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Zikanie HERBS and suppliments This is a page filled with remedies especially for infertility...

I Choose Stem Cell STC30. This Evening I Urge You to Choose to learn more about this amazing miracle product. Google it....

I Choose Stem Cell STC30.

This Evening I Urge You to Choose to learn more about this amazing miracle product.

Google it.. www.superlifeworld.com

1Sachet which =teaspoon will activate 80% of stem cell in your body …2020 …we say the future of medicine is on stem cell therapy👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🤸🏼‍♂🍇🍒🍒🍏

Lets find out. You might save a life.
✍️ Order Yours Today On
☎️ +2348099442743 ( Whatsapp)

Gynaecologist are currently using stem cell to improve the chances of conception on patients suffering from various infe...

Gynaecologist are currently using stem cell to improve the chances of conception on patients suffering from various infertility issues.

Superlife STC 30 stem cell therapy has been scientifically proven to take care of male and female infertility problem such as:

1. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
2. Infection related problems.
3. Polyps in the uterus.
4. Endometriosis or Fibroids.
5. Scar tissues or adhesions.
6. Chronic medical illness.
7. A previous eptopic (tubal) pregnancy.
8. A birth defect.
9. Cancer of the womb.
10. Ovarian cysts.
11. Painful, irregular and non menstruations.
12. Prostate problem.
13. Low s***m count.

And many more related problems.

Try superlife STC30 stem cell today.

Life is super with superlife.... Talk or chat with me on 08099442743 and you do be glad you did...

Life is super with superlife.... Talk or chat with me on 08099442743 and you do be glad you did...


A Reverend father testifying... Don't wait until it gets serious, use STC 30 today...


A must watch... Practical on how STC30 works...

Think about this;  your body is composed of cells. If damaged or injured cells can be replaced with new ones, then you c...

Think about this; your body is composed of cells. If damaged or injured cells can be replaced with new ones, then you can potentially be cured.

Patients with damaged organs and tissues are being able to rejuvenate or repair them using STC 30 stem cell therapy

No wonder the daily amazing testimonies from users.

*Stem-cells have conquered cancers of all types, kidney failures, arthritis, parkinson's, stroke, fibroids, diabetes, baldness, brain damage and many more diseases that have seemed to not have been fully diagnosed or found cure for*.

Here are some amazing testimonies of people who used or are still using STC 30. Life is super with superlife.

Here are some amazing testimonies of people who used or are still using STC 30. Life is super with superlife.


How to take STC 30

Have you gotten your superlife products yet? if you or you know someone who has health challenges, then you have to intr...

Have you gotten your superlife products yet? if you or you know someone who has health challenges, then you have to introduce this STC 30 to them. If a miraculous suppliments, and it is also health is wealth product, you can earn while taking STC 30, ask me how?

Good morning all, have you taken your STC 30? Pour a sachet under your tongue and wait until it completely dissolve on i...

Good morning all, have you taken your STC 30? Pour a sachet under your tongue and wait until it completely dissolve on its own, drink plenty of water 15 to 30minutes after for proper hydration. STC30 is the best taking in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

Good morning and have a great weekend.

Are you in need of a side hustle but don't know what to do, SuperLife is your answer, we sell essential products that wo...

Are you in need of a side hustle but don't know what to do, SuperLife is your answer, we sell essential products that work wonders, we have a great compensation plan and an awesome team to support you, all you need to have is the willingness to learn, eagerness to heal and hunger to earn good money.

Contact me on +2348099442743, lets add another basket to your list


Introducing the revolutionary first ever oral plant based stem cell- (STC30)


Stem-cell is a product that works on the cells. One Sachet a day keeps your Doctor at bay


100% clinically proven safe and effective.

(STC) is changing the life of real people in Nigeria Currently


🍏stem cell is a special cell with an ability to differentiate into any one of the 220 plus cells of the human body. It has got the capacity to rebuild any organ to its normal function.

