Legend is back with new style 😁😁
Legend "Nasir khan jan at CPSP Karachi.
This is where candidates live when they come for exam...Its not free but still Worst living conditions at CPSP Male hostel, Defense Karachi. No facilities.... Old furniture.... No mess... No up gradation..."
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There is no greater happiness than the happiness of passing your medical exam and only those can know who have gone thru this. ♥
Tag a Postgraduate residents and say nothing
This is real picture of their Part-ll exams 😂😂
This is shocking for us all that Such matric pass journalistsare calling doctors 2 takay k log 😡😡😡
سپریم کورٹ کے باہر خیرپور سے آئے مظاہرین نے احتجاج کیا، پولیس نے خاندان کے افراد کو زبردستی اٹھا کر تھانے منتقل کردیا۔
چیف جسٹس صاحب سیر سپاٹے کرنے میں مصروف ہیں. جو کام ان کو کرنا چاہیے وہ کرتے نہیں, باقی ایک کیمرا لیکر ہسپتال پہنچ جاتے ہیں
Professor says some work to medical officer and then registrar makes his entry. Let's see how is it
bahawalpur victoria hospital
مریضوں کی ایسی باتیں سن کر ڈاکٹرز کا کلیجہ بھی پھٹ جاتا ہے پر یقین جانیئے ایسے اشوز میں زیادہ تر ڈاکٹرز کا قصور نہیں ہوتا ، مریض دیر سے آتا ہے یا پھر ہسپتال میں سہولیات نہیں ہوتی یا پھر کام اتنا زیادہ ہوتا کہ ڈاکٹرز اور اسٹاف پورے نہیں ہوتے ۔
حکومت کو چاہیئے کہ وہ تعلقے اور ضلعہ سطح پر سرجری ، میڈیسن ، گائنی ، پیڈز اور ریڈیولوجی جیسے بنیادی ڈاکٹرز کو تعینات کرے پھر بھلے بیشک ان کو ڈبل تنخوا دینی پڑے پر کم از کم لوگوں کے مسائل تو حل ہونگے ۔ شکریہ
Army Medical college Rawalpindi
#Army_doctors #Inspiration #Dedication
Life and professionalism of Army Medical College doctors who work day and night for this nation
Long live Pakistan Army Doctors
Long live Pakistan army. Long live Pakistan
Wife is wife
This man was on operation table and Before operation could start, patient asked the surgeon that where is my mobile and surgeon replied that we gave it to your wife. Then this is What happened next. 😀�😂
Every man hides his mobile phone from wife
Medical diseases description in songs
اس لڑکی کے منہ سے یہ سارے کیل ، بلٹ اور دھاگے اس پیر صاحب کے دم کرنے کی بدولت نکلے ہیں . ایسا ممکن ہے ؟؟؟
آپ کیا کہتے ہیں کہ یہ رانگ نمبر ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ؟؟
Lady doctors harassed and assaulted along with two male doctors at Holy family hospital Rawalpindi
Who can allow his daughter and sister to work in such circumstances? This is a big question and challenge for PTI government
اب ہسپتال میں ینگ ڈاکٹرز بنینگے محافظ
Oh my God
A fake Doctor arrested from PIMs hospital who was not a MBBS doctor but he was working there as a reliever doctor
This is a very bad news and a major fault on department side and hospital administration side that how he kept working and they never came to knew
Working in hospitals as a dresser, OT technician, or ward boy and pretending to be doctor is also common thing but they officially don't work as doctor and every hospital employee knows about this but working as a doctor and in real you are not doctor then this is a big problem and major loophole
Wait wait, oh my God
One student mixed horse laxatives in over dose to lemon juice at students mess / canteen.
The boy who did this act, was bullied by his senior students few days before and he did this thing in a revenge. Tag your friends to tell them that never mess with your juniors.
