Oceans5 UK

Oceans5 UK The Oceans5 goal is to bring the best quality products and services to customers, but at reasonable and affordable prices.


to supercharge your day, supplying nutrients for energy, digestion and immune health
High fibre combination of 35 organic green foods, fruits, berries, herbs, seeds and bio-active enzymes:

This is no ordinary green shake – a high fibre combination with 35 organic green foods, fruits, berries, herbs, seeds and bio-active enzymes in a single serving – organic vegan nutrition made easy, with naturally high food form vitamin C content.

This powder contains organic ingredients, in concentrated powder
form, from:

11 green foods:
Pre-sprouted activated barley, wheat grass, quinoa, barley grass, alfalfa, Ascophyllum (kelp), spirulina, barley grass juice, wheat grass juice, chlorella and nettle.

8 fruits and berries:
Acai berry, bilberry fruit, lemon peel, apple, Acerola cherry, bilberry, blueberry and cranberry.

7 vegetables:
Beet, carrot, tomato, kale, parsley, green cabbage and spinach leaf.

2 herb and seeds:
Linseed / flaxseed and turmeric.

7 plant derived bio-active enzymes:
Kale sprout, broccoli sprout, reishi mushroom, cordyceps mushroom, shiitake mushroom, cauliflower sprout, maitake mushroom.

Vitamin C and immunity

This vegan green shake and plant protein powder contains vitamin C from ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C contributes to maintaining the normal function of the immune system.

It also contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth, normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function, protection of cells from oxidative stress, the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E and increases iron absorption.


Barley grain fibre contributes to an increase in faecal bulk.


Your GUT health affects more than just your digestion

Experts tell us that it is important to care for your digestive system. You may have assumed, quite naturally, that this is because digestion is a vitally important process in the body – the process through which food is broken down into many constituent parts, and so that the nutrients can be absorbed and used, where needed, by the body, while any waste products can be safely eliminated.

While that is very true, the value of a healthy digestive system actually goes much further than this. Actually, digestive health experts place a lot of emphasis on the state of the digestive tract, and the colon in particular, with regard to supporting everything from strong immunity and an ideal weight, to hormonal balance and overall health and vitality.

All body systems are connected

The health of other key systems and organs in the body are directly affected by digestive system health, which includes:

the liver – This affects fat levels in your body, your ability to lose weight, the level of toxins in your body and hormonal balance
the lymphatic system – This affects your toxic load and your immunity
the immune system – as a matter of fact, a significant part of the immune system resides in the digestive tract – in tissue called Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue or GALT
The results of an inflamed colon and inefficient digestion can, consequently, result in or contribute to conditions such as a high toxic load, food intolerances, an inability to lose weight, recurring infections and hormonal imbalance, as well as conditions of the digestive tract itself. This may include dysbiosis, IBS, leaky gut syndrome, colitis, constipation, diarrhoea.

Healthy digestive system

With a healthy digestive system, the average person should ideally produce between 1 and 3 bowel movements a day. As a consequence of poor bowel movement, the longer waste matter is left to sit in the colon, the more that toxins will be re-absorbed into the bloodstream. Likewise, the longer the bowel wall remains in contact with toxins, the more time bacteria in the colon have to transform substances into a more toxic state.

Bolstering an efficient digestive system and healthy bowel function involves thinking carefully about the choices you make every day about, such as, what you put into your body by way of food, alcohol, caffeine, ni****ne, medications and other substances. In addition, it is important to support a healthy balance of bowel flora that is, good bacteria vs bad bacteria.

When it comes to digestive health, prevention is better than cure, and eating a healthy diet packed with nutrient- and fibre-rich foods can prove invaluable when it comes to supporting healthy digestion, as well as helping to reduce your toxic load.

You should try to eat natural foods, as close to their original unprocessed state as possible, that are rich in digestive enzymes, nourish the gut and support digestive health. Organic, raw foods are preferable, and furthermore, try to avoid foods that are laden with artificial colours, flavours, additives and preservatives – basically any chemicals that are foreign to the body and inflammatory to the gut.
For more information, why not pay us a visit? We can help with a Health Screening, advice on lifestyle changes, and maybe suggest nutritional supplements for helping with a health boost



We are once again pleased to be able to extend our range of new products for your health maintenance


Papilozumib is a food supplement that combines Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, minerals (zinc and selenium), vitamins (A, C, D3 and E) and lactobacillus probiotics that contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of mucous membranes.

Papilozumib also helps to stabilise the vaginal microbiota. An imbalance of the microbiota is linked to the development of infections.

A strong immune system has an impact on mucous membranes, which serve as entry points for pathogens, such as HPV, ge***al herpes and bacteria. This is especially significant for maintaining intimate health.


Papilozumib is a natural supplement in capsule form that supports the immune system, mucous membranes and helps protect both our body and microbiota. It combines fungi used in Eastern traditions for their adaptogenic and prebiotic properties (Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps). Reishi in particular is similar to Coriolus versicolor, traditionally used as an adaptogen and stimulator of the body’s natural immune defences*.


It also contains probiotics (lactobacillus), vitamins A and C* and minerals such as selenium and zinc that help create a protective barrier in the intimate area and the fight against viruses and bacteria.


GOOD NEWS for regular customers of this remarkable natural resin.
Now back in stock - Himalayan Shilajit
Derived from the untouched Himalayan regions, where altitudes exceed 18,000 feet, our Shilajit attains the gold standard. We uphold environmental integrity while ensuring premium quality. This shilajit naturally contains 85+ trace minerals and fulvic acid.

For those who have yet to discover the benefits :-
Shilajit will help you embark on a journey of revitalisation and well-being. Our Shilajit encapsulates the essence of ancient wisdom and modern science, delivering a potent elixir for vitality and vigour. With a true treasure trove of natural minerals, vitamins and fulvic acid, you can experience the holistic benefits of this ancient superfood to boost energy levels, support immune function, and promote overall vitality.


We are excited to have added the Cisca Easy Salt Pipe to our list of available products/therapies at The Keeping Well. We have already sold out of the initial supply, but have more on the way. If you suffer from lung/bronchial problems and would like one for yourself, be sure to give us a ring to reserve yours.
The Cisca Easy Salt Pipe® harnesses the natural healing power of salt cave therapy in a handheld salt pipe. When inhaled, the salt crystals help clear congestion and mucus and aid detoxification of the respiratory tract.
This dry salt inhaler contains Halite salt crystals, formed around 20 million years ago in Hungarian salt caves. When using the salt pipe, the air’s moisture absorbs microscopic particles of salt, allowing it to pe*****te the entire respiratory tract. It aims to draw out congestion and irritation. The salt has a thinning effect on mucus, helping clear it naturally and easing respiratory symptoms associated with asthma, allergies, etc. The Easy Saltpipe is plastic, lightweight and unbreakable. It contains 15gm of crystal salt and should last up to 6-12 months, depending on use.

*Light weight and easy to take everywhere

*Great results in Asthma, COPD, Bronchitis and Emphysema

*Helps with Hay Fever and Pollen Allergy and relieves common colds, cough and sinus problems


The Importance of Vitamin D and Why You Need It All-Year-Round

Vitamin D3 is known as the “sunshine vitamin.” It is a fat-soluble nutrient important for many bodily processes. Studies show that Vitamin D3 can improve your body’s calcium absorption to support bone mineralization. It also benefits bones and teeth’ normal growth and development, making it an important prenatal vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can lead to problems for both mother and baby. In other words, it begins performing its role while we are still in the womb!

Vitamin D is important because it is needed to support us throughout our lives. In childhood, it helps prevent bone diseases such as rickets. It aids growth and development through adolescence and into adulthood. It also allows our immune system to function properly.

Research shows that tаkіng Vitamin D3 can benefit musculoskeletal and respiratory health, along with autoimmune dіѕеаѕеѕ. As we age, it helps to guard against bone loss and reduce the risk of developing conditions such as osteoporosis.

Understanding the two forms of Vitamin D and sources
Two forms of Vitamin D. Vitamin D2 comes from plant sources, mainly mushrooms and fortified foods. Vitamin D3 predominantly comes from animal-based sources such аs fаttу fіѕh, seafood, and egg yolks. The body can convert D2 into D3, the usable form that our bodies need. Exposure to sunlight enables our skin to naturally produce the form of Vitamin D known as Vitamin D3.

