Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences

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Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences Mathematics is a broad discipline of geometry, algebra, trigonometry and arithmetic’s.

We are delighted to invite Eminent Scientists, Academicians and Researchers to submit their original research articles for publication Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences an International journal publishing biannually (Online and Print) on the aspect of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences for an effective scientific reading and public view with an aim to reach the

world wide researchers. It is also the study of quantity, space, change and structure. Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics dealing with comprehension, analysis, assimilation and collection of data. Modern mathematics is dealing with algebraic geometry in association with complex analysis, topology and number theory. The application of statistics in the field of biology is referred to as biostatistics. Prediction and forecasting are a part of regression analysis where we study the interconnection among variables. The manuscript would be considered under the specific branches of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences
Algebra, Trigonometry, Arithmetic, Geometry, Calculus
Matrix, Real functions, Complex variables, Differential equations
Integration, Global analysis, Probability, Stochastic processes
Multivariate, Baysian inference, Regression analysis
Econometrics, Statistical Tomography, Decision theory

This is an open access journal where one can find scientific research as in form of research articles, review articles, case reports, special issues and short communications where it undergoes a series of steps to attain a standard and a unique scientific piece of research. The Journal Statistics and Mathematical Sciences is published biannually (Online and Print version) emphasizing on mathematical studies. We invite researchers, academicians and worldwide scientists to share their research for the global enlightenment and benefit of academic community on an open access platform for one and all.

An Alternative Solution to Hotelling T square under the Heteroscedasticity of the dispersion Matrix=====================...

An Alternative Solution to Hotelling T square under the Heteroscedasticity of the dispersion Matrix
This work focus on developing an alternative procedure to the multivariate problem by using an approximate degree of freedom test which was adopted from procedure. The proposed procedure was compared via R package simulation and real-life data used by Tim (1975) with six (6) existing procedures namely: Johanson, Yao, Krishnamoorthy, Hotelling T square, Nel and Van der Merwe and Yanagihara.

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A Note On The Asymptotic Convergence of Bernoulli Distribution========================This paper presents concepts of  ,...

A Note On The Asymptotic Convergence of Bernoulli Distribution
This paper presents concepts of , and how it can be used as an approximation of , Poisson and distributions with different approach from earlier existing literatures. Due to discrete nature of the random variable X, a more appropriate method of Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI) is used as an alternative approach to limiting behavior of random variable. The study proved de'Moivres (convergence of binomial distribution to Gaussian distribution) to all values of p such that p p ≠ 0 and p ≠ 1 using a direct approach which opposes the popular and most widely used indirect method of moment generating function.

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A Statistical Study of the Level of Quality of University Services as Perceived by Students====================In this s...

A Statistical Study of the Level of Quality of University Services as Perceived by Students
In this study, the empirical investigation conducted to investigate the service quality perception of the students about the level of service quality provided by their faculty, (Faculty of computer science and mathematics) and significant determinants of service quality of faculty of and in University of Kufa. Data is collected through questionnaires involving different students (male and female) from each department. The study found that the students are not satisfied with the level of , while they are satisfied with the service of maintenance.

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A Note on Exploring Discrete Choice Probability in the Light of Distorted Probability Estimates=========================...

A Note on Exploring Discrete Choice Probability in the Light of Distorted Probability Estimates
The problem of optimal decision making under uncertainty is of paramount importance in every sphere of life and also crucial both to and individuals. Prospective learning advocates that an individual should choose an action that maximizes expected long term gain provided by the . To achieve this goal, the individual has to explore its environment, while at the same time exploiting the knowledge it currently has to achieve the goal. In many existing procedure this type of uncertainty is ignored.

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A Compound of Generalized Negative Binomial and Shanker Distribution========================The objective of this   is t...

A Compound of Generalized Negative Binomial and Shanker Distribution
The objective of this is to provide an alternative distribution to the varieties of discrete distributions to be used to fit count data. We propose a compound of Generalized Negative and Shanker distribution, namely, the Generalized Negative Binomial-Shanker (GNB-SH) distribution. GNB-SH distribution can be used to fit count data while still maintaining similar characteristics as the traditional negative binomial.

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Threshold Regression and First Hitting Time Models======================First hitting time models are a technique of mod...

