many more ⛔

⚠And if you are thinking about taking , this is a very wrong decision, as painkiller only helps for temporary relief, it doesn't target the root cause of your joint pain ❗❗
✨✨What we have to do right now is to replenish the synovial fluid between our joint area, so that the effect can last long, for us to have the ability to move around !

Start the right now, by taking FlexiPro joint beverage, with just 1 sachet every day after your meal, you will then have a stronger and healthier joint ! 🍀🍀

🌟Approved by and recognized as a food product supplement
🌟100% made from natural ingredients
🌟No side effects
🌟Target the root cause effectively

FlexiPro is seeking for long term solution not just temporary relief 💯
PM us now !
We are providing FREE shipping for the first 50 customers


My is getting more and more serious !
Doctor advise me to go for , what should I do ?

I wanted to stop taking but I can't find any alternative ! Can someone introduce me a good supplement to help with my joint pain ?

Studies show that 1.2million of is suffering from sever joint pain & arthritis ❗

Joint pain can be caused by a lot of factors including , and many more ⛔
⚠And if you are thinking about taking , this is a very wrong decision, as painkiller only helps for temporary relief, it doesn't target the root cause of your joint pain ❗❗

✨✨What we have to do right now is to replenish the synovial fluid between our joint area, so that the effect can last long, for us to have the ability to move around !

Start the right now, by taking FlexiPro joint beverage, with just 1 sachet every day after your meal, you will then have a stronger and healthier joint ! 🍀🍀

🌟Approved by and recognized as a food product supplement
🌟100% made from natural ingredients
🌟No side effects
🌟Target the root cause effectively

FlexiPro is seeking for long term solution not just temporary relief 💯
PM us now !
We are providing FREE shipping for the first 50 customers


What is it like to be in a life of an Olympic athlete ?
Do you know that has been the number 1 killer towards all athlete?

Having a bad joint pain can easily ruin an athlete's career path ! This is why precautions is so important in their life ! 😍

Let's see how GGoh Liu Ying 吴柳莹works towards in protecting her joint 😊


Are you tired living with & ? 🦴
Studies show that 1.2million of is suffering from sever joint pain & arthritis ❗

Joint pain can be caused by a lot of factors including , and many more ⛔
⚠And if you are thinking about taking , this is a very wrong decision, as painkiller only helps for temporary relief, it doesn't target the root cause of your joint pain ❗❗

✨✨What we have to do right now is to replenish the synovial fluid between our joint area, so that the effect can last long, for us to have the ability to move around !

Start the right now, by taking FlexiPro joint beverage, with just 1 sachet every day after your meal, you will then have a stronger and healthier joint ! 🍀🍀

🌟Approved by and recognized as a food product supplement
🌟100% made from natural ingredients
🌟No side effects
🌟Target the root cause effectively

FlexiPro is seeking for long term solution not just temporary relief 💯

PM us now !
We are providing FREE shipping for the first 50 customers

Joint Care Recepis EP1: 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗲𝘀Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eico...

Joint Care Recepis EP1: 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗲𝘀

Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, potentially alleviating joint pain and stiffness. 🦵🦴👍

𝐍𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐞Spicy Tamarind Fish (Asam Pedas) is a classic Malaysian and Singapore dish. ...

𝐍𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐞

Spicy Tamarind Fish (Asam Pedas) is a classic Malaysian and Singapore dish. Spanish Mackerel, Stingray, or Pomfret are normally used to cook this Nyonya-style dish. The gravy has the perfect balance of hotness, sweetness, and sourness, and goes very well with rice. This asam pedas recipe is easy to prepare and absolutely delicious. 😋

Thai Fried Chicken - Hat Yai StyleWhile this particular style of fried chicken originated from Hat Yai, it's now made al...

Thai Fried Chicken - Hat Yai Style

While this particular style of fried chicken originated from Hat Yai, it's now made all over Thailand because it's that good, (and therefore I'm simply calling them Thai fried chicken going forward). It's so popular that Lays Thailand now makes "Hat Yai Fried Chicken" flavour potato chips!

Thai fried chicken has a few unique features:

The marinade/brine - a unique combination of Thai ingredients give them a distinct flavour; and in my version, the added water acts as a brine, which flavours the meat all throughout, so the meat and the crust are flavourful.
The crust - unlike American style fried chicken, these do not have a thick, chunky, craggly crust. It's a thin and crispy crust that enhances, but doesn't overpower, the meat's wonderful flavour.
The fried shallots - these sweet, crispy flakes of fried shallots compliment the chicken, sweetens the sticky rice, and takes the dish to the next level. You can make uber tasty Thai fried chicken without the shallots, but you cannot call it Hat Yai fried chicken without them.

Pineapple Fried RiceA popular Thai dish bursting with flavours of curry powder, pops of fresh pineapple and crunchy cash...

Pineapple Fried Rice

A popular Thai dish bursting with flavours of curry powder, pops of fresh pineapple and crunchy cashews. Serve in a pineapple bowl for that extra "wow" factor. It's quick and easy, with the option to use coconut rice for extra richness. Bon Appetit ! 😋🍴

Thai Green Curry (Chicken/Vegetables) Full Recipes ☺🫶

Thai Green Curry (Chicken/Vegetables) Full Recipes ☺🫶

Tomyam Seafood Recipe   👭Tom Yum Soup - the BEST Thai Tom Yum Goong recipe loaded with shrimp and mushroom, Tom Yum is s...

Tomyam Seafood Recipe 👭

Tom Yum Soup - the BEST Thai Tom Yum Goong recipe loaded with shrimp and mushroom, Tom Yum is spicy, sour, savory, and addictive! Thai, as the soup is usually made with shrimp. You can also make it with seafood such as squid or a combination of different seafood. It's served at street-side eateries, fancy restaurants, and is commonly made at home. Once you have these ingredients, you will have the best bowl of homemade tom yum you’ve ever tasted, I promise.🌶🌶🌶



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