New Year New Name! Introducing Patiently Resilient
For several years now, I've been thinking that resilience is a lost art. One that needs to be reintroduced or learned. That's why in addition to sharing the inspirational quotes that have helped me stay resilient through so many challenges, I'm going to add in content to help you build resilience. Look for not only stories of individuals who exemplify resilience but also different tools to help build resilience.
Experiencing nearly a decade of childhood bullying, victim of multiple crimes and living with an unpredictable condition has given me plenty of experience on how to be patiently resilient instead of caving into the feelings of despair.
Right now, the world is on fire, we're witnessing turmoil daily in the world as well as here in the states with school shootings happening way too frequently, the migrant crisis in our southern border, high cost of living and extremely unaffordable healthcare.
We can cave into the doom and gloom and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, take prescriptions to calm our anxiety or depression or we can try being patiently resilient and learn healthy ways to be more accepting of things as they are.