Threshold Regression and First Hitting Time Models
First hitting time models are a technique of modeling a process as it approaches or avoids a , also known as a threshold. The process itself may be unobservable, making this a difficult problem. Regression techniques, however, can be employed to model the data as it compares to the threshold, creating a class of time models called threshold regression models. Survival data, measuring the amount of time before an event occurs, is widely used in modeling and manufacturing data.

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A Measurement of Return for Mutually Exclusive Project under Ambiguity: Fuzzy Average Internal Rate of Return (FAIRR)===...

A Measurement of Return for Mutually Exclusive Project under Ambiguity: Fuzzy Average Internal Rate of Return (FAIRR)
The main objective of this article is to analyze the average internal rate of return (AIRR) and the (SAIRR) metrics on ambiguity contexts where fuzzy logic prevails. Either AIRR or SAIRR are employed improving the traditional IRR problems while determining cash flow returns. Having this in mind, we analyze, through a case, different AIRR aspects.

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Numerical Solution of a Linear Black-Scholes Model: A Comparative Overview=========================Black-Scholes equatio...

Numerical Solution of a Linear Black-Scholes Model: A Comparative Overview
Black-Scholes equation is a well-known partial differential equation in . In this paper we try to solve the European options (Call and Put) using different numerical methods as well as analytical methods. We approximate the model using a (FEM) followed by weighted average method using different weights for numerical approximations.

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Bayesian Estimate of Discrete Burr Distribution with Two Parameters======================Discrete distributions are very...

Bayesian Estimate of Discrete Burr Distribution with Two Parameters
Discrete distributions are very important in modeling the real life plan. Many essays have been published on the study and applications of discrete distributions. Using these techniques, one can transform the continuous distributions into the discrete ones. Katz, Roknabadi, et al., Krishna and Pundir have introduced di erent methods for generating discrete families of distributions.

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In order to generate discrete distributions based on continuous distributions, various techniques have been implemented and their parameters estimate and characteristics ..

An Analysis of Selection Models for Incomplete Longitudinal Clinical Trials Due to Dropout: An Application to Multi-Cent...

An Analysis of Selection Models for Incomplete Longitudinal Clinical Trials Due to Dropout: An Application to Multi-Centre Trial Data
A common problem encountered in is that of missing data, which occurs when some variables have missing values in some units. The present paper deals with the analysis of with incomplete data due to non-ignorable dropout. In repeated measurements data, as one solution to a such problem, the selection model assumes a mechanism of outcome-dependent dropout and jointly both the measurement together with dropout process of repeated measures.

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Biostatistics: From Conception to Ex*****on========================Statistical analyses of   are obligatory to churn out...

Biostatistics: From Conception to Ex*****on
Statistical analyses of are obligatory to churn out any plausible explanation of the elaborate studies and of tests performed. Statistics therefore, is common place in biomedical . Despite their wide use, even the simpler terms, analyses and explanations are sometimes misunderstood or misinterpreted by researchers who have either a limited or faulty of statistics.

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Estimating Lorenz Curve of Income in China by Cubic Spline Interpolation========================Lorenz curve and Gini in...

Estimating Lorenz Curve of Income in China by Cubic Spline Interpolation
Lorenz curve and Gini index are important tools to measure the income distribution of the residents. Normally is defined on the interval[0,1]and it is increasing, convex, continuous curve. Else, Lorenz curve satisfies L(0) = 0, L(1) =1. The curve OE1 E2 E3 E4 L is the Lorenz curve, the diagonal OL means income distribution is totally equal. On the other hand, the broken line OXL means the income is distributed extremely.

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The Robust Bayesian Approach to the Model Selection Algorithm=================The paper presents the robust Bayesian app...

The Robust Bayesian Approach to the Model Selection Algorithm
The paper presents the robust Bayesian approach to the experimental . Firstly, the algorithm of the curve fitting to data points is introduced. The method is based on the regression analysis, which substantially reduces the role of outlying data points (outliers). In the second part the Bayesian model selection was presented.

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Bayesian Hierarchical Functional Data Analysis for Healthy Menstrual Cycles================================In almost eve...

Bayesian Hierarchical Functional Data Analysis for Healthy Menstrual Cycles
In almost every field of study, studying the distribution of a random curve can give needed information. In the field of in , particular interest is given to modeling the curves of women across their menstrual cycle. Fitting the curve can lead to categorizing cycles as healthy or unhealthy and can help identify the most of a .

