As the world looks like it's about to blow up it's even more important now for us to hold space.
Holding space means we hold an energy, emotion or thought that will support what we WANT to see in the world. In gas you weren't aware,
Because, we can't change the fact that we share energy with everyone around us...that's a universal law or an energetic truth.
What we can change is the type of energy we share. When we hold energies of a higher vibration, such as love, peace, unity, joy, these energies move out from us to everyone we come in contact with. They either choose to rise with it or not and then they move on to share their energy with every other person they come in contact with. But it's not your business what they do with it. Your business is to manage your own vibration. And the best part is that it feels really good to hold higher vibrations.
But how do we hold these higher vibrations when there's so much fear being pushed on us daily?
Stay in contact with your higher power daily, recount 10 things you have to be grateful for, and "Shed Pure Love and Joy" on whatever is causing you distress, sadness or fear.
I KNOW I KNOW...THIS SOUNDS SILLY OR EVEN STUPID, but trulyit's powerful! Here's how simple this is:
First think about something or someone you really love... and get into that "heart swelling" feeling. Next you spend just 30 seconds to a minute focusing on and sending pure love and joy to that thing that distresses you.
I promise you it will make a difference! !!
Not only for our world, but for you as well! You'll see a shift in the way you interact with the world.
I'm inviting you to join me every morning or evening...whatever time works for you, and spend just five minutes each day practicing gratitude and shedding pure love and joy. Together we will be impacting the way our world moves forward.
I'm sending you all Pure Love and Joy!
AND... Come hang with me Wednesday evening. Even if you don't want a reading, come visit with me while I"m waiting for people to show up. I'd love to have a conversation.
Live Wednesday April 17 at 6:30pm MDT
Embark on a journey of discovery as I channel messages tailored exclusively for you.
Join me for an informative experience as I unveil personalized Channeled Card readings live on my YouTube channel!
Whether you seek clarity on pressing questions or simply crave insight, experience the divine alchemy of a 1 card or 3 card reading. Don’t miss out!
Reserve your spot and get a 15%discount by pre ordering here:
I’ll be live on my YT channel. Here’s the link to that: