Don't miss out!
These are your last hours to be a part of #MNF2023 and enjoy a discount of up to €75!🕐
Seize the chance to unite with countless international leaders, experts, policymakers, program implementers, and advocates hailing from national governments, bilateral donors, multilateral organizations, academia, civil society, and ethical businesses.
Whether you're present at #N4R in The Hague or participating online💻 , your involvement will play a pivotal role in steering us toward the goal of global nutrition security for all. Don't miss out! 👉
#nutrition #resillience #SDGs #foodsecurity #MightyNutrients #micronutrients
Why do you need to join us?
Why do you need to join us?
By connecting with professionals from various corners of the globe and emphasizing real-world impact, the Micronutrient Forum’s 6th Global Conference is positioned to drive transformation in the fields of #nutrition and #publichealth.
#MNF2023 #N4R offers many benefits such as the possibility to:
✅Join online or in person
✅Immerse yourself in a globally inclusive environment
✅Engage with an evidence-based program and much more!
👉Save your seat today:
#resillience #SDGs #foodsecurity #MightyNutrients #N4R #HiddenHunger #healthsystems #InvestInNutrition #foodsecurity #micronutrients
🌍🌱 Can't join us in person or concerned about your #carbonfootprint? #MNF2023 #N4R will be our most accessible conference yet with a comprehensive virtual attendance option, allowing you to take part in every aspect of the meeting.
👉 Take a look at this short video to learn more about virtual participation and register today at
Register before September 15
📢 Don't miss out on the opportunity to register for #MNF2023 #N4R conference before the upcoming deadline! 💪
As the summer holiday season winds down, it's the perfect time to secure your spot and unlock valuable insights that will shape the future of global nutrition and resilience.
Register before September 15 and take advantage of reduced rates, saving up to 150 euros🎉
🔗 Register here:
#resillience #micronutrients #NutritionForResilience #EarlyBirdDeadline #SaveBig #visittheHague
📢Program highlights!
📚In the #N4R Track 3 session, “Bridging implementation and science: Lessons learned in designing and delivering #micronutrient programs for impact and scale”, experts will explore the world of implementation science - a crucial field that addresses bottlenecks, innovations, and strategies for effective implementation of interventions.
Read more about this session ➡️: ( )
Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and learn from experts in the field, save your seat for #MNF2023 today:
#resilience #micronutrients #NutritionForResilience #EarlyBirdDeadline #SaveBig #visittheHague
To break the cycle of global crises and build #resilience, we must improve nutrition outcomes for women, adolescent girls, and children.
The #N4R plenary session, “Forging Connections Between Humanitarian and Development Efforts to Strengthen Micronutrient and Nutrition Resilience” will showcase the impact of nutrition programs in enhancing resilience and explore ways to secure funding within existing financing structures.
➡️ Read more about this plenary session ( ) & save your seat for #MNF2023 today to learn more!
#N4R #HiddenHunger #healthsystems #InvestInNutrition #foodsecurity #micronutrients #poweringwomensnutrition
World Food Programme College of Human Ecology at Cornell Scaling Up Nutrition Movement London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Nutrition Society Nutrition International
Still not sure why you should join us? Here are some of the top reasons:
✅ #N4R will showcase the latest evidence, programs, and policy actions on micronutrient health and nutrition resilience.
✅ With over 3,000 international and national delegates expected, #N4R offers an exceptional opportunity to expand professional networks and forge new collaborations.
➡️Save your seat today:
#nutrition #resillience #SDGs #foodsecurity #MightyNutrients
Track 2 - program highlight! 🤩
Because #micronutrients play an important role in many metabolic pathways, it is not surprising that micronutrient status is increasingly linked to non-communicable diseases (#NCDs).
In the concurrent session, “Micronutrient Status and Interventions: Relationships with #Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)” discover how #NCDs may be affected by zinc, vitamin D, and selenium status.