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Complexity in the Stochastic Kaldor-Kalecki Model of Business Cycle with Noise========================In the paper, the ...

Complexity in the Stochastic Kaldor-Kalecki Model of Business Cycle with Noise
In the paper, the of with noise is investigated. By analyzing the Lyapunov exponent, invariant measure and , some new criteria ensuring stochastic stability, P-bifurcation and pitchfork bifurcation for stochastic Kaldor-Kalecki model are obtained, respectively. results are given to support the theoretical predictions.

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New Result on the Extensiveness and In-extensiveness Between Bipartite Graphs=========================The problem of fai...

New Result on the Extensiveness and In-extensiveness Between Bipartite Graphs
The problem of faithful extension among infinite chains or linearly ordered sets has been studied in and some relevant results have been mentioned in. Moreover, faithful extension between , alias bivalent tableaux, and faithful extension between posets with constant height have been studied in. Here, some theorems of extension and a counter-example of of finite bipartite graphs are given and a generalization of this example for many bipartite graphs is introduced.

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Forecast and Backtesting of VAR Models in Crude Oil Market=====================The oil price has a very important effect...

Forecast and Backtesting of VAR Models in Crude Oil Market
The oil price has a very important effect on the . In this paper, using data sets of Europe Brent and West Texas (WTI) Cushing crude oil daily prices from Jan. 4, 2000 to Jan. 4, 2016, the VaR forecasting performance of GARCH-type models are analyzed and compared in a short horizon. Based on the Kupiecs POF-test and Christo ffersens forecast test, as well as a Back testing VaR Loss Function, the results indicate that, for Europe Brent crude oil, EGARCH (1,1) has the best performance.

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Estimation of Long Memory Linear Processes========================This paper studies asymptotic properties of the minimu...

Estimation of Long Memory Linear Processes
This paper studies asymptotic properties of the minimum distance estimates for a stationary multivariate linear long range dependent process of the form , where is a sequence of strictly stationary d-dimensional associated random vectors with E(Zt)= 0 and and {Au} is a sequence of coefficient matrices with and . By means of the properties of the estimate, the minimum istance Hellinger of this class are shown to be consistent, asymptotically normal and .

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Climatic Factors; Cotton Production: Studying its Relationships by Different Applied Statistical Methods================...

Climatic Factors; Cotton Production: Studying its Relationships by Different Applied Statistical Methods
The study investigated the effect of various climatic factors on flower and boll production and retention in . Also, investigated the relationship between factors and production of flowers and bolls obtained during the periods of the flowering and boll stage, and to determine the most representative period corresponding to the overall crop pattern. , sunshine duration, relative humidity, surface soil temperature at 18:00 h, and maximum air temperature, are the important climatic factors that significantly affect flower and boll production. The least important variables were found to be surface soil temperature at 06:00 h and minimum .

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The Tadpole Bayesian Model for Detecting Trend Changes in Financial Quotations================================The Tadpol...

The Tadpole Bayesian Model for Detecting Trend Changes in Financial Quotations
The Tadpole Model basing on robust Bayesian regression method is introduced. The paper describes the numerical algorithm for detecting trend changes in the quotation or generally - in time-dependent functions. The application of fitting algorithm makes the model insensitive to local fluctuations and finally is noise-free. The presented algorithm detects trend changes in quotations, in the currency exchange rate, etc.

Continuous Dependence of the Solution of A Stochastic Differential Equation With Nonlocal Conditions====================...

Continuous Dependence of the Solution of A Stochastic Differential Equation With Nonlocal Conditions
In this paper we are concerned with a nonlocal problem of a stochastic differential equation that contains a Brownian motion. The solution contains both of mean square Riemann and mean square Riemann-Steltjes integrals, so we study an existence theorem for unique mean square continuous solution and its continuous dependence of the random data X0 and the (non-random data) coefficients of the nonlocal condition ak. Also, a stochastic differential equation with the integral condition will be considered.

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Error Estimations of Homotopy Perturbation Method for linear Integral and Integro-Differential Equations of the Third ki...

