Hi Transformers
Happy Chinese New Year! Life is short celebrate with people who know you and still like you!! 💥🐁🥢🍜"2020 Year of the Rat"
Freedom is a tricky thing...
We as Americans can do anything including destroy our God given bodies!
Martin Luther King Jr. Most famous speech I HAVE A DREAM resonated with me this morning! It promotes me to ask if I am living in that dream or actively taking action to materialize my dream? Bible study this week asked, "What is God's dream for you?"
Transformers you all know I had a bikini dream and purchased and wore it in Summer 2019! My dream doesn't end there so join me on the journey to my bikini ready all 4 seasons body! Yes, I am proud of my body it's been an amazing barometer of my mental, spiritual, and physical health.
This year I switched physicians and he told me, "I don't know if your last doctor told you but you don't need a physical for the next 3 to 5 years...you're in excellent health."
I want more aesthetically I deserve more. 135 lbs. Of Weight OFF since 2011 I worked and plowed but the work between my ears and in my heart isn't ever going to be finished. #changeYetagain #change is Good!
Thanks for following me all this time you can take the Plexus 10k challenge with me!!
See my link in my info or call me 609 369 1443
Deborah Gilbert
Start weight 300
Current weight 165
Goal weight 145
I am grateful God has left nothing untouched in my life. My journey has unveiled the darkness. I live in the light now. Daddy God undid every wound. My obesity recovery started the day I ask for God's healing: sexual molestation, abandonment of my natural father, hatered, self-loathing , and pride. God has touched every dark place...yup!
Healing looks good on me, I am Deborah. I am free. The pictures are from July 12, 2019. My father of choice adopted me and I took his surname.
I pray you never quit healing in your journey, too!
Thank you to my special friends who attended the adoption proceedings @Lori and @Victoria
My former self wouldn't even recognize herself, today!! # I'MAMIRACLE
It is not a diet...I am preaching to myself, here!
Fri-yay! Celebrating the end of another week, the 4th week of the 1st month of 2019!
You've had it in you all along!
Princess Blu Bee Birthday Challenge!
Week 1, large smoothie split between breakfast and a snack mid-morning Lunch: gluten-free pasta with 1 veggie serving or broccoli, carrots salad with homemade dressing (walnuts, dried cherries, and Braggs apple cider vinegar blended) Dinner soup: Butternut squash or vegetable or chili Dinner option 2: vegan lasagna dinner. This is a sample of my meal plan. I am not telling you what to eat but on my challenge, I am only eating foods which are grown. I don't eat dairy or meat during my 100-day challenge. Working out via an app at home. Starting weight 168 lbs. The goal is to be done wit 25lbs. in 100 days. That is .25 daily or 1.75 weekly! Primary goal to give you hope in your health journey.