There are vegan sources of D3, such as lichen. It is a composite organism in a symbiotic relationship between an algae and a fungus. While you won’t find lichen on supermarket shelves, it does make an excellent vegan D3 supplement.

Getting all of the D3 we need from sun exposure alone can be challenging in colder, darker climates. Even when the sun is shining, we may struggle to produce the amount of D3 we require for optimal health. Lifestyle factors can limit the body’s ability to absorb UVB rays from the sun. Spending long hours working, studying, or training indoors can also hinder UVB absorption. Supplementing Vitamin D3 all year round can be important, not just in winter.

Symptoms of Vitamin D3 deficiency
Vitamin D3 deficiency can be difficult to pinpoint without a blood test. Symptoms may be similar to those of other deficiencies or conditions. They typically include aching, weakened bones, muscle weakness, and feelings of fatigue and depression. A deficiency can also manifest as increased susceptibility to coughs, colds, and gut problems.

Why Vitamin D is known as a Mood-Booster
Have you ever noticed how much happier and more positive everyone seems when the weather is nice? Vitamin D has a profound effect on our mood and well-being. During the winter, we can often experience mood changes. This can be quite pronounced and even progress into depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

It’s a direct result of not receiving еnоugh sunlight оn a daily basis. It is also emerging that Vitamin D can help contribute to more restful sleep and a more relaxed emotional state. The importance of Vitamin D includes its benefits for mental and physical health.

Are Vitamin D3 Pills The Only Option?
The great news is that various supplement formats are available when choosing a Vitamin D3 supplement that fits your lifestyle and daily routine. Whether you opt for capsules or a sublingual spray, each method has its advantages and will allow you to support your daily D3 intake.

Incorporate natural sources of this essential nutrient into your diet and lifestyle to enhance your overall well-being and optimize your vitamin D levels. Enjoy delicious D3-rich foods (if they align with your dietary needs) and spend time in the sunshine whenever possible!

At The Keeping Well, we help you achieve optimal health with high-quality supplements. Our Vitamin D3 products can support your well-being throughout the year. Adding Vitamin D3 to your daily routine can strengthen your bones, enhance your immune system, and promote emotional balance.

In summary
Vitamin D3 contributes to:

Absorption аnd utilisation оf calcium аnd рhоѕрhоruѕ
Nоrmаl blооd саlсіum lеvеlѕ
Mаіntеnаnсе of bоnеѕ and teeth
Mаіntеnаnсе of normal muѕсlе function
The normal functioning of thе immune ѕуѕtеm
Mental, emotional and sleep health
When you focus on optimising your vitamin D levels, you can feel much better, be more positive, and have a more robust immune system.


Hippocrates, who was known as the "Father of Medicine", revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece by teaching that illness had natural causes. He also established the first known intellectual school for teaching medicine, and amongst his quotes were:

• Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
• All disease begins in the gut

However, it is only recently that we have begun to understand how the gastrointestinal system affects many functions and is therefore central to health and disease. As well as the ever-increasing incidence of digestive disorders, an unhealthy gut and a gut bacterial imbalance can contribute to a wide range of diseases, which includes heart disease.
People with reduced microbial diversity in the gut are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. A recent study showed that heart failure patients who eat more fibre have healthier balance of gut bacteria, and this has been linked to reduced risk of death and possible need for a heart transplant.
Clearly, therefore, one of the most natural ways to support heart health includes optimising gut bacteria through diet and using the right probiotics that have been researched for their heart health-promoting properties.

Why You Should Consider Probiotics For Your Heart Health

Cardiovascular disease has a complex and multi-factorial set of preceding factors. Cardiovascular health is fundamentally connected to many key maladaptations (such as poor glucose regulation, inflammation, stress and high toxic load). These underpin other chronic diseases such as diabetes, dementia, cancer and others. However, much research is now focused around how pivotal our microbial balance is to our wellbeing and the overarching effect it can have to good health. Probiotics are a safe and simple way to replenish and rebalance microbial dysbiosis and lower gut and systemic inflammation. Therefore, improvements can be made by probiotics not only to heart health, but to the wider system, enhancing quality of life and improving longevity.

