Tantra Movement

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Tantra Movement This page is to stimulate the movement what is based on love. We would like to spread wisdom of tant


At this moment most of our info we focus on our Ta**ra Movement website doe to:
Facebook since more than month put some sneaky limitations on our personal account Michal Kali Griks and other. We follow as many liberation from this monopolistic and authoritarian, disrespectful social media. Looking forward to stay connected on real life.
Love ❤️



[ENGLISH BELOW]Kochani. Czy jesteś zainteresowany/a poprawą swojego życia, związku, pożycia i miłości w nim zawartym? Kt...

[ENGLISH BELOW]Kochani. Czy jesteś zainteresowany/a poprawą swojego życia, związku, pożycia i miłości w nim zawartym? Któż by tego nie chciał?

Życie mnie z powrotem przyniosło do Polski. W tym czasie, gdy Ta**ra Movement wzrasta, nie tylko kreując nowych nauczycieli na naszym Ta**ra Teachers Course, ale także zdobywając kolejne tereny geograficzne, zakotwiczając nowe miejsca do nauki Tantry i miłości.

Przez prawie miesiąc, jesteśmy tutaj w Polsce, niekoniecznie tylko w Poznaniu, by podzielić się praktyką i wiedzą Tantry gromadzoną przez prawie 20 lat.

Oferujemy, cały nasz program, niczym prosto z Koh Phangan, naszej szkoły w Tajlandii. "Dla każdego coś dobrego!":

4 różne darmowe wydarzenia wprowadzające.

4 różne półdniowe warsztaty.

4 różne trzydniowe głębsze retreaty.

A to wszystko w oprawie naszego kursu nauczycielskiego Ta**ra, który oferujemy dla gotowych na to entuzjastów.

W naszym chyba jednym z najbardziej regularnych i entuzjastycznych programów, naprawdę każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie w bogatym świecie tantry.

Od waszego spontanicznego zapotrzebowania i jak najbardziej natychmiastowego odzewu teraz, zależy to, czy, ja Michal Kali Griks (założyciel Ta**ra Movement) z moją partnerką Trisha Croft, na stałe, poważnie i regularnie zagościmy w Polsce.

Przyjaciele, studenci, nauczyciele, organizatorzy i wszyscy inni ludzie dobrej woli, jeśli chcecie wesprzeć te marzenia wielu, najlepiej weźcie udział w przynajmniej jednym z 12 wydarzeń w tym miesiącu, zaproście na nie znajomych albo przynajmniej podzielcie się tą nowiną, by pomóc naszej spontaniczności i innym dotrzeć do naszych darów.

Z góry dziękujemy i jeszcze raz zapraszamy na głównie praktyczne zajęcia w dziedzinach:
masażu tantrycznego,
świadomych związków,
świętej seksualności,
i uczenia jak kochać lepiej, by naprawdę to robić.

Po więcej informacji wejdź na strony:

Zobacz wydarzenia na Ta**ra Movement page events section:

Pooglądaj filmiki z poprzednich warsztatów w Polsce:
.. i nie zwlekaj, by skontaktować się z nami.
Michal Kali Griks wraz z Ta**ra Movement

Ps: Takze zapytaj o sesje prywatne, masaze tantryczne


Dear Friends,

Are you interested in improving your life, relationships, and the love within them? Who wouldn't want that?

Life has brought me back to Poland. During this time, as Ta**ra Movement continues to grow—creating new teachers through our Ta**ra Teachers Course and expanding into new geographical areas for the study of Ta**ra and love.

For almost a month, we're here in Poland, not just in Poznań, to share the practices and knowledge of Ta**ra accumulated over nearly 20 years.

We offer our entire program, straight from our school in Koh Phangan, Thailand. "Something good for everyone!":

4 different introductory FREE events.

4 half-day workshops.

4 three-day deeper retreats.

All complemented by our Ta**ra Teachers Course, designed for enthusiasts ready for it.

In what might be one of the most regular and enthusiastic programs, everyone will surely find something for themselves in the rich world of Ta**ra.

The future of my permanent and regular presence here in Poland with my partner Trisha Croft depends on your spontaneous demand and immediate response now.

Friends, students, teachers, organizers, and all other kind-hearted people, if you want to support the dreams of many, it's best to participate in at least one of the 12 events this month, invite friends to them, or at least share this news to help our spontaneity reach others.