🍏Regenerate and
🍏Repair any damaged tissue of the body

🍏Black currant juice powder
🍏Billberry extract
🍏Glisodin (cantaloupe extract)
🍏Glisodin (gliadin)
🍏Grapes (vitis vinifera)
🍏Swiss Apple (Uttwiler spatlauber)

Why suffer anymore , superlife stc 30 therapy is here to conquer every sickness and chronic conditions, it means *Super Total Care For 30 Days* stc 30 has conquered over 137 most dangerous diseases like:

⚡Cancers of all types, ⚡Arthritis, ⚡Stroke, ⚡Cysts, ⚡Asthma, ⚡Eczema, ⚡Kidney failure, ⚡Epilepsy, ⚡lung problems, ⚡Ulcers, ⚡Piles, ⚡Goiter, ⚡gout, ⚡Liver problem, ⚡High BP, ⚡Diabetes & Eye Problems (glaucoma, cataract etc), ⚡Sickle cell Anaemia, ⚡Rheumatism, ⚡back pain, ⚡Hernia, ⚡Spinal cord injuries, ⚡Heart problems, ⚡injuries, ⚡Leukemia, ⚡Infertility issues , ⚡Parkinson's, ⚡Fibroids, ⚡Urinary track infection & infections of all kind, ⚡Skin disease, ⚡Hepatitis, ⚡Boost immune system of HIV patients, & cures other Chronic conditions.

*Advantages of using superlife stc 30kiss
In curing one disease, it cures all, Boosts immune body system,
Then you will have a healthier skin and bones, (ANTI-AGING).

*stc 30* ���Does the following in the human body.
⭐ Restores sick cells
⭐ Rejuvenates aged cells
⭐ Replaces dead cells
⭐ Replicates good cells
⭐Repairs damaged cells



order your products call or WhatsApp 08099442743



You see God was wise when he made the sun before he created all other living creatures. He knew we needed the sun so badly for our good health... you are all complaining the sun is hot, the sun is hot, you dont know God has always had us in mind even before he created us. he created natural vitamin D for OUR EASY CONSUMPTION.

Many women who suffers various reproductive healthy challenges lack vitamin D, almost all the women who suffered PCOs are deficient in Vitamin D, if you doubt me go have a check...

So i have done a research on this and find out that an hour of sun bathing and having some vitamin D3 supplements will help... Ever since i have known this, i have made it a life style to find some time to enjoy the sun especially before mid day, i at least try to get out at 11am -1pm for my office break, just because i want to get the vitamin D.

There are not many foods items with vitamin D but the few that hav, could include mushrooms, yellow york eggs etc...

So get out of your office and have some sunshine especially our Bankers.

Your first Wealth is your Health......

*2-Minute Detox Drink: Burns Fat, Fights Off Diabetes & Lowers Blood Pressure* Do you want to remove all deposits of tox...

*2-Minute Detox Drink: Burns Fat, Fights Off Diabetes & Lowers Blood Pressure*

Do you want to remove all deposits of toxins in your body and boost your overall health? If yes, you have come to the right place!

*Detox Drink with Red Tea & Lemon*

You will need the following ingredients:

👉A tsp of Red Tea

👉2 tbsp of lemon juice

👉A tbsp of organic honey

👉2 tbsp of organic ACV

👉A glass of warm water

*Preparation* : Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend for a minute or two or until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Transfer the smoothie into a glass and drink it right away.

*Use* : Consume one glass in the morning before breakfast and before Bed Time, every day for a period of 3 months.


👉 *Red Tea* is one of the most potent spices because it has the capacity to regulate the glucose levels and improve the insulin sensitivity.
ingredients present in Red Tea helps to balance levels of insulin, glucose, and cholesterol.

👉 *Lemon juice🍋🍋* is abundant in flavonoids, compounds known to contain antioxidant abilities, as well as vitamin C which is yet another potent antioxidant.

*Lemon* will therefore help eliminate the free radicals and strengthen your immunity.

👉 *Apple cider vinegar* can balance your blood pressure when consumed regularly with the help of the acetic acid found in it and this has been proven in a study published in the Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Biotechnology

👉 *Honey* is full of beneficial nutrients, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols.
Get in touch if you need the above products.

TREATING MALE INFERTILITY WITH SIMSIM AND PUMPKIN SEEDS....1. Soak simsim for 3 hours to allow sand in it to settle.2. G...


1. Soak simsim for 3 hours to allow sand in it to settle.
2. Get the simsim and put in a blender
3. Add raw raw pumpkin seeds
4. Blend
5. Sieve
6. You can add ginseng and red tea, honey to it for taste.
7. You can also add saw palmetto
8. Take one glass of this juice twice a day for 3 months.