For a more detailed article, just ask at The Keeping Well, or pay us a visit to see our range of probiotic and prebiotic supplements.


Healthy Diet for a Healthy Mind and Body

Some of the many potential benefits of eating a well-balanced, wholesome and nutritious diet include greater longevity and better overall health and fitness. By taking the few easy steps in this blog post, you can be in great shape in no time!

Green leafy vegetables are particularly beneficial, as they are high in some of the nutrients your body needs most. Broccoli and brussels sprouts, for example, belong to the cruciferous family of vegetables, and are known to be helpful in promoting health and vitality. Broccoli is also high in vitamin C, a vitamin which is most notable for supporting the immune system.

Fruit also has an abundant supply of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. Most fruits are also high in antioxidants. Nutritionists recommend you consume at least four or five servings of fruit each day, and the raw, ripe kind is the best – particularly in terms of alkalising the body. Apples are a great fruit to eat. They provide vitamins A, C, E and folate, along with a good amount of fibre.

Eat the rainbow – seek out brightly coloured fruits and vegetables to ensure a regular intake of beneficial antioxidants, phyto-nutrients and digestive enzymes.

When you are looking for whole wheat products, also look for products which specify that they are whole grain. If you see 100% whole wheat on the label, that can mean that whole wheat flour is used and you are not necessarily getting the benefit of the whole grain. Whole grains are nutrient-dense with more fibre, complex carbohydrates and vitamins, and are therefore of greater benefit to the body. Similarly, a product claim that something is “high in fibre” does not necessarily speak to the quality of the fibre. Some fibre (such as extracted bran) is actually irritating to the gut. Whole grain fibre, in contrast, is not.

Refined sugar, saturated fat and man-made chemicals are to be eliminated from the diet as far as possible. While ocassional treats are fine, processed foods and drinks are nutrient-poor (and can even be anti-nutrients, i.e. actively drain your body of nutrients) and should therefore be avoided if you are looking to improve your overall health, vitality and mental focus. The result of eating and drinking these kinds of food-stuffs is poor nutrition, higher toxic load plus weight gain.

Hydration is another very important, and often forgotten, aspect of health and nutrition. Water keeps your digestive system working properly and flushes out toxins from your body. The rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of water each day, but drinking more than that is a good idea if you are exercising or perspiring heavily.

Natural yoghurt and other probiotic foods make for great snacks. If efficient digestion is the cornerstone of good health, maintaining (and even building) levels of friendly bowel bacteria in the gut can only be a good thing.

Unfortunately, the foods that make up the average daily diet in the modern world do not supply the range of nutrients they once did. This is due, for example, to poor farming methods (including the use of pesticides etc), long-distance transportation of fresh produce, extended shelf-lives and synthetic ingredients. The only ways to offset this is to opt for ORGANIC PRODUCE whenever possible and SUPPLEMENT your balanced diet with HIGH QUALITY FOOD FORM NUTRIENTS.

It is essential that you get all the nutrients your body needs to perform at its full potential on a daily basis. Use the information in this article to make sure your mind and body are the best they can be.


REISHI - "Herb of Immortality"
If there was a top ten of the most famous herbs of all time, Reishi would be at number one. Reishi has the longest recorded history of any medicinal mushrooms. It is also one of the longest documented uses of any herb, with over 2000 years of recorded use. The Ganoderma lucium strain has had both its genome and its mitochondrial genome mapped, such is its pharmaceutical significance. Scientists wanted to try to find out how this mushroom makes all the very interesting chemicals.
Traditionally, Reishi was used to replenish chi/Qi, the life force, and to promote long life and energy levels. The ultimate tonic herb, used to treat all manner of serious and degenerative disorders. Chinese legend says that if you take Reishi every day, you will live forever.
Research has shown that the effects of Reishi are due to two main classes of compounds, the beta-glucans with their well-known immune system modulating activity, and the triterpines. The triterpines have also been shown to have a wide range of positive effects such as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects. In summary, Reishi is a great every day boost for the immune system, but can also be called upon in serious situations.
Reishi is a bracket fungus in the wild, growing from tree trunks and getting its nutrients from the tree. The Reishi in our supplements, (powder, liquid or capsule), is grown on wood to replicate the natural habitat.