Thank you in advance, and once again, we invite you to mainly practical sessions in the fields of:

Ta***ic massage,
Conscious relationships,
Sacred s*xuality,
and learning to love better, to truly do it.

For more information, visit:

Check out events on the Ta**ra Movement page events section:

Watch videos from previous workshops in Poland:
.. and don't hesitate to contact us.
Michal Kali Griks with the Ta**ra Movement

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world


Kochani. Czy jestes zainteresowany/a poprawa swojego zycia, zwiazku, pozycia i milosci w nim zawartym? Ktoz by tego nie chcial?

Zycie mnie z powrotem przynioslo do Polski. W tym czasie, gdy Ta**ra Movement wzrasta nie tylko kreujac nowych nauczycieli na naszym Ta**ra Teachers Course ale takze zdobywajac kolejne tereny geograficzne zakotwiczajac nowe miejsca do nauki Tantry i milosci.

Przez prawie miesiac, jestesmy tutaj w Polsce, niekoniecznie tylko w Poznaniu, by podzielic sie praktyka I wiedza Tantry gromadzona przez prawie 20 lat.

Oferujemy, caly nasz program, niczym prosto z Koh Phangan, naszej szkoly w Tajlandii. "Dla kazdego cos dobrego!":

4 rozne darmowe wydarzenia wprowadzajace.

4 rozne pol dniowe warsztaty

4 rozne trzydniowe glebsze retreaty

A to wszystko w oprawie naszego kursu nauczycielskiego Ta**ra, ktory oferujemy dla gotowych na to entuzjastow.

W naszym chyba jednym z najbardziej regularnych i entuzjastycznych programow, chyba naprawde kazdy znajdzie cos dla siebie w bogatym swiecie tantry.

Od waszego spontanicznego zapotrzebowania i jaknajbardziej natychmiastowego odzewu teraz, zalezy to, czy, ja Michal Kali Griks (zalozyciel Ta**ra Movement) z ma partnerka Trisha Croft, na stale, powaznie i regularnie zagoscimy w Polsce.

Przyjaciele, studenci, nauczyciele, organizatorzy i wszyscy inni ludzie dobrej woli, jesli chcecie wesprzec te marzenia wielu, najlepiej wezcie udzial w przynajmniej jednym z 12u wydarzen w tym miesiacu, zaproscie na nie znajomych albo przynajmniej podzielcie sie ta nowina by pomoc naszej spontanicznosci i innym dotrzec do naszych darow.

Z gory dziekujemy i jeszcze raz zapraszamy na glownie praktyczne zajecia w dziedzinach:
masazu tantrycznego,
swiadomych zwiazkow,
swietej seksualnosci
i uczenia jak kochac lepiej by na prawde to robic.

Po wiecej informacji wejdz na strony:

Zobacz wydarzenia na Ta**ra Movement page events section

Poogaldaj filmiki z poprzednich warsztatow w Polsce:
.. I nie zwlekaj by skontaktowac sie z nami
Michal Kali Griks wraz z Ta**ra Movement

This page is to stimulate the movement what is based on love. We would like to spread wisdom of tant

Creating a new future but still being affected by the past is a kind of spiritual bypassing and may not work in the long...

Creating a new future but still being affected by the past is a kind of spiritual bypassing and may not work in the long term. That's why healing the past is essential in creating a healthy future.

That's why "forced" affirmations and positive thinking may not work when the body needs to be healed. It goes hand in hand. When the body or another part of our being is healed, liberated, something new has to be created. Some change needs to happen. Otherwise, the system may catch us back into old conditionings.

Loving yourself, your partner, and all others is constant work, a spiritual practice - like all those practices require the discipline alternated with rest that gives integration to the process.

If our faith is strong, we may move mountains. But for our faith to be without doubts, we have to heal our wounds and liberate ourselves from the conditionings we didn't choose.

For further reading, I recommend you see the chapter: "What You Have to Do After a Ta**ra Retreat."

Michal Kali Griks

World Peace Singing Rainbow Gathering




Ta**ra Tachers Courses, now are expanding to whole world!

Ta**ra Tachers Courses, now are expanding to whole world!

