Today's parents are constantly pressured to be perfect. But in striving to do everything right, we risk missing what children really need for lifelong emotional security.
When our child's behaviour is confusing, unmanageable and overwhelming our ability to face the day positively, Circle of Security parenting can help restore sanity to your household and strengthen relationships between family members.
Does your child tend towards;
clingy and needy behaviour
frequent meltdowns, becoming emotional over everyday activities
regressing from previously learned milestones like independant sleep and toileting
whines or 'acts out' for attention but needs are unclear
escalating rapidly when you say 'no' to something
bossy and argumentative engagement with you
automatic resistance when directed to cooperate
During this 8 week course, you will learn:
*How to balance nurturing and protectiveness with promoting your child's independence.
*What emotional needs a toddler or older child may be expressing through difficult behavior.
*How your own upbringing affects your parenting style--and what you can do about it.