🔎Learn more about this relatively new area of research by joining leading micronutrient experts at #N4R!
👉Register now:
#Nutrition #Cancer #diabetes #NUTRITION2023 #nutrition #resilience #SDGs #foodsecurity #MightyNutrients
@SickKidsNews @LSHTM @HarvestPlus @ETH @GobiernoMX @CGIAR @nutritionorg @JNutritionOrg @AJCNutrition @International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) @Macfadden @GroundWork-Health @University of Surrey @Universiteit Gent
Join us at #MNF2023 to learn about gender-responsive approaches to #nutrition and #resilience through various sessions, including "Building Supportive Policy Environments for Micronutrient Resilience" and "Women's Nutrition: Creating an Empowering Environment."
These sessions will explore successful strategies in linking local-to-global advocacy efforts, as well as effective approaches to building and #sustaining momentum for implementing programs that tackle #malnutrition.
👉 Register now for #MNF202:
#HMHB #MaternalNutrition #PoweringWomen #PromisingFutures #InvestInWomen
World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Organization African Region Scaling Up Nutrition Movement South African Government Nutrition International Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Helen Keller Intl Vitamin Angels Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition BBC News
Meet the esteemed members of the Program Committee for Track 2: Efficacy and Safety of Micronutrient Interventions at #MNF2023!
Here are just some of the topics that will be explored through the Track 2 program:
🟢 Impact of interventions on micronutrient status and functional outcomes
🟢 Efficacy of delivering #micronutrients throughout different life stages
🟢 Relationship between micronutrient status and non-communicable diseases
🟢 Adverse effects of micronutrients and risks of over-exposure
🟢 Often-overlooked micronutrients of public health concern
👉Register now:
Introducing the Program Committee members of Track 4: Designing Enabling Environments for Micronutrients! #MNF2023
These experts have played an instrumental role in curating the #N4R program, covering a diverse array of topics such as:
🟢 #Micronutrient security as a human right
🟢 Rethinking the investment case for nutrition
🟢 Multisectoral engagement to ensure food systems deliver on #nutrition and #resilience
🟢 Developing effective and responsible policies, programs, and business models
And more!
Register for #MNF2023:
#N4R #HiddenHunger #MightyNutrients #InvestInNutrition #foodsecurity #micronutrients #foodsystems Gobierno de México ETH Zürich HarvestPlus London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine SickKids Foundation
Introducing the Program Committee members of Track 1: Micronutrient Biology and Status Assessment! 🌟 #MNF2023 #N4R
These experts have played a pivotal role in shaping the conference program to explore a wide range of topics from micronutrient bioavailability to biological markers for micronutrient status and the complex interactions with infection and immunity.
Register for #MNF2023 and find out more about the wealth of knowledge that the #N4R program has to offer in the Exclusive #N4R Previews:
#MightyNutrients #InvestInNutrition #foodsecurity #micronutrientbiology
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 17
Here are some of the top reasons why you should submit your abstract and/or learning center application for #MNF2023 #N4R! Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your work and make a positive impact.
👉🔎Explore the abstract topics and submit now:
#datamatters #nutritionmatters #FoodFortification #ClimateChange #FoodSystems
Secure your spot & save today! #MNF2023
Join the conversation on nutrition for #resilience!💡
Experience a hybrid event with both virtual and in-person components at #MNF2023 this October in #theHague. Choose from various registration types with flexible cancellation policies.
➡️ Secure your spot & save today:
#NutritionForResilience #MicronutrientBiology #NutritionScience #Micronutrients #HealthyEating #VitaminResearch #MineralNutrition
A mother’s health is foundational to the health and wellbeing of her children, family, and community.
Let’s support her.
On #MothersDay, we must remember to put #mothers first.
We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Dr. Ferew Lemma.
He will be remembered for his dedication & commitment to advancing nutrition.
This is a tremendous loss to Ethiopia and the global nutrition community.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family & friends.