Error Estimations of Homotopy Perturbation Method for linear Integral and Integro-Differential Equations of the Third kind
Integral equations occur naturally in many fields of science and . A computational approach to solve integral equation is an essential work in scientific research. and integral equation is one of the most important integral equations.

Some iterative methods like Homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and Adomian decomposition method (ADM), analysis method have been applied to solve linear and nonlinear and Volterra integral equations and i -differential equations.

A Flux Formula For Weighted Manifolds===================In this article, we derive a flux formula in a weighted manifold...

A Flux Formula For Weighted Manifolds
In this article, we derive a flux formula in a weighted manifold, using the weighted Newton transformations and introducing the notion of higher order mean , this formula generalizes. Reilly’s original formula and the formula obtained by Alias, Lopez and . In particular, we obtain a similar balancing formula obtained by . Finally, we give some special cases of our formula.

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Extension of the Unit Root Test: The Fractional Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test A Monte Carlo Study========================...

Extension of the Unit Root Test: The Fractional Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test A Monte Carlo Study
Usually we use the Dickey-Fuller test for testing in a time series under the H0: I (presence of unit root) versus H1: I (0) (absence of unit root), and it is used in the case of a short memory. In this article, we propose an extension of the fractional Dickey-Fuller test proposed by used in the long memory case and when the errors of test regression are . The proposed test is considered as a generalization of ADF test and they have the same steps.

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Proposed Structure of Prime Numbers=======================Ulam’s Spiral demonstrates an order to prime numbers which is ...

Proposed Structure of Prime Numbers
Ulam’s Spiral demonstrates an order to prime numbers which is visual. It shows prime numbers organizing in . The diagonals appear if you begin the spiral with ‘1’ or with any other number. This characteristic implies that prime numbers can be visualized; that there is an order which is easily when prime numbers are relative to one another, as in the case of Ulam’s Spiral. In ’s_Spiral there is a partial order:

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A Transfer Function-Autoregressive Noise Model of Naira Exchange Rates for Us Dollar and Swiss Franc====================...

A Transfer Function-Autoregressive Noise Model of Naira Exchange Rates for Us Dollar and Swiss Franc
This work aims at modelling the exchange rates for US Dollars Xt and Yt using a transfer function (TF) technique. Data for the two currencies were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (for a period of 53 years). After obtaining of the two series using appropriate transformation, the input series xt was pre-whitened to remove the spurious correlation effect. The output series yt was also pre-whitened and the cross between the pre-whitened input (αt) and output (βt) was examined. From the behavior of the cross correlation, rational polynomial representation image of the dynamic transfer function was obtained.

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Stock Markets are Unpredictable, but Can be Exploitable=================================In 1900, Bachelier was the first...

Stock Markets are Unpredictable, but Can be Exploitable
In 1900, Bachelier was the first to consider the variation of stock prices as a path of random walk. Subsequent researchers found, however, the ups and downs of the stock indices are different from except for very long time . Clear evidence of this non-randomness is that the distribution of returns is not Gaussian but universally has a fat tail. quickly attempted to utilize the information gathered from these returns to predict the market. Others have used agent-based models to generate series with return distributions similar to the real ones.

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Protection against Neurobehavioral Changes Induced by Bisphenol A during Development in Rats============================...

Protection against Neurobehavioral Changes Induced by Bisphenol A during Development in Rats
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogenic pollutant It is used in the manufacture of plastic products including beverages, dental materials and baby bottles. Exposure to BPA is unavoidable and recognized as major public health risk particularly in developing countries. Critical effects of BPA toxicity mostly occur during fetal development and development. Zinc (Zn) is an essential element for the endogenous antioxidant processes. It is required for cell proliferation, differentiation, normal growth, immune functions and wound healing. (Se) is also nutritionally essential element with antioxidant potential.

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Space-Time Correlations, within the Context of Stochastic Evolution================================An extension of previ...

Space-Time Correlations, within the Context of Stochastic Evolution
An extension of previous results is obtained concerning the evolution equations that satisfy not only the dynamical variables but the space-time which constitute a hierarchy of differential equations. The stochastic evolution are Non-Markovian, and the corresponding evolution equations are obtained as a particular case when the evolution depends on the nearest previous time step. A relatively simple illustrative example is given allowing to obtain some previous results as limiting cases.

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