Veritas V.C.C

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Veritas V.C.C Veritas Cannabis Consortium is an information outlet for people who are passionate or curious about Veritas (ve·ri·tas)
noun Latin. truth. Veritas V.C.C.

delivers information regarding medical cannabis that is backed by science, evidence and thorough research. Scientific standards and testing are the only way to know we have a safe product. Truthful information about what cannabis can and cannot do are the only way to know if cannabis as medicine the choice you want to make. V.C.C provides information to medical cannabis card holders or people loo

king to learn the truth about cannabis, we are not talking about the herbal hype or the silver bullet, this is factual information about the efficacy of cannabis and how to secure safe access through designated access points and providers. V.C.C is Still RCW 69.51A compliant.



Hey folks,

Will be getting back in the swing of things in the coming days, thanks foe hanging in there with us during the transition.


Hey Folks,You want skin in the game, go here right now and put in your pound of flesh.Share this far and wide and lets p...

Hey Folks,

You want skin in the game, go here right now and put in your pound of flesh.

Share this far and wide and lets put our money where our hearts have been.

A grassroots movement to put in place what lawyers discribe as the most fair and balanced legislative bill they have seen. It is something that would not survive the political process because of Big Money, paid lobbyists and special interest giving Representatives "per diems".

Hey Folks,Almost through the work week. I see that this weekend is supposed to be a nice one. We hope you all get a chan...

Hey Folks,

Almost through the work week.
I see that this weekend is supposed to be a nice one.
We hope you all get a chance to get out and prepare for your summer growing season. Don't forget that you can stop by and check out what is accessible at this time through North West Clones or stop by leafly and see what is available today.

Speaking of being a great weekend not only for getting ready for the growing season, but if you need Bad Girls Honey products or you are just in need, you can swing by a couple of locations to pick up all the great things RAD Holistic Medicine has to offer.

You can find RAD Holistic Medicine at the Black Diamond Farmers market on Saturday or you can find them at the Shine Organics market in Lacey on Saturday if you are in the far south end of Puget sound.

Don't forget if you can't make it out to either of those locations on Saturday. you can always stop in and say hello on Sunday at The Vendor Showcase in Parkland.

Have a great day.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Northwest Clones Medical Ma*****na Menu in Federal Way, WA


Hey Folks,

We are going to be keeping a close eye on Oregon. We really don't know what to say, is this the start of a trend? I wonder if this is what they meant by using medical as a ruse to get cannabis legalized everywhere.

If the people who helped get medical going in all these states have a vested interest in mainly recreational cannabis, it would be quite easy to toss the baby out with the bathwater once recreational is passed. It is also easy to wait for that day to come as you collect revenue from the medical cannabis side of things. Oh this is looking a lot like some duplicitous s**t.

Is this another case of a wolf in sheep clothing? Was the ruse not on the politicians and lawmakers but instead was the ruse pulled on the medical cannabis community? Did the eventual recreational folks bide their time and line their pockets on a sinister ruse, was the plan all along to pull the ladder up behind them?

I am afraid that we have gone from getting a friend some flowers in return for a nug, or from helping out someone by relieving a burden to profits over people.

If Oregon falls, is Alaska medical next, will we see this continue where recreational becomes legal, personal and medical becomes criminal?
The war marches on.


Hey Folks,We hope you got enough of the sunshine yesterday to carry you through today. On the business side of things, i...

Hey Folks,

We hope you got enough of the sunshine yesterday to carry you through today. On the business side of things, it looks like we might have lost a few folks due to our strident position on Boycotting 502. If you can share our page, as usual we ask that you help us increase our audience so we can have the greatest impact possible for the citizens of Washington and elsewhere.

The good news. It also looks like we picked up a few like minded folks to replace those who can't understand the harm 502 has done, is doing and will continue to do.

We tried really hard to get the information out on how to contact lawmakers, provide scientific information and not conjecture or simply anecdotes; but this is what we are left with.
We understand that boycotts don't only harm those that they are intended to sway but that they can have negative impacts on people with good or no intentions of causing harm.

We would ask you (502 supporters) to please understand the boycott in the same way many people boycott Monsanto. We are sure you do not want the janitor or the receptionist to want for food or shelter, but if your boycott is successful those are the first people to be harmed.
So please don't take the boycott as a personal attack and please understand there are ways as a 502 license holder that you can help mitigate the frustration currently being felt by the MMJ community.

