My story
Hi there! Welcome to the Naga crib.
My name is Lish and I’m a mommy of 3 girls based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I started using Young Living essential oils when a friend I talked on facebook recommended Purification to me for mosquito bites. I bought that 1 bottle and then wanted more oils to make a anti-roach spray for the car. My essential oils journey started without a diffuser and I didn’t even think I needed one to use the oils for all of my needs. That already included using oils for immunity, better sleep, and then of course, the infamous road bike accident my husband got into where he ended up with an overnight plastic surgery bill. If we ever meet, I’ll tell you about that story and let’s just say that he’s a firm believer that the oils work!
Then I finally got myself a diffuser, which is still in use right now, 5 years later. It’s one amongst the many that sit in my bedroom, my bathroom, my living room, etc. I love diffusing essential oils - it’s actually one of the easiest ways to use and get the benefits of the oils safely.
Now, I find much joy in sharing oil stories with other oiler friends and of course, with those who want to learn more about using these amazing plant juices. Simplifying the use of these oils for other moms so that their little ones are happy and healthy is my key motivation! My mission is simple and maybe a little bit selfish - if I can help others keep safe and healthy, then perhaps by some karmic force, my loved ones will be too.
Looking forward to helping you write your own oil stories!