Hypoglycemia, Asthma, Anxiety had this Momma feeling run down.
Shannon Parker Binkley shares:
"3 1/2 months. Consistency. Not giving up when I thought I wasn't seeing any physical changes. I honesty had no idea I had had these results until I scoured my phone and the Internet for a "before" picture. I seriously couldn't find one"! (Not a surprise, but man am I glad that I did!!)
I have struggled all my life to manage my weight. It's actually really crazy when I think back on these past few months because i didn't have the perfect set up for weight loss. For 2 of those months Kyle was working in Memphis, I never get enough sleep, and with a little dude in tow, there are just going to be days where great eating just isn't going to happen! And, this has probably been a stretch of time when I had less time to workout than in quite awhile.
But all in all, I stayed consistent with my products, took it 1 day at a time, put in effort to eat very clean, whole foods at home almost all the time. I exercised when I could, probably only a couple times a week and for 30 min at the most. I say all that to say, in my mind the situation wasn't set up for me to have great results and to be totally honest, I have been kind of down for about 10 days now thinking that I was in that permanent stall phase I always fall into.
THEN I FOUND THIS PICTURE. I am so excited. I guess I was so focused on the other health benefits I have been seeing so much that I maybe wasn't as focused on my physical changes (WHO EVEN AM I???? If you have known me very long go ahead and take a minute to scoop up your jaw.) I am amazed because this has been the healthiest, happiest path I have ever taken on my health journey. It's not a miracle.
It's not a quick fix.
Y'all that's only like 5-7 ish pounds. (HELLO fat loss...I should have remeasured today but I think I'm around 18 inches lost). I guess slow and steady does win the race. I don't know how to emphasize this enough: MY BODY DOES NOT JUST LOSE WEIGHT. Get my point? haha I have to fight for every single pound and inch. Like super strict diet and exercise 6 days a week for at least an hour and maybe if I can maintain that for 6 months I'll lose 6-8 pounds.
This has been by far the easiest path. I'm serious, the other benefits have been just as marvelous. I can function during the day instead of just feel dead tired all the time, I even gave up coffee after 2 days, I haven't had a single hypoglycemic episode since starting Plexus (AMAZING! and so freeing to not have to tip toe around that and constantly worry if I have a snack just in case), my hair is growing in like crazy, I haven't had a single issue with my asthma and I've stopped taking my inhaler 2x/day, I cannot even describe the difference in my digestive function, and best of all: my anxiety is lower than it has been in years.
This is freedom. To be free of your mind is a wonderful gift. All those post partum hormone shifts did a number on me and I was just not myself in that first picture. It would be an understatement to say we LOVE Plexus!!"