Cheers to a new year and fun workouts. If you have a gym facility in your building that needs some fun classes. Invite your neighbors and we do the rest. If you need a workout in NYC dm me. We got you ❤️ #totalbodyfitnyc
Breakfast protein smoothie 💚 celery, oj, banana,blueberry, strawberry, mango, spinach and hemp seeds ❤️ #fiber #nutrients #iron #vitaminc #refreshing #vegan #💚
💛 Have you ever had passion fruit? Aka (maracuya) it’s my favorite and I cannot believe this costs $3. If you have had this fruit or have it your country how much does it cost?
I couldn’t resist myself from buying it as it gives me nostalgia and sweet memories from my country Ecuador. It’s a bit crunchy, delicious, packs a bit of a punch with vitamin c. It’s just perfect💛
Here are some facts about my favorite fruit 💛 Passion fruit is highly nutritious 💛
Passion fruit is a good source of nutrients, especially fiber, vitamin C, and provitamin A.
A single purple passion fruit contains:
* Calories: 17
* Fiber: 2 grams
* Vitamin C: 9% of the Daily Value (DV)
* Vitamin A: 8% of the DV
* Iron: 2% of the DV
* Potassium: 2% of the DV
💛Though this may not seem like much, keep in mind that these are the values for a single, small fruit that has only 17 calories. Calorie for calorie, it’s a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A.
It’s also rich in beneficial plant compounds, including carotenoids and polyphenols.
💛In fact, one study found that passion fruit was richer in polyphenols than many other tropical fruits, including banana, lychee, mango, papaya, and pineapple:
💛Additionally, passion fruit offers a small amount of iron.
Your body doesn’t usually absorb iron from plants very well. However, the iron in passion fruit comes with a lot of vitamin C, which is known to enhance iron absorption.
Image: by me 💛💛
Source: #yum
Magic looks like fresh fruit in the morning: passion fruit & papaya #grandrising #happyday #gofruityourself #happyandhealthy #iin #iinhealthcoach #totalbodyfitnyc #passionfruit #maracuya #papaya #yum
#nofilter #💫 in this wonderful world that we live in we have the capacity to create anything our mind can dream of. If this is certain with inventions, then it’s certain with emotions. Within few days away from the #2020vision what are you creating? What are you dreaming of? #💜 This exhibit is an example of dreams being achieved #artechouse #thematrix #totalbodyfitnyc
Wow! What if we could take more action with our foods and what goes into our system. These are great ideas! Would you do this? #takeaction #foodforthought #totalbodyfitnyc thank you @vegancommunity for these marvelous ideas #💚
Tuesday, Oct 29 @6:30pm est
How To Be TotalBodyFit In 12 Weeks
You will learn how to:
-Apply Simple and easy techniques to have more energy
-Achieve your weight goals
-How to eat healthy without having to leave the comfort of your home
You don’t want to miss it!
Click on my bio and sign up for my free webinar that will give you access to transformation
Take a screen shot and tell me your answer. #💜 thank you @1111divinelight1111 for sharing the good vibes
This is something exciting and if you have not signed up then you should today! Go to my profile to get involved #💜 #totalbodyfitnyc #totalbodyfitchallenge #tbfchallenge you can also go to for easy steps to sign up for this FREE challenge 💜
It’s finally here! #💜 Join my 7 Day Challenge which will be a FREE step by step guide on how to fine tune or create a new health routine which will result in you getting more energized, get closer to your healthy body goals and have the fantastic health you've always wanted! You can join the challenge from your phone or laptop
Tag four friends who need to see this 😂👇 It's easy to see how someone acts or lives their life, and judge it for being different than yours. It's easy to see the differences in one another and assume ours is the correct 'way.' Remember that there are a million different ways for people to go about life. A millions ays someone can live and be happy with. Just because it doesn't line up with your way, does not mean its wrong. Give each other kindness and love, regardless of the different actions and choices we all make.
Credit: @karlaxtina @jimmybadong
Video: BestViralVideos on Twitter Caption: @jayshetty
#happymonday everyone #💜 thank you so much for the feedback and can’t wait to share more with you #TotalBodyFitnyc #iin #iinhealthcoach #behealthy #behealthybehappy