ThetaHealing® is a fast and powerful energy healing and personal development technique, which could lead you to a more positive and empowered life, full of joy, love and abundance.
negative thoughts
panic attacks
self esteem
Consciously or subconsciously, our emotions, thoughts, words and beliefs create and influence our reality. With ThetaHealing we can create new, empowering subconscious beliefs and thought patterns to help shift our mindset. A refocus on love will improve our physical and emotional wellbeing, and bring a positive impact to our relationships, finances - and much more.
How is this achieved? The vast majority - 90%, in fact - of our beliefs are in our subconscious mind, which means we are not even aware of them! Conscious and unconscious negative emotions - such as trauma, anger, grief, resentment, fear and anxiety - are trapped in our bodies, holding us back from experiencing love, abundance and happiness in all areas of our lives. Through a meditation, ThetaHealers connect directly to the wellspring of true unconditional love - “Source Energy” or “Universal Intelligence”. With, and only with, your consent, we are able to remove emotional and psychological 'blocks' - unconscious bias, negative beliefs and negative emotions - and to replace them with more positive and empowering ones.
ThetaHealing is best known for its work with beliefs and feelings. By connecting with that place of unconditional love - Source Energy - not only we can instantly change the subconscious beliefs that limit us, but we can directly experience the true feelings of joy, love, compassion, perfect health - and so much more. Do you really know what joy or unconditional love feels like? Once you experience unconditional love in every cell of your body, you can then use that feeling as a compass to guide you in your daily choices - and therefore attract and experience more love and joy. This is what we ThetaHealers call the ‘download’ or ‘activation’ of feelings.
ThetaHealing was developed by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her unique journey back to health and has been around for 25 years. It has been used in 152 countries, with an estimated 650,000 practitioners worldwide and since 2009 it has been used with success in two hospitals in Japan.
Q: How do you test the subconscious beliefs?
At the beginning of a ThetaHealing session we use a form of applied kinesiology called ‘muscle testing’ to uncover the negative subconscious beliefs that you may have, but not be aware of. At the end of the session, we use the same technique, so you can see for yourself that the root belief, and all the other beliefs connected to it, have been changed and replaced. It is important to be fully hydrated to be tested properly.
Q: Why Theta?
The Theta brainwave is a very relaxed meditative state, a very deep state of relaxation. It’s the first stage of the dream state.
Q: Can you give me some examples of common limiting subconscious beliefs?
We are limited by negative subconscious beliefs and feelings, such as: “love hurts,” “love is pain,” “I’m unworthy of love,” “I’m insignificant,” “I’m not good enough,” “I’m poor,”, “money is evil”, “I’m unlovable” “money is never enough”. They may come from childhood (on the core level), ancestors (on the genetic level) or past lives (even if you don’t believe in past lives) or from a collective consciousness (on the history level) or on the soul level. Through the ThetaHealing meditation, we remove and replace these negative beliefs with empowering ones.
Q. Does it work only in person?
Theta healing works effectively in person, over the phone, online and even over long distances. It is not necessary for the ThetaHealing practitioner and the client to be physically in the same place during a session.
ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at”
Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on modality introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s.
There are 32 unique points on the head that correspond to different areas and aspects of life (money, control, ageing, creativity, communication….), when they are gently touched, both physical and mental blocks (thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that may have limited you) get released from the body and positive change in the brain is stimulated.
A session of Access Bars can help you with:
anxiety and depression
deep relaxation
mental clarity
panic attacks
increase in joy and happiness
stress and overwhelm
Here is the link to The Effect of Access Bars on Anxiety & Depression - with Dr. Dain Heer & Dr. Terrie Hope:
Access Bars has helped thousands of people change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, less stress, weigh loss, better sleep, s*x and relationships, relief from anxiety and so much more. The effects of Access Bars are individual to each person and each session will be different every time. In addition to improved physical health, people have reported a sense of complete relaxation, greater intuitive awareness, more gratitude, kindness, peace, calm and easier communication. During an Access Bars session, some people have images come to them, others feel sensations in their body like buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches or shivers.