Minerals are the source of all physical life and the basis of nutrition. The human body consists of about 4% minerals which control every organ and all the electrical impulses in the body. The human body consists of 37.2 trillion cells and, all of these cells require the interdependence, interaction, and interrelationship of a full spectrum of minerals.
The Quality of Nano
Nano particles are infinitesimally small, even smaller than any colloidal or ionic particle. Their remarkable size make them very effective in nature as they are immediately absorbed by the body, and are 100% bioavailable, resulting in fast and effective results. The power and alchemy of nano particles is due to the advanced formula which uses the purest water and elemental minerals to guarantee perfectly spherical particles which determine the exceptionally high zeta potential ( the energy that surrounds a particle ). Zeta potential directly effects the surrounding environment. It influences the permeability of bacteria/virus leading to the death of pathogens ranging from common colds to cancers.
At The Keeping Well we stock a whole range of nano-minerals, in dark violet glass to prevent decay, and to keep the products fresher for longer. They also contain no allergens, are not tested on animals, are 100% GMO free and completely natural.

Nano Minerals are the Next Generation of Mineral Waters.


What are the benefits for you?

Resveratrol is a natural compound found in plants that may have a number of health benefits, including:
Resveratrol may help prevent the formation of carcinogens, block the action of carcinogens on cells, and suppress cancer development.
Heart health
Resveratrol may help with high cholesterol, and may have helped establish red wine's reputation for cardiovascular health.
Blood fats
Resveratrol may help change blood fats in a healthy way, including reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol.
Neurodegenerative diseases
Resveratrol may help with neurodegenerative diseases by inhibiting the action of 3-nitropropionic acid, which causes phenotypic symptoms of HD.
Other conditions
Resveratrol may also help with hay fever, weight loss, pain and swelling, and blood sugar levels.

Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and peanuts. It's also present in red wine and grape juice, but the amount of resveratrol in food and wine can vary widely.
However our premium capsules, are carefully made from pure, dried Giant Knotweed extract, with an impressive 98% trans-resveratrol content.

(Note: Resveratrol can slow blood clotting, so people taking anticoagulant medications should be aware of an increased risk of bleeding.)

Supports cellular rejuvenation
Elevates NAD+ levels
Promotes healthy aging
Regulates cellular energy production and promotes longevity
Repairs DNA damage
Enhances endurance and vitality
Supports heart health
Discover the exceptional antioxidant power of resveratrol with our premium capsules.Our capsules guarantee unparalleled potency. Harness the full benefits of this potent antioxidant to support cardiovascular health, encourage youthful aging, and boost overall vitality with each dose.


We need a strong body structure at all levels to enable us to function, from the bones that form our framework, right through to skin that protects us. Nutrition is critical, as it provides the materials we’re made from. Everyone understands about calcium in bones of course, but it is much more complex, with different blends of materials combined to get the right balance of strength and flexibility. Many key vitamins and minerals also contribute to the process of making our ‘connective tissue’. We are quite literally what we eat. If we exercise a lot, or even as we get older, these structures can break down, and we may have to restrict our daily activities because we’re stiff, or even in pain! So, how can we support our bones, skin and joints so we can move easily, avoid injury and age well? How can vitamins, plant extracts and other nutrients in supplements help?
Body Challenges
Bones form a solid framework that provides our structural foundation and protects organs, holds our shape, and works as a system of levers, to enable movement, so we can use our limbs and hands as ‘tools’. It consists largely of minerals, including calcium and magnesium, but also organic material like collagen. Bone formation is dependent on vitamin D, K2, antioxidants like vitamin C, and can be highly influenced by the status of our hormones, during menopause for example. The pressure we put on bones through weight-bearing and other activity, as well as ageing, also has an influence. Joints consist of cartilage - a spongier type of tissue, providing cushioning and lubrication to facilitate smooth movement. It is made of molecules called GAGs (such as chondroitin, which is made from glucosamine) and hyaluronic acid. Unfortunately, cartilage is very susceptible to wear and tear, especially over time or with certain repetitive activities. Ligaments and tendons tend to have more collagen protein, providing tensile strength to allow just enough movement, but not too much. They can be prone to prolonged stiffness or even damage, in an accident or during exercise. Skin is our main external barrier to protect us from the world outside – including infections, trauma, sun (UVA) damage, or toxins. Together with our hair and nails, they reflect our underlying health and play a key part in physical attractiveness. It needs the right balance of strength and suppleness, provided by collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants.
Body Solutions
Whether you want to look after your bones, skin or joints, or even actively support them to ensure they can withstand life’s demands, we have a range of specific supplement solutions and some simple lifestyle changes that can really help to support these areas and help you optimise your body’s building blocks.