If you want to show you are a good actor in 502, carry the I-1372 initiative in your stores and promote it on your facebook and .com pages. Provide funds to help get signatures gathered, set aside time and resources to dedicate to the community that allowed you to come into existence.

Then we can start to talk about a level playing field of doing the right thing, until then....

Not one dime...

Veritas in Cannabis.

Hey Folks,Honestly how did they not know this would be filed before the ink dried from the governors pen."At 4:57 this a...

Hey Folks,

Honestly how did they not know this would be filed before the ink dried from the governors pen.

"At 4:57 this afternoon medical cannabis patient William Kurtz filed a referendum against bill 5052. Additional filings from William Fisher, Vicca Thompson and other co-sponsors will be filed in Olympia on Monday. The referendum will need 123,186 valid signatures to qualify for a vote of the people in November. These signatures must be collected over a period of only 70 days. Signature sheets will be available May 17th 2015."

A huge thanks to William Kurtz William Fisher, Vicca Thompson and the other co-sponsors.

We are looking forward to doing what we can to help overturn this abhorrent law.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Not one dime...

Not one dime...

Greater is coming; it takes courage.

Greater is coming; it takes courage.

“So that’s how I try to prepare my mind for the next opportunity that I have, the next thing that I have in my life that comes up. So you just keep learning and…

Hey Folks,We want to share with you some additional information regarding the changes forthcoming.Veritas is sad to say ...

Hey Folks,

We want to share with you some additional information regarding the changes forthcoming.
Veritas is sad to say that we are withdrawing our spot at The first Micro MMJ Vendor Showcase. You will still be able to get all the things we have to offer currently each Sunday just like before but the difference is, you will visiting the great folks RAD Holistic Medicine instead of Veritas.

You can always contact us directly for a strains list while such is thing is still available or ask our partners when you see them in person.

Rad also provides Bad Girls Honey and our associated products at the Black Diamond Farmers Market (MMj Universe) on each Saturday, so if you can't come see them on Sunday in Parkland be sure to make the country drive out to see Steve on Saturdays.

We want to close this post by saying thank you.
Thank you to Terra Healing Center and the staff that worked diligently to help make the Vendor Showcase a Sunday destination. Keep up the hard work, they say in the end it pays off.

A thanks to the friends we made over the weeks at the other wonderful vendor tables. Really if you have not been, you don't know what you are missing out on. The vast majority of this small group of folks, are really caring, compassionate and genuine people,

A very special thanks to Justin Tyree and Tara Renee Laster for having the vision and dedication to making something from nothing and making it something worthwhile. We noticed your efforts and we thank you for your kindness.

We never would have had the weeks we did at the Showcase if it were not for Steve from Rad Holistic bringing opportunity to our doorstep.
Steve, thanks for believing in us, our products and our dedication to helping the citizens of Washington.
People like Steve may be anywhere but they are not everywhere and we are grateful to know him as a friend.

So we will slog on through the hard times, we will keep fighting for the right to pursue happiness and we will see you here just like always. We will pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and we will be back again someday, hopefully soon.
One last special thanks to all of you who made the trip out to come see us and for supporting not only us but everyone that is working to make a difference.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Hey Folks,So for awhile now there have been some sites you can go to find information about your strains. Most often you...

Hey Folks,

So for awhile now there have been some sites you can go to find information about your strains. Most often you had to kludge the information together from various sites or found conflicting information.

We are super excited to see our friends over Verdabase go live with their ,com.
If you are a cannabis geek or a pot star seeking to sound more reputable then this is a must go to .com

Check it out and tell us what you think.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Verdabase is committed to bringing recreational and medical cannabis users the most in-depth and up-to-date information available. Verdabase also caters to the business industry by providing detailed phytochemistry and cultivation info, along with awards and tagged characteristics. Verdabase will gr…

Hey Folks,We have taken stock of the current landscape of cannabis in Washington and to that end we looked at how Verita...

Hey Folks,

We have taken stock of the current landscape of cannabis in Washington and to that end we looked at how Veritas can have the most impact.
We see a need at this moment that is great and immediate, so we are going to be shifting an area of focus for Veritas; that is our direct access to goods and services.
We see an end to goods and services on the horizon and while we will continue to provide the resources we are proud to assist with, we will not be promoting these services.
What we are going to do in place of providing or serving as an access point ourselves; We will instead focus on exerting our influence to do what we can to preserve medical cannabis rights in Washington State and all associated goods and services writ large.

What does this mean?
As it currently stands we will continue to provide the resources to goods and services from our partners to you, we will primarily serve as a resource, not a provider.

