Good day everyone. Enjoy your Sunday. The holidays are a moment to reflect on our choices and think about what we can do to create a life that is more in line with our deepest desires. Embrace everything coming our way and be proactive to our life choice. Try to be mindful and open your heart to everything coming our way. For me I’ve been struggling with my endometriosis, vertigo, and fibromyalgia. Things have been getting more difficult when I’m entering the mid 40 and oh how my hormonal changes could take a toll on my body and my mental state. But being mindful of what’s going on helps me to be proactive with certain changes in my daily life. I’m taking off time from social media, learning more about holistic approach, be grateful to the universe and everything coming my way bad or good it happens for a reason. So instead of fighting with my pain, I embrace and make peace with it. I hydrate myself with a pinch of Celtic salt, cayenne pepper, and turmeric powder. I use castor oil pack every night to help with my endometriosis. I believe we can heal ourselves. But what most important is that we have to keep our body mind in alignment. I’m a big believer of gratitude practice! It helps me so much and opens my eyes and attract many things coming to my way. They said when life gives you lemons, use them to make lemonade. So my love, I hope you will make as much as lemonade and truly enjoy its benefits. Here’s goes to a wonderful holiday season. Sending you much love and hugs ❤️