Immune System, Anti-inflammatory, Energy, Bone and Joint Health

Are you confused by all the information you see on various herbs, vitamins and minerals? Are you wondering which supplements you should take to improve your health?
One of the mainstays we recommend at The Keeping Well is our 'Herbal Turmeric Mix' with its array of synergistic ingredients, which together will give you greater benefits than taking each ingredient alone.
Turmeric root powder has been long used in Ayurvedic medicine as a basic "heal all" and anti-inflammatory. The benefits of turmeric and its active ingredients (including curcuminoids) are now widely recognised in the Western world after much TV, magazine and radio coverage. There are also many published studies supporting the beneficial effects of turmeric.

Our 'Herbal Turmeric Mix' is a unique combination of turmeric with synergistic extracts, herbs and nutrients, which support immunity, lower levels of inflammation, joint and bone health as well as energy levels, cognitive function, hormonal balance, acid-base metabolism, macronutrient metabolism, nails, skin, hair and more.

Each capsule combines organic turmeric root powder and high-potency turmeric root extract (providing 150mg curcumin - the active ingredient), with ginger root, cayenne pepper, piperine (black pepper), zinc and vitamin B6. The piperine has been included to potentiate the absorption and effect of the other herbal actives - a well-known herbalists' combination.

Ideal as an immune system booster, as well as for use during any exercise programme, by older adults and anyone looking to support hormone, bone and joint health plus all round well-being. Can also be used for liver, digestive and circulatory system health.

# Approved EFSA health claims:

Zinc contributes to normal DNA synthesis, normal acid-base metabolism, normal carbohydrate metabolism, normal cognitive function, normal fertility and reproduction, normal macronutrient metabolism, normal metabolism of fatty acids, normal metabolism of vitamin A, normal protein synthesis, the maintenance of normal bones, the maintenance of normal hair, nails and skin, the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood, the maintenance of normal vision, the normal function of the immune system, the protection of cells from oxidative stress and it has a role in the process of cell division.
Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal function of the immune system, the regulation of hormonal activity, normal cysteine synthesis, normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal homocysteine metabolism, normal protein and glycogen metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Many of our customers often combine this with another of our great health combos, 'ImmunArmour', a powerful combination with high vitamin C and other specific herbals, vitamins and minerals.

Together, these are two of our most recommended and favourite supplements, which will help to keep you healthier during the winter.


Are You Tired Of Being Tired?
Are you looking for some help getting to sleep, staying asleep and waking refreshed?
At The Keeping Well, we stock GoodNight from Oruani Global.
GoodNight is a specialist combination night time blend, with synergistic herbal, amino acid, vitamin and mineral ingredients for calm nights and refreshed, energised mornings.

This food supplement combines Montmorency tart cherry, ashwagandha, passion flower, German chamomile, lemon balm, L-Taurine, L-Theanine and lavender with niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin and magnesium.

EFSA approved health claims:
Niacin contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to normal psychological function.
Pantothenic acid contributes to normal mental performance and contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and to normal functioning of the nervous system.

Insomnia / sleep disorders
Tiredness and fatigue
Stress and anxiety
Quality of sleep
Mild depression
Psychological function
Mental performance
Hormonal activity
A sense of calm
The nervous system

We also stock other supplements that help with sleep, relaxation and anxiety. Why not call for some advice from one of our experts?



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