1. Limit alcohol intake
2. Avoid smoking
3. Avoid junk and sugary meals.
4. Exercise regularly
5. Avoid stress.

NB: The mixture is also good for women with poor ovulation and painful periods

For more infomation call/chat 08099452743


7 more days to go.
Register now for the fertility challenge starting 1st - 26th April.

call/chat 08099452743

Fermented garlic for urinal infections, prostate enlargement and boasting immunity:Come closer my dear ladies,  Our repr...

Fermented garlic for urinal infections, prostate enlargement and boasting immunity:

Come closer my dear ladies, Our reproductive system is part of our feminism so we should protect it. Many of us are having recurrent UTIs, having painful in*******se, and at a threat of catching cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and other cancers. We can do something to help ourselves. Like the say, prevention is better than cure:

You will need
Garlic (500gms) - Locally grown garlic
Honey ( 500 gms) - purely organic honey
Mix the 2 together in an air tight container.
The mixture gets better as it ages, and the smell disappears too.

Take a tablespoon of the mixture morning before breakfast and also evening.

For women with recurrent utis or miscarriages or fibroids or cysts,

After taking the garlic mixture, add 1 teaspoon of the following herbs in hot water and drink after the garlic
Black seeds + turmeric + soursop.

For men with enlarged prostate, frequent urination, painful er****on, burning sensation during urination and threat of prostate cancer. You can take the mixture of garlic too.

After taking it, add 1 teaspoon of saw palmetto + Prunus Africana + ginseng in hot water then drink

The garlic recipe is also good for respiratory diseases (asthma,sinuses, bronchitis etc)

You can call/chat 08099452743 for our products...


Due to the short notice of the program for those having fertility challenges such as fibroids, PCOS, UTIs, cysts, menstral disorder, infection, pelvic inflammatory diseases , the date has been shifted to 1st of April - 26th of April.
A WhatsApp group has been created for this purpose.

Note: Only registered candidate will be added to the group.

Call/chat 08099452743 for more info.

For two weeks, there will be a program for people having infection, fibroid, pcos, pelvic inflammatory disease, UTIs, cy...

For two weeks, there will be a program for people having infection, fibroid, pcos, pelvic inflammatory disease, UTIs, cysts, lower abdomen pain, menstrual challenge many more challenges,.....

Starting Monday 18th - 28th of march.

call or chat 08099452743. for only interested people.

A woman is defined by love, compassion and care. She makes lives beautiful and complete.Despite failures - she stands up...

A woman is defined by love, compassion and care. She makes lives beautiful and complete.
Despite failures - she stands up
Despite the pain - she keeps fighting....

Oh Woman, The world needs many more like you.

That WOMAN is you.

Happy international women's day

Lets have our men come learn today....i have talked about this before and will do a recap on it.DATES locally called dal...

Lets have our men come learn today....
i have talked about this before and will do a recap on it.

DATES locally called dalbino, when i say dates its not going on a date with your spouse oooo, but the date fruit.

lately men have been advised to always eat date fruits, this helps with enhancing s*xual performance and increases libido, and when taking well it improves health conditions in so many ways.
no need to go take thode drugs or chemical when u have date fruits....
A lot of young men are experiencing dynfunction, low libido, low s***m count, weak er****on etc due to their lifestyle. one natural way to end this is eating dates(dalbino)

Dates will promote s***m quality and quantity.
dates aids s***m motility and increase its counts.
It also increases the size of te**es in men.

Dates are also very good for ladies, for a pregnamt woman its good you eat a lot of dates cos it helps with easy child birth.
It increases the size of the breast.
Dates can help a lady have those va**nal fluids, and this helps with treating va**nal dryness.

Instead of taking pills made with chemicals which are harmful to your s*xual health, its better you go natural.

Dates is the answer....


remove the seeds, soak the dates in drinkable water for 2-3 hours, then u blend, you can add honey and milk to it and your nite will be awesome.

NOTE: if your spouse isnt arount, do not try this.


Bitter taste, sweet result.Bitter leaf (Onugbu)I do not know how bitter leaf is called in many languages but in English,...

Bitter taste, sweet result.

