Women Talk is a neat experience because the format is that any speakers must tell an anecdotal speech. No selling or lecturing. Just a personal story. It’s an excellent way to connect with others and practise the skill of public speaking.
I’ve gotten to do two now and I highly recommend others to go to the website to apply to do a talk of their own in there hometown. @womentalkevents
#womentalk #womentalkstrathmore #womentalklangdon #foodaddiction #wellness #confidence #mentalwellbeing #fromtheinsideout #littlebylittle #dowhatyoucanwithwhatyouhave #developaskill #fitness #yycfitnesscalgary
When you see a pretty, new pose and have to try it immediately.
But don’t go into anything beyond your range without warming up.
And I 100% love Instagram for the discovery on new poses. No, it’s not al about the physical asanas, but by golly miss molly I do enjoy me some asanas
#givemealltheasanas #yycyoga #yycfit #iwillmeditatelater #impranayamaingrightnow
“If I get down on the floor I won’t be able to get up again”. How many times do we hear this or say this and laugh? When in all actuality it is a travesty. To not be able to get one’s self up off the floor is not what we should be going through. Burpees are hard, but if all you are doing is practising lowering to the ground, maybe to a seated position or maybe only to one knee, then that is a variation of a burpee and a movement that should be implemented into our daily regimen, especially if you’ve ever said the above quote
We do not have to do anything stellar, but we must do something
#ivefallenandicantgetup #burpees #progressions #modifications #dowhatyoucanwithwhatyouhavewhereyouare #justmove #yycfitness #yycyoga #buildingbetterbodies
Pincha balance progress.
#pinchamayurasana #yycyoga #yycfitness #yogastudiospacetomyself #shoulderburn
Lolasana practise with cinder blocks and continuing to work on transitions into eka pada koundinyasana II (EPK II). I feel like I’m soaring through the sky when I have added elevation of blocks.
#yycyoga #yycfitness #yycmoms #strathmorealberta #dowhatyoucanwithwhatyouhavewhereyouare #doingitevenwhenidontwantto #ekapadakoundinyasana2 #lolasana #lolasanadrills
*Mobility/flexibility (from consistent work)
*Moderate strength (from consistent work)
*Consistency in workouts and yoga
*Not doing cardio (I tell myself I have no time; I’ve now committed to doing 1/2 hour each day; that’s on top of my workouts; luckily my husband has the handy depicted device, which I have erroneously set up in the video. I eventually figured it out.)
*Not giving it my all (I wimp out when reps get hard; it’s a mental thing I’m always working on)
*Not eating moderately (I am 110% a glutton; it is one of my worst sins) I eat healthy but in complete excess. It’s why I tell myself I have to workout so consistently, otherwise I would indubitably be overweight again. Stopping eating when full is and has been one of the biggest struggles most of my life.
If you want, what are your strengths vs. weaknesses?
Twenty exercises. Twenty reps each. Twenty minutes. I did upper body and core.
Practising an assisted puppy press (and I wasn’t even using the wall, other than when I lost my core and tapped with my toe). Watching this I think my hands are too wide, hence the bowed looking arms.
#yycyoga #puppypresshandstand #strathmore #dowhatyoucanwithwhatyouhavewhereyouare
I’m a white girl who grew up in a small town.
I have a father who took his own life when I was 7.
I have a mother who raised three girls on her own while running a business.
I’ve done a little travelling, but nothing substantial.
I read a lot but didn’t go to post-secondary.
I teach yoga but get confused when people start talking about chakras, mudras, mantras, [insert a lot of other Sanskrit words].
I’m busy and struggle with kids, mending fractured relationships, work, rental units, teaching yoga, paying bills & debt.
Who has time in our fast-paced lives to stop and slow down?
Our minds are our greatest benefactor.
But they can also be our greatest hindrance.
No matter who we are we need to give our minds a break.
It can be hard to allot that time.
But even a few dedicated minutes here and there are beneficial.
You don’t need to transcend into some euphoric state.
Simply sitting, feeling the wind and sun, hearing the birds and insects and frogs, slowing the breath, and looking at a blade of grass is enough.
Find time. Even if you get your bum wet sitting on land that’s currently being developed whilst on your break at work.
I love living in Strathmore and enjoying it’s little gems.
I also enjoy the creative outlet social media allows. I tap into the “think outside the box” mentality, which too often goes stagnant within me. I love the added challenge of don’t-fall-in-the-water-while-doing-dancer’s-pose opportunities. I love visuals, as do a lot of people, and writing, so this has been a welcome, fun, creative boost. Thanks for looking and reading.
P.S. I don’t think the poll actually works, perhaps because I put it atop a video.
So many things. First, the perks of having kids is that it makes it marginally less annoying that I utilize the equipment. Second, I left me walking at the beginning because DO I HONESTLY WALK LIKE THAT?! I walk like a man! Third, watch the slo-mo move at the end. I fail. I’m going for a support beam to support beam jump, but fell short (grabbed the rungs) and my feet touched the ground. I could do these last year, but couldn’t practise all winter and now have to build up again.
TELISA’S TOP TIPS when doing playground workouts:
1. Don’t walk like a man, unless you’re a man
2. Always warm up
3. Always watch for small children
4. Always let small children go first on the monkey bars
5. Implement strength and mobility!
6. My kids are so cute
My 2nd ever attempt at this arm balance. We all start somewhere! I always tell the practitioners in my class that if you look foolish or fall out of a pose, even a simple one, don’t get discouraged! Our minds and bodies haven’t made the necessary connections yet. Work at it and you will inevitably see progress! Side note: The first side I attempted on was super challenging, but then I felt like I got the other side better and was happy 🤗
Video is sped up so you do not have to look at my off-centre bun longer than necessary.