For the last two months my fibro pain has had a tremendous uptick. Back in April, I fell and fractured my arm. Adding this pain to the Fibro pain, of the last 15+ years, is nearly unbearable.
The double whammy of pain is in your face, and won't allow you to put it on the shelf. Working and focusing on work is only a dream now, again. For many years, I have been able to work and endure the fibro pain using many of the solutions you find on this page going back 7+ years. One can see my progress and all the solutions I tried over the years to get well and be as functional as possible.
Accepting the fact of my new reality and that the pain is interferring in my life again is so very hard. My pain psychologist is helping me with all of that emotional stuff, in the midst of embacing the pain to solve it.
Coping and recovery has been back to solving the pain onion all over again. One day at a time... One step at a time... And yes, I have been fighting the horrible fibro pain that happens in your muscles when you do not move them enough. Moving them and keeping circulation adequate reduces your muscle pain. Also, upping your vitamin B's helps greatly!!! B's support the muscles.
But, I found a new doc who at least paid enough attention to my fracture that he gave me a manipulation after the arm became frozen. I can now at least move it; but, the muscles are very weak and what you do not use you lose. Atrophy of the muscles set in if you do not use them. Remember hire and fire your doc's if you don't feel they are paying attention and helping you! If you are giving them more information than they are giving you, then it is time to change docs!
Lack of enough circulation causes the unforgiving, unrelenting pain of Fibro. Movement is critical to reducing the muscle pain. Old lessons learned with fibro the first time were so beneficial this time. I knew exactly what I had to do and that was to get the arm moving no matter what. DON'T EVER LET A DOCTOR IGNORE YOU OR PUT YOU OFF WHEN YOUR MUSCLES ARE AT STAKE...
So, I am back fighting for my life again!