Bitter leaf (Onugbu)

I do not know how bitter leaf is called in many languages but in English, its called bitter leaf and Igbo its called Onugbu. I have seen this herb grow in many bushes in town and villages and if we actually made use of it, we would almost pay no medical bills for many illnesses like diabetes, Hepatitis B, Cancer, Polystic ovarian syndrome etc.

So if you have a scare of cancer or even have been confirmed to have it, you need to prevent its aggression to other parts of the body and also take care of it before. So this is where your bitter leaf(fresh juice) comes in.

We have been using bitter leaf and cactus successfully to help many patients. The good thing with cactus, it provides the slim which engulfs and protects the good cells from damaging.

If you have hepatitis B, to protect your liver from being damaged or even turn to liver cancer, you need to take this bitter leaf. and if you added bitter leaf with ma*****na leaves, you could actually sort the disease

Indeed, for every illness, there is a cure, only that it needs to be revealed to man by God.

bitter leaf juice is the most bitter thing i have taken, but its benefits are so sweet.

For more info call/chat 08099442743

The fertility detox programmes online for couples starts on the 1st of march and ends on the 21st of march, a three week...

The fertility detox programmes online for couples starts on the 1st of march and ends on the 21st of march, a three weeks programme.

Wishing all who enrolled, healing and perfection in all sides. fertility blessings to you.

NOTE: this programme is on whatsapp, so no details will be dropped here....

contact number is 08099452743

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO STEAM YOUR VA**NA?V- steaming is highly recommended for women with blocked tubes, fibroids, missed pe...


V- steaming is highly recommended for women with blocked tubes, fibroids, missed periods, menstral pains and offensive smelly va**na odour .

Much as the Va**na is meant to clean it's self after periods, there are cases of women whose uterine lining does not shed properly hence cause it to clog. Such women may have clots for periods, very dark blood, very little flow. These conditions worsen the situation.

V- steaming is similar to facial steaming. Like the way your pores and your blocked nostrils open when you steam your face, that's what the v steaming does to your uterus, it Increases blood flow and also the steam softens the tissues.....

Steam Missy can help with such issues...

Va**na steaming aka steam missy is a process of steaming the va**na with some essential herbs and accompained with a steam..

Its a simple process of squatting above a bowl of boiled essential herbs for a period of 30-45 minutes... This service could cost you between 5000-15000 naira at a spa or a health centre... Way to much.

But with the necessary essential herbs you can do it at the comfort of ur home...

Va**na steaming herbs and stool available at zikanie online store, call 08099452743 /08099442743 to place orders...

Alot of men experience low s*x drive, erectile dysfunction, low s***m count ,enlarged prostate, urinal infections and fo...

Alot of men experience low s*x drive, erectile dysfunction, low s***m count ,enlarged prostate, urinal infections and for prevention of prostate cancer..... and nutriton and fertility is here to help, below is a natural remedy......

Butternut squash or pumpkin (raw)
Prunus Africana.

All listed above are available at our online store.... just call or chat 08099442743 /08099452743

The fertility detox programmes online. There shall be a whatsapp group for only interested candidates. Each candidates p...

The fertility detox programmes online.

There shall be a whatsapp group for only interested candidates. Each candidates pays 10000 naira for the fertility detox....

The target is for those who missed last years programmes and are yet to detox and are very much interested.....

The package allows you,a day to day instructions on how to detox, a one on one section on whatsapp chat (saturdays only), herbal teas, a pack of our v steam herbs and hot water bottle.

For all those who have contacted me, I will be sending you details by emails and for those who are interested do call or chat 08099442753, 08099452743

Otherwise our vision is to help as many couples achieve their parenting goals with the help of God....

Our fertility page is back and better.... Follow me @ zikanie herbal and supplements or nutrition and fertility....

Our fertility page is back and better....

Follow me @ zikanie herbal and supplements or nutrition and fertility....

Happy new year once again. On behalf of all the nutrition and fertility admins, I wish all of us a happy and prosperous ...

Happy new year once again.
On behalf of all the nutrition and fertility admins, I wish all of us a happy and prosperous 2019.

We are happy to inform you that we are back from our Christmas holidays and are good to serve you once again.

