Rosemary Kills 70% of Pancreatic Cancer Cells in Vitro: Extracts of rosemary were discovered to kill up to 70% of human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro, in this new study. This super-herb contains several active compounds which potently fight cancer, such as carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and cineole. Rosemary (and its essential oil) have also been shown to powerfully kill breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia and melanoma cells in other lab studies. And while population studies have not shown a protective effect of rosemary against pancreatic cancer, one fascinating study out of Europe have shown that using fresh rosemary once weekly may reduce melanoma risk by 60%, and another study was suggestive of a protective effect against lung cancer (possible 34% risk reduction). Rosemary is a herb which is native to the Mediterranean region and used extensively in Mediterranean cuisine. Some researchers have theorized that this could help explain the lower incidence of cancer there (in addition to their very high vegetable and fruit intake). This super herb also has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties which are so strong and well-established that the European Union has recently approved of the use of natural rosemary extracts as food preservatives. Imagine preservatives that may actually fight cancer!