Plz share ahead
Assault and torture on doctors not acceptable
تُم سے پہلے وہ جو اِک شخص یہاں تخت نشیں تھا
اُس کو بھی اپنے خُدا ہونے پہ اِتنا ہی یقیں تھا
تحریکِ اِنصاف مُلتان کے ضِلعی صدر اعجاز جنجوعہ صاحب آج اپنے غُنڈُوں سمیت نِشتر ہسپتال پہنچے اور خُود کو ڈاکٹروں اور مریضوں کا آقا ثابت کر کے غُنڈہ گردی کرنے کی کوشش کی اور جان سے مارنے کی اور خطرناک نتائج کی دھمکیاں دیں ۔ لیکن وہ بھول گئے شائد کہ اِن سے بڑے بڑے فِرعونُوں کو وائی ڈی اے پنجاب نے نتھ ڈالی ہے تو یہ کِس کھیت کی مُولی ہے ۔ سیلیوٹ ہے صدر وائی ڈی اے مُلتان ڈاکٹر فاران اور اُنکی پُوری ٹیم کو جِنہُوں نے اِس سیاسی یتیم کو موقع پہ آئینہ دِکھایا جِس کے بعد اِسکی عِزت افزائی وہاں موجُود مریضُوں اور لواحقین نے بھی اچھے سے کی ۔
وائی ڈی اے پنجاب عِمران خان سے یہ مُطالبہ کرتی ہے کہ ایسے غُنڈُوں کو لگام ڈالیں اور ہسپتالُوں کا اِنتظام چلانے والے ینگ ڈاکٹرز کو محفوظ ماحول دیں تاکہ وہ دِل لگا کر مریضُوں کی خِدمت کر سکیں ورنہ وائی ڈی اے پنجاب اپنے طریقے سے اِنکو گھر چھوڑ کے آئے گی۔
غُنڈہ گردی کے خِلاف
مُتحد رہیں
مضبوط رہیں
ڈاکٹر معروف وینس
صدر وائی ڈی اے پنجاب
ڈاکٹر حیدر اختر
چیئرمین وائی ڈی اے پنجاب
#Fcsppart_1 #Fcpspart_2 #Postgraduation
#Share_with_full_spirit #Tag_ur_friends
We have breaking news for all doctors of Pakistan that there is foundation of post graduate trainees association of Pakistan which shall be working for the rights of post graduate trainees and raise voice for them.
They believe that CPSP should change their policy of constantly failing their candidates and making exit exams tougher day by day, not mainly bcz of raising their standard but bcz of catching more candidates for exams.
Plz help us in this noble cause and Like, comment and share
Make it viral
Yesterday some media persons came to ER of THQ Hospital Chowk Azam and threatened the duty doctor and he was interviewed forcibly.Issue was they want to take their stable OPD patient to some Pvt.Hospital in Multan on 1122 ambulance.On duty Dr was harassed and forced to sit in front of camera.How u can do this with a respectable doctor. Where is Admin, where is security,where is law and justice..Shame on Yellow Journalism and our health system where Drs r not safe at all. u can check the tone of so called journalist.
Courtesy by Ali Zaidi
Doctor Brides --
A Bitter Truth of our Society, Pakistani lady doctors
Women doctors are are highly sought after as brides in Pakistan -- they are considered to have the qualities of both a working woman and a housewife, in addition to the status that comes with being a qualified medical professional. However, there is a downside...
Dr Henna Pervaiz is a top student from King Edward Medical College in Lahore, one of the best medical colleges in Pakistan. But now the field of medicine is -- for her -- limited to these books that she cannot even read in peace as she has to take care of her children.
Dr Noreen Farooq, director of student affairs at FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry, said: "They come here, they are very enthusiastic. But as soon as they get married, somehow something happens. Maybe its the family pressure or the in-laws, and we found out that they are not practising anymore."
In Pakistan, getting married to a doctor is every man's dream.
Doctor brides are seen as the perfect mix of "working woman" plus housewife. But more often than not, they end up leaving the profession to take care of the family, and are resentful for it.
Dr Pervaiz said: "When I go to a hospital for a general check up or for my kids, I just want to stay there. I don't want to come back home and do all the cooking and cleaning. I just want to go and practice medicine and take care of patients."
Qualified women doctors are ending their careers prematurely -- and at an alarming rate. It is a story that has been repeated in almost every household in Pakistan.
Nafees Saeed, the mother of a doctor, said: "In our times, the upbringing and education of a girl was important but now everyone wants their daughter to be a doctor and even their to-be-daughter-in-laws to be doctor as it's in demand."
It used to be that the perfect bride had to be tall, have fair complexion, a charming personality, and come from a good family. Now, she will either need an MBBS degree or be a qualified