Our office is located in Nigeria, Lagos, festac town, 41 road D close block 2 flat 4 (tamriks laboratory) you can visit us, you have one and one talk with our nutritionist/fertility advisor who will work with you in this journey...

Last year was a year of great testimonies. I am honoured that God used us to bring healing to a number of people, i am grateful for all the pregnancy and baby testimonies.

Among all the therapies we did last year, the juice fast was the most successful for people with fertility challenges,weight loss, cysts and fibroids.

And for women and men with poor egg quality and low s***m count respectively, the mixed seeds challenge was extremely marvellous. I would encourage all women and men above 35 and trying to conceive to try it. Its really works perfectly...

How to make your fruit cocktail for fertility.( The 21 day challenge)1. Get a variety of fruits. Usually we recommend fi...

How to make your fruit cocktail for fertility.
( The 21 day challenge)

1. Get a variety of fruits. Usually we recommend five different fruits, cut them into sizeable pieces after washing well.

2. Place everything in a big salad container.

3. Get 1 cup of coconut milk or soya milk or almond milk or soursop milk or walnut milk( highly recommended for those with thyroid imbalances,) add to the fruits in the container.

4. Get a 1 - 3 tablespoons of chia seeds( pre- soaked add to the fruits and milk in the container.

5. Add also sesame, flax seeds, sunflower, pumpkin seeds( especially for those with poor egg quality, undergone chemo and want to restore their fertility or any strong medication and suffered TB which affected their reproductive systems). Pre- soak before adding.

6. Mix everything well. Wait a few minutes for everything to soak well before eating. Its ok to keep in the fridge if you wish.

7. To make coconut milk, just break the coconut, get the white soft flesh cut into smaller pieces, put in the blender, add water and blend. Sieve and get milk. Don't throw the pulp. Dry it and add it to your smoothies or baking.

8. To make soya milk. Soak raw soya for 12- 24 hours. Add a little salt when soaking. You can use rock salt. Drain the water then blend and sieve. Unlike coconut milk, you need to boil the soya milk a few minutes. Then cool and store.

Enjoy your 21 days Daniel fast. Invite everyone who you think needs the challenge to join. Involve your husbands too. For good quality babies, both the s***m an o**m have to be good quality. Emphasis to couples above 35 years.

Note: if you are not in position to find one or two ingredients. Its ok. Use what is available to you.

Wish you the best.

As usual our line is open to all your inquiries, consultation, and products. We deliver nationwide

Challenge starts today 1st December and ends 21 December 2018.

May the year end with miracles and greater health.

Breakfast fruit cocktail for the Daniel fast;The fruit cocktail is a combination of fruits, plant milk, seeds and nuts i...

Breakfast fruit cocktail for the Daniel fast;

The fruit cocktail is a combination of fruits, plant milk, seeds and nuts in one plate:
It is eaten between 10 am and 12 pm. This should cover bothe breakfast and lunch. There after, it is recommended that from 1pm to 4 pm, you only take herbal teas and water. You need to let the body rest from digesting and concentrate on using herbs and water to detox your body. so for every cup of herbal tea you take, also do take a glass of water.

so here below are different fruit cocktails. feel free to use fruits within your reach. this is only to guide you. be creative
Day 1
Apple, Grapes, banana, oranges, watermelon
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

Day 2
Paw paw, Mangoes, Pineapple, straw berries, grapes
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

Day 3
Jackfruits, mangos, apples, straw berries, grapes
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

Day 4:
Pineapples, straw berries, oranges, grapes, blue berries
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

Day 5
Goose berries, mangoes, watermelon, pineapple, apples
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

Day 6
Jackfruit, straw berries, watermelon, pineapple, grapes
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

Day 7
Banana, straw berries, grapes, oranges, watermelon
Coconut milk/almond milk/ soy milk etc (any plant milk of choice)
Simsim, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc

How to prepare the fruit salad:
Chop the fruits in sizeable pieces and place in one big salad container. The get handful of cleaned simsim, a tablespoon or 2 of ground chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds, 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds mix them well with the fruts and add a glass of the plant milk (either almond, coconut, soy) mx well. Wait a few minutes for the seeds to soak before eating, you can keep them in the fridge or not as you wait.
Banana should be added at the time of eating
Orange’s seeds should be pre-removed before adding to the smoothie


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00



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