So I’m gonna be candid here since we’ve shared the start of our journey, the duration of our journey, and we’re going to continue to share until the end of our journey whenever that may be so I went to a follow up appointment yesterday in Rochester 20 days ago I was 250 pounds yesterday I was 264 as embarrassing as that is I’m going to share because like I said we share the good the bad and the ugly the doctor seem to feel that the medication I’m on the prednisone the immunosuppressants, the Marinol and other things are contributing to weight gain also, they believe that some of that weight gain is water however I know what I’m capable of eating and I’m aware that I have eaten a lot since surgery. The doctor has taken my ability to smoke ma*****na away even with my ma*****na card from New York State because there is a mold spore that can possibly grow on the plant and it’s unsafe for me to inhale as it can affect my lungs give me an illness and ultimately make me very sick, so I have chosen to stop smoking altogether which has taken away something I have done often so ultimately I replace it with something else which unfortunately is food so now after today which is Halloween, I will enjoy Halloween and tomorrow. I will be counting calories and per my doctors suggestion exercising and being active for at least one hour daily, I see my doctor in a month right after Thanksgiving so I will see how much weight I can lose In that amount of time I’m not impressed with myself because most of it is mind over matter. However, there are other factors that I need to be aware of that contribute to my weight gain, I will not allow it to depress me. I will overcome it and I will lose the weight. here’s to my weight lose journey on Top of everything else I’m dealing with