Will will also be working to stop 5052 from becoming law or advocating and fund raising for legal challenges.

We are not shutting off the spigot. we still want to providie you with the information and access to the resources you need to pursue your happiness.
Our partners are still our partners and they each have an area of focus, these are trusted and vetted folks and we wouldn't send you to them otherwise. If you have questions or need information always feel free to contact us at Veritas.

In the End;
You can still find our products and genetics by contacting us directly or by seeing one of our trusted affiliates at one the the local Marketplaces.

You can expect some changes that may not sit entirely well and we apologize in advance if those changes affect you.
We want to continue to earn your trust and help serve the citizens of Washington the best we can and we thank you for your understanding of our efforts.

We know and understand that change is unsettling and that the changes Veritas is implementing could be seen as having collateral consequences. We have thought very carefully with regard to these changes and we have been mindful to mitigate any of those perceived harms...

Keep checking in on our page to see what this new landscape for Veritas Cannabis Consortium is going to look like.

Veritas in Cannabis.

A great song!


Hey Folks,

Its been a couple of days since we last posted, so with that we hope your weekend was great and that your 4-20 went exactly as you had hoped.

I will be posting an update on what we have been up to the last couple of days that has kept us away.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Hey Folks,You are going to be hearing more and more about this. We have a steep hill to climb before July and we need al...

Hey Folks,

You are going to be hearing more and more about this. We have a steep hill to climb before July and we need all the help we can get.*****na-cooperative.html?rh=1

Veritas in Cannabis.

Advocates are gathering signatures to put an initiative on the November ballot they said would save and strengthen medical ma*****na in Washington state, even as a bill to overhaul the market was approved by the Legislature earlier this week and sent to Gov. Jay Inslee for his signature.

Hey Folks, In case you haven't heard...

Hey Folks,
In case you haven't heard...

So Why Hasn’t The Public Heard About It? With Washington Governor Jay Inslee looking increasingly [...]


Hey Folks,

Before I run off to grab some food and get some sunshine in my eyes, we just want to ask again to please share our page so that we can have a greater impact on whole.

We know the dedicated and passionate folks that made it here are making a difference but we all need support in numbers.

Use the share feature, cut and copy our Facebook Url, mention us with an @ shout out , but please share our page with as many folks as you can.

They don't have to be pro-cannabis to be anti-prohibition, they don't have to be pro-medical cannabis to be anti-govt. overreach but we need you to help us reach more people.

We wouldn't be here without you, so lets make room for company.

Thanks again.

Hey Folks,Read this and see if we can make a splash. Go call 360-902-4111 and urge him to veto Senate Bill 5052When you ...

Hey Folks,
Read this and see if we can make a splash.
Go call 360-902-4111 and urge him to veto Senate Bill 5052

When you call Inslee you might notice they don't seem so happy to get your call.
When I asked if they were getting a lot of these calls, she said "a few calls have come in today regarding this."

Lets change that right now.

Pick up your phone right now and call the number below, pull over, set the coffee down, stop working, walk away from the conversation...
Call right now and tell them you want Inslee to veto SB5052
Still reading this and not calling.... stop it... go call 360-902-4111 and urge him to veto Senate Bill 5052


Veritas in Cannabis.

Hey Folks,I want to share a comparison I make with folks that I talk to in person about amounts of cannabis and home gro...

Hey Folks,

I want to share a comparison I make with folks that I talk to in person about amounts of cannabis and home grows.

Lets trade cannabis for grapes for a moment.
If you are looking to find out how many wine bottles you can legally have in your cellar, well there is no law or limit for that. There is no concern that you will be going into the black market wine distribution business.

Can I make homemade wine at my home for private consumption?
Yes. A license is not required if the wine is for private consumption and is not for sale.
Please note:
Homemade wine is not required to be consumed in the home where it was produced.

Homemade wine may be removed from the home for private consumption.

The amount of homemade wine an adult may remove from the home is 20 gallons.

Use of homemade wine at organized affairs, exhibitions, or competitions is considered private consumption.

So as long as you don't sell your wine or move more than 20 gallons, nobody really cares. Honestly if you think that private unregulated sales don't occur, well, there is a bridge somewhere for sale that you may want to look into.

So lets recap:
Wine; as many bottles as you want to have privately and you can share and transport up to 20 gallons.

Cannabis: you may not share, you are limited in the amount of cannabis you can have at one time and you are not allowed to transport more than 3 ounces.

