This is more of a diary I’m keeping for myself, I have decided to blog after the recent events and maybe someday I will share this with people for awareness.
I think I should maybe start from what’s been happening recently. Ten days ago, I woke up with the most severe pain in my stomach! I was doubled over in pain could barely stand and breathe and actually thought something had burst or stabbed me internally.
After phoning the gp I was advised to go to a&e after five hours of bloods and urine tests, an internal to check for
⭐️ectopic pregnancy
⭐️movement of the mirena coil
Everything came back normal, now when your in this much pain, as much as it’s reassuring to know you don’t have any of these, when the dr says ‘I don’t know what’s wrong’ it is so deflating. I felt like a liar, a fraud an attention seeker and so confused because I knew there was something really wrong inside me.
The dr gave me strong medication and put me on referral to the rapid gynae clinic. But she had no idea when I’d be seen, so taking strong painkiller and being ‘stoned’ from them was my only option for the time being.
So four days later and still the pain hadn’t eased and was travelling in to my leg and back by this stage, I went to my gp. Begging for help. Unfortunately she had no access to the clinic it’s only through the hospital, so more pain relief was given.
Later that day I received a call and got an appointment for two days later .
When I went for my appointment, I didn’t know what to expect but I wasn’t leaving without help.
I walked into the waiting area and the room was the cervical and ovarian cancer unit. I was terrified and sad to see so many women in this room. My dr was a young man in his 30’s and he had two trainee nurses with him, and as much as I hate showing the world my f***y, I knew he would be thorough with my examination for there sake.
The dr decided to scan me first and it was all clear just one cyst on the opposite o***y to where the pain was.
And then an internal, these are always painful for me, but he hurt one spot in particular.
He asked some questions and most of my replies were yes. And he asked had anyone ever mentioned about endometriosis before? I said no.
He believes that’s what I have and it’s spreading to my sciatic nerve and other places. Endo can not be seen on scans .
So I now have to get a laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) to see the damage and hopefully remove it.
Hearing the word surgery is terrifying , but I honestly felt relief. Someone was listening to me, someone understands the pain I’m in and is willing to help me now find out what is wrong, and how to ease the pain.
In my next chapter I’m going to chat about my life over the last few years .