Life can often feel like a solitary journey, especially when you’re dedicated to your path but surrounded by silence. The sensation of isolation can be overwhelming, making you question the value of your efforts and the worthiness of your goals. However, there is a profound truth that often goes unnoticed: the work you do with sincerity and integrity has a unique way of reaching out into the world, connecting you with like-minded souls.

In moments of solitude, it's essential to remember that true and conscientious work resonates beyond the immediate confines of your environment. This kind of work is imbued with authenticity and passion, qualities that inherently attract others. When you pour your heart and soul into what you do, you’re not just creating something of value—you’re sending out a beacon to others who share your values and vision.

Consider the countless artists, writers, scientists, and thinkers who have toiled away in isolation, often feeling as though their efforts went unnoticed. Their commitment to their work, however, forged connections they couldn’t have anticipated. Vincent van Gogh, for example, struggled with loneliness and obscurity during his lifetime, but his dedication to his art created a legacy that has touched millions. His unknown friends—those who appreciate and are inspired by his work—came long after he had gone.

The connections you make through your work might not always be immediate or visible, but they are inevitable. In a world interconnected by shared interests and passions, your dedication will draw people towards you. These unknown friends might come in the form of collaborators, supporters, or even those who find solace and inspiration in what you do.

Doing your work truly means committing to authenticity. It means producing work that reflects your true self, your values, and your vision. This authenticity is magnetic. People are drawn to genuine expressions because they offer a respite from the superficial and the mundane. When your work is a true reflection of who you are, it becomes a powerful tool for connection.

Moreover, conscientious work is characterized by a deep sense of responsibility and care. It’s about putting in the effort, paying attention to detail, and striving for excellence. This dedication not only enhances the quality of your work but also demonstrates your integrity and commitment. These qualities are universally respected and admired, making your work stand out and attract those who value the same principles.

It's also important to acknowledge that the journey of doing conscientious work can be its own reward. It cultivates inner strength, resilience, and a sense of purpose. While external recognition and companionship are fulfilling, the process of working earnestly and sincerely enriches your own life. It brings clarity, fulfillment, and a profound sense of accomplishment.

In today’s digital age, the power of your work to connect you with unknown friends is amplified. The internet provides platforms where your work can reach far and wide, crossing geographical and cultural boundaries. Your blog post, artwork, scientific research, or any other form of sincere work has the potential to touch lives in distant places, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and connection.

So, embrace your solitude as a space for creation and reflection. Trust that your true and conscientious work will find its way into the world, drawing towards you those who appreciate and resonate with it. Unknown friends are out there, looking for the kind of authenticity and dedication you bring to your work. By staying true to your path, you open doors to meaningful connections and a supportive community, no matter how isolated you may feel.

Remember, every effort you make with sincerity is a step towards forging unseen bonds and building a network of unknown friends who will seek you out, drawn by the light of your authentic and dedicated work.

Hello Lovely People! During 1 JUL - 4 AUGTa**ra Teacher Course, in Berlin,We are giving you open for everyone: 5 FREE ev...

Hello Lovely People! During
1 JUL - 4 AUG
Ta**ra Teacher Course, in Berlin,
We are giving you open for everyone:
5 FREE events, 5 half days workshops, 5 three days retreats.
Check whole program at our Ta**ra Movement page events section:

MON, 1 JUL AT 17:00
FREE: Taste Of Ta**ra Connection Event

THURS, 4 JUL AT 16:30
Connection Event on Consent Boundaries, and Awareness

Introduction To Ta**ra. 3 Days Course

MON, 8 JUL AT 17:00
Conscious Relationship FREE Demo.

THURS, 11 JUL AT 16:30
Conscious Relating. Connection Event

FRI, 12 JUL-14 JUL
Supreme Lovers 3 Days Course.

MON, 15 JUL AT 17:00
FREE Demo on Consent, Boundaries, Awareness.

THURS, 18 JUL AT 16:30
Taste Of Ta**ra Connection Event

FRI, 19 JUL-21 JUL
Introduction to Ta**ra Massage 3 Days Course.

MON, 22 JUL AT 17:00
FREE: Taste Of Ta**ra Connection Event

THURS, 25 JUL AT 16:30
Taste Of Ta**ra Connection Event

FRI, 26 JUL-28 JUL
De-Armouring, Full Body Or**sm Without Touching Massage and Short Powerful Massages.