Lets also take a look at the explosion of growth in the industry.
1981 - 19 wineries
2015 - 850+ wineries

1981 - 2.0 million gallons (7.5 m liters)
2010 - 20.1 million gallons (76.1 m liters)

Yet we heard time and time again, about access by minors, a pot shop on every corner and claims of the wild wild west.
Where is this concern over wine?

When they changed the law to allow beer and wine to be shared and transported this was the message...
To allow enjoyment of homemade beer and wine as a savored and respected component of Washington culture.

No concern about increased access, no concern about the ill effects of having more alcohol available just savor the Washington wine culture...

Here is how it should work with Cannabis in Washington.
1. Unlimited plant counts for private growing,
2, Unlimited possession amounts for private consumption.
3, Ability to share cannabis as long as there is no compensation for product shared.
4, Severe restrictions on un-taxed and unlicensed sales.
5.Exclusions for sales of cannabis at a farmer market,competition and cottage industry producers..
6. Cap total amount of revenue before considered commercial enterprise. This would allow for a certain amount of sales to occur before needing to be licensed, taxes would still apply when applicable.
7. Transportation restrictions that would account for trade shows competitions and farmers markets possibly a 32 oz limit.

What do you think about this 7 step proposal? Does it make better sense to you than what we have today? How could it be better, let us know in the comments.

Veritas in Cannabis.


Click like, follow and support.
That is all.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Promoting compassionate, constitutional presumption of innocence and due process, as well as human r


Hey Folks,

Want to put skin in the game, contact these folks and find out how we can supersede 5052.

Every helping hand is needed.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Hey Folks,Well the sun is shining and it looks like a good day (just don't peek behind the curtain). I included this bre...

Hey Folks,

Well the sun is shining and it looks like a good day (just don't peek behind the curtain).
I included this breakdown in another post but I wanted to highlight my predictions in a single topic post.

So what did we create when we passed 502? We created opportunity for the State, not the citizens. As the saying goes; the road to hell is paved with good intentions and those that voted for 502 say that is why they did it.

Here is where I see that road of good intentions taking us.

Each of these steps takes about a year to complete, step one and two are complete, within the first 2 years of 502, and step three will be complete by year 3 of 502; so they are on track..
Step One- Create barriers to success through regulation and taxation, delay the full roll out and limit success of new law.

Step Two- Blame the black market and medical cannabis for the barriers to success when 502 is not working

Step Three- Remove medical cannabis access and add funding to enforce against the new black market created by the state. Remove excess competition for 502.

Step 4- When 502 continues to fail because medical cannabis folks are using the black market, blame the 502 folks for being bad business people who while good at pot are not good at business.

Step 5- When enough 502 stores have gone out of business or failed to open and the state has a handle on the scope of the black market. The state will insist that in order to abide by the will of the voters regarding 502. That in order to make cannabis available in Washington because of a lack of retail stores they will announce they are taking control of the recreational market and all stores will be state ran.

End game- No competition for state run stores.Profit.

A step forward is not always a step in the right direction, especially when that step takes you off a cliff.

Veritas in Cannabis.

Hey Folks,If you were on the medical cannabis side of things and you think switching over to the 502 horse is going to b...

Hey Folks,

If you were on the medical cannabis side of things and you think switching over to the 502 horse is going to be the answer...

"For now, he’s just hoping to make ends meet, relying on the $23 he gets to keep for every $100 worth of ma*****na he sells."

The majority of medical cannabis folks are going to boycott all 502 outlets so those extra $100's wont be coming from us.

If you have not read the writing on the wall yet here is a breakdown for you...

Step One- Create barriers to success through regulation and taxation, delay the full roll out and limit success of new law.

Step Two- Blame the black market and medical cannabis for the barriers to success when 502 is not working

Step Three- Remove medical cannabis access and add funding to enforce against the new black market created by the state. Remove excess competition for 502.

Step 4- When 502 continues to fail because medical cannabis folks are using the black market, blame the 502 folks for being bad business people who while good at pot are not good at business.

Step 5- When enough 502 stores have gone out of business or failed to open and the state has a handle on the scope of the black market. The state will insist that in order to abide by the will of the voters regarding 502. That in order to make cannabis available in Washington because of a lack of retail stores they will announce they are taking control of the recreational market and all stores will be state ran.

End game- No competition for state run stores.Profit.

Read more here:*****na.html?rh=1 =cpy

Pot store owners and growers complain that they can’t write off a single expense, even if they have state licenses.



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