MON, 29 JUL AT 17:00
FREE Demo on Consent, Boundaries, and Awareness.

THURS, 1 AUG AT 16:30
Connection Event on Consent, Boundaries, Awareness

Neo Ta**ra Massage. Yoni and Lingam Massage.

Hello Lovely People! I'm here today with you to share something very important. I have a dream, like a prophecy - kind o...

Hello Lovely People!

I'm here today with you to share something very important. I have a dream, like a prophecy - kind of a warning. Not to scare, but to make you aware. If it's not the same, it's up to you.

Some of you may have seen a very catastrophic movie like "The Last of Us". Something like this came in my dream. The message of it is very clear: If we don't do everything and even more than possible, many of the crises that humanity is facing now will be experienced very soon.

As I asked years ago: Would you watch fascism develop further if you knew what happened during the Second World War? Worse than then is already happening. 35,000 mostly children are dying from hunger every day in the worst torture of it. Just as consequences of inequality and more and more also climate change.

If we don't want this misery to continue, it's better that more of us become vegan and all of us eat less meat, and that we all bring solutions to the present and the future.

The solution that I'm bringing is Ta**ra teaching about how to love better and doing it. Thankfully, this may heal us, may liberate us from the conditionings we didn't choose. Thankfully, it may make us expand in love and grow in ecstasy. It is changing us from the core of our being. We transform from typical s*x, that is very often connected to shame, guilt, s*xual addictions, past traumas etc. We transform it into sacred s*xuality that is most beautiful, energazing, intimate expression of more and more unconditional love to ourselves and especially for our partners. Thankfully, learning and mastering the "Use It Don't Lose It" method or other ways of sublimation of s*xual energy, we are not only freeing ourselves from addiction to s*x, we nourish ourselves with more energy/ecstasy and love coming from ta***ic different or***ms. Having this energy, we only want to do good things, nothing bad. With our whole being, we would care for planet Earth and humanity.

Like one wise elder woman said at some spiritual festival: If a hungry child appeared here in front of us, we would all hurry to help. This is our human nature. However, just because it is happening far away, it doesn’t mean that the pain or death is any lesser. We should never ignore it.

My First Aid and "Street Medics" teacher once told me that after giving humanitarian aid during the Tsunami, people asked him: How did you manage seeing so many dead bodies? He replied: How did you manage seeing so many dead bodies on TV and not being able to do anything? - this touched my heart forever.

The thing is that you can do so much. Just by eating vegan, you can imagine 16 happy hungry children eating, thankful for your choice. You can imagine more trees, cleaner water, earth, air just because you eat less meat. Apparently, on an individual level, it's the best way to decrease global warming - much better than reducing your travels even.

This consciousness from the bottom of your heart, Ta**ra, and mainly the "Use It Don't Lose It" method, is giving to you. "We Are All One" is becoming a real experience, not just an empty slogan.

Love and Light

Michal Kali Griks
Rainbow Unterkatzen, Germany


Some old video on the subject from beginning of my teachings.

Is Ta**ra and Rainbow Gathering political ?(would you also like to answer in the comments ?)One of the text what i shared on many of our workshops at Rainbow...

Hello Lovely People! We would appreciate some help. We are ta**ra teachers from Koh Phangan, Thailand, Poland, Australia...

Hello Lovely People! We would appreciate some help. We are ta**ra teachers from Koh Phangan, Thailand, Poland, Australia, Amsterdam. We are spontanously caming to Berlin 1st July for 5 weeks with our Ta**ra Teachers Course and 15 smaller, other events included for everyone. Somehow promotion doesn't work as usual, maybe because the English language or maybe because we are 'new' in the city.

We are good teachers with almost 20 years of experience. You may check our media. We shared more than 150 videos, many practical ones. Please check and help us to reach to people who may benefit from our wisdom, love and experience.

Thanks in advance
Michal Kali Griks
Trisha Croft
Ta**ra Movement

Sacred Sexuality in Ta**ra Love Making. Hey Gods and Goddesses, This is Trisha Croft and Michal Kali Griks from Ta**ra for Couples. Today we want to share ou...

Tribute too!

Tribute too!

49 years ago today, Bruce Lee dropped his body (at the age of 32). To pay tribute to him on this anniversary, here’s a collection of some of his deepest quotes...

“I do not experience; I am experience. I am not the subject of an experience; I am that experience. I am awareness. Nothing else can be I or can exist.”

"When we suddenly awake to the realization that there is no barrier, and never has been, one realizes that one is all things – mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, sun, moon, stars, universe are all oneself. There is no longer a division or barrier between myself and others, no longer any feeling of alienation or fear. There is nothing apart from oneself and therefore nothing to fear. Realizing this results in true compassion. Other people and things are not seen as apart from oneself but, on the contrary, as one's own body."

“The difference between knowledge and enlightenment is that in the former a contrast exists between the knower and the known, whereas in the latter, there is no such contrast.”

“As long as we separate this oneness into two, we won’t achieve realization.”

“The oneness of all life is a truth that can be fully realized only when false notions of a separate self, whose destiny can be considered apart from the whole, are forever annihilated.”

"The medicine for my suffering I had within me from the very beginning, but I did not take it. My ailment came from within myself, but I did not observe it. Now I see that I will never find the light unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel, consuming myself."

“Sorrows are our best educator. A man can see further through a tear than a telescope.”

"Don't think. Feel. It is like a finger pointing at the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all of the heavenly glory."

"Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier. The more we understand, the greater and deeper will be our contact with all that is around us."

“Zen is both something we are, our true nature expressing itself moment by moment, and something we do, a disciplined practice through which we can realize the joy of being. So, what is Zen? Stop trying to get an intellectual lock on something that is vast and boundless, far more than the rational mind can grasp. Just breathe in with full awareness.”

“To meditate means to realize the imperturbability of one’s original nature. Meditation means to be free from all phenomena, and calmness means to be internally unperturbed. There will be calmness, tranquility, when one is free from external objects and is not perturbed.”

"Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless - like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put it into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."



Ta**ra Movement warmly invites you into a holistic ta***ic path of self-discovery, energy exchange, and relating fully. Workshops go beyond concepts to enter...

🌟 Unlock the Power of Sublimation Energy! 🌟Are you ready to elevate your Ta**ra practice to new heights? Join us for an ...

🌟 Unlock the Power of Sublimation Energy! 🌟
Are you ready to elevate your Ta**ra practice to new heights? Join us for an enlightening masterclass by Michal Kali Griks, founder of Ta**ra Movement, on sublimation energy. This session offers a sneak peek into the advanced techniques you'll learn in our upcoming Ta**ra Teachers Courses.
It gives you not only the intention of the course but it shares with you according to us, the most powerful, spiritual, and energizing practice that exists. Don't believe us. Check for yourself.

📽️ Watch Now: Sublimation Energy Masterclass For Ta**ra Teachers

If teaching Ta**ra has been calling you, then we would love for You to join our upcoming Ta**ra Teachers Courses:

Germany - Berlin 🌟1st July - 4th August 2024🌟

Mexico - Tulum 🌟1st November - 5th December 2024🌟

Thailand - Koh Phangan 🌟2nd January - 6th February 2025🌟

Experience firsthand the transformative power of Ta**ra and learn to guide others. Don’t miss this chance to feel the energy and gain insights before our July course begins!

We will guide you not only how to lead the practices, but how to Heal Yourself first that You could Hold a safe space for Your Future students from your own Healing Experience.

Trisha Croft
Danguole Ta**ra Path
Lucas Jarosch
Michal Kali Griks

More guest Teachers will share all the secrets and years of experience on how to become sensitive, professional, and experienced Ta**ra Teacher. We need more professionals in the Field!

Join us and become a power of love, healing, and wisdom. 🌸

More info here:

**raMovement **raTeachersCourse **ra **rapath **rathailand **rakohphangan **raretreat **rapath **ramassage **ra **raworkshop **rateacher **rateachercourse **rateacher **rakohphangan

If teaching Ta**ra has been calling you for some time now, then we would love for You to join our Ta**ra Teachers Courses:Germany - Berlin 🌟1st July - 4th A...

Hello Lovely People! 💜 This documentary and this playlist not only showcase the Ta**ra Teachers Course but also dive int...

Hello Lovely People! 💜 This documentary and this playlist not only showcase the Ta**ra Teachers Course but also dive into the philosophy, wisdom, and love that Ta**ra Movement shares with the world.
Now we are expanding the Ta**ra Teachers Course to other countries:

Germany - Berlin 🌟1st July - 4th August 2024🌟

Mexico - Tulum 🌟1st November - 5th December 2024🌟

Koh Phangan - Thailand 🌟 2nd January - 6th February 2025 🌟

The German course is especially unique because, for one full month before and after, we will be at big Rainbow Gatherings in the same country. We will be sharing ta**ra there 8-9 hours every day, providing great opportunities for extra internship and depth of training.

Watch the documentary and playlist

Check for more information at

Michal Kali Griks and the TTC team

Ta**ra Movement warmly invites you into a holistic ta***ic path of self-discovery, energy exchange, and relating fully. Workshops go beyond concepts to enter...


Hello Lovely People! 💜 This documentary and this playlist not only showcase the Ta**ra Teachers Course but also dive into the philosophy, wisdom, and love that Ta**ra Movement shares with the world.
Now we are expanding the Ta**ra Teachers Course to other countries:

Germany - Berlin 🌟1st July - 4th August 2024🌟

Mexico - Tulum 🌟1st November - 5th December 2024🌟

Koh Phangan - Thailand 🌟 2nd January - 6th February 2025 🌟

The German course is especially unique because, for one full month before and after, we will be at big Rainbow Gatherings in the same country. We will be sharing ta**ra there 8-9 hours every day, providing great opportunities for extra internship and depth of training.

Watch the documentary and playlist

Check for more information at

Michal Kali Griks and the TTC team



"Remember this Kenyan runner Abel Mutai who was just a few feet from the finish line, but became confused with the signage and stopped, thinking he had completed the race. A Spanish runner, Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him and, realizing what was happening, started shouting at the Kenyan to continue running. Mutai didn't know Spanish and didn't understand. Realizing what was taking place, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory.
A journalist asked Ivan, "Why did you do that?" Ivan replied, "My dream is that someday we can have a kind of community life where we push and help each other to win."
The journalist insisted, "But why did you let the Kenyan win?" Ivan replied, "I didn't let him win, he was going to win. The race was his." The journalist insisted again, "But you could have won!" Ivan looked at him and replied, "But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor in that medal? What would my mother think of that?"
Values are passed on from generation to generation. What values are we teaching our children? Let us not teach our kids the wrong ways and means to win. Instead, let us pass on the beauty and humanity of a helping hand. Because honesty and ethics are winning!"
Credit: Simon Bartholome
Join with us This Will Rock Your World

Hello Lovely People!This documentary and this playlist are not only showing Ta**ra Teachers Course, but a lot of behind ...

Hello Lovely People!
This documentary and this playlist are not only showing Ta**ra Teachers Course, but a lot of behind philosophy, wisdom, and Love Ta**ra Movement is sharing with the world.

Now we are expanding TTC to other countries.

Germany 🌟1st July - 4th August 2024🌟

Tulum - Mexico 🌟1st November - 5th December 2024🌟

Koh Phangan - Thailand 🌟 2nd January - 6th February 2025🌟

Especially in Germany is very unique, because full one month before and after we are at big Rainbow Gatherings in the same country. We would be sharing ta**ra there 8-9 hours every day that gives great opportunities for extra internship and depth of the training.


Check for more information at

Michal Kali Griks and TTC team.

Sure, here is the text with corrections for clarity and spelling:


Hello Lovely People! 💜 This documentary and this playlist not only showcase the Ta**ra Teachers Course but also dive into the philosophy, wisdom, and love that Ta**ra Movement shares with the world.
Now we are expanding the Ta**ra Teachers Course to other countries:

Germany 🌟 1st July - 4th August 2024 🌟

Tulum - Mexico 🌟 1st November - 5th December 2024 🌟

Koh Phangan - Thailand 🌟 2nd January - 6th February 2025 🌟

The German course is especially unique because, for one full month before and after, we will be at big Rainbow Gatherings in the same country. We will be sharing ta**ra there 8-9 hours every day, providing great opportunities for extra internship and depth of training.

Watch the documentary and playlist

Check for more information at

Michal Kali Griks and the TTC team

Ta**ra Movement warmly invites you into a holistic ta***ic path of self-discovery, energy exchange, and relating fully. Workshops go beyond concepts to enter...



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