Today Access Bars is practiced in 173 countries and is used as a potent and pragmatic tool by family, schools, psychologists, businesses, athletes and prison wards.
Here is the Review of Access Bars® by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin
With Access Energetic Facelift is now possible to feel and look younger without creating traumas in the body with botulism, needles or plastic surgery.
The Access Energetic Facelift is a gentler, kinder and wonderful way to rejuvenate and reverse the signs of ageing on the face and throughout the entire body, by using soft, comforting, nurturing and soothing touch on your face and neck.
Every time you look in the mirror and you judge yourself, that judgment gets locked into your cells. The Access Energetic Facelift erases cellular memory of judgment and rejuvenates the body and the being. Many different energies are applied to the body and face to lift and rejuvenate your entire body
People have been reported the following improvements:
Light and luminosity of the face
Elasticity of the skin
Clarity of the eyes
Glow in the face and the hair
Improved energy
Increased relaxation
The Access Energetic Facelift has been provided in spas, massage practices, anti-ageing centres, wellness centres worldwide
Here is the link to Gary Douglas (Access Consciousness Founder) and Dr Dain Heer (Access Consciousness Co-Creator) talking about the Access Facelift:
A 48-hour notice period is required to cancel or change your appointment, or the full price of the session will be charged.
I’m a Certified ThetaHealer®, a certified Access Bars® Practitioner (BP) and Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner (AFPR).
In the ThetaHealing® technique, I’m certified in the following courses:
the Basic DNA and Advanced DNA
Dig Deeper
Growing your Relationship 1 You and Your Significant Other
Manifesting and Abundance
Wealth Consciousness
Game Of Life
Intuitive Anatomy
Planes of Existence
Vianna Stibal Webinar Limitless Possibilites Creating more
World Relations
Diseases and Disorders
Family Ties
Growing Your Relationship You and Your Inner Circle
I’m very intuitive, empathetic, sensitive and compassionate. My healings are gentle and kind, in a very safe and protected spiritual space and without unnecessary dramas.
I have helped people suffering from the effects of physical, verbal, psychological and s*xual abuse, paedophilia, dysfunctional relationships, money and health issues.
For the last 20 years I have been very interested in personal development, using meditation, happiness, positive thinking, mindfulness and affirmations. When ThetaHealing came into my life - by chance in November 2017 - I had experienced a series of traumas in a relatively short space of time. I was aware that emotions, thoughts, words, and subconscious beliefs were creating my reality and I realized that, in order to avoid repeating the patterns of trauma I needed to change my negative subconscious beliefs - and to change them quickly.
Curious but skeptical in the beginning, I chose to try it to see if it could work for me. The results spoke for themselves immediately. I started seeing the changes in myself immediately (and those around me saw my quick transformation, too) and that made me keen to learn more. It has been a very magical healing journey of self-discovery and self-love. I’ve learnt and grown so much in such a short amount of time and I’m so truly thankful for all the tools and techniques I’ve mastered. ThetaHealing has allowed me to heal my past - and therefore create a better present and future - and it can do the same for you.
My childhood was very difficult. From the moment of conception onwards - because of the physical, verbal and psychological violence in my family and surroundings - I experienced chronic fear, anxiety, panic attacks and traumas. As a consequence, I was always afraid of new things and of change.
From my personal experience, I know that, if you don't clear these negative subconscious patterns, you simply recreate them over and over again, no matter wherever you go or whatever you try - consciously - to do. The subconscious is estimated to be 95% of the mind and contains our beliefs, our long-term memories, habits, imagination and intuition - and controls automatic bodily functions like breathing, heart rate, etc. In our conscious mind, the remaining 5%, are willpower, short-term memory, logical and critical thinking. As you can see, the subconscious is running the show and creates our reality.
ThetaHealing has allowed me to understand what love is and feels like, to step into my power, to say ‘no’ to unhealthy relationships or situations, to stand up and speak up for myself, to love myself truly and have self compassion for the hard times and challenges in my life, to have healthy boundaries and especially - and most of all - to put myself and my wellbeing first! I’ve learnt to care for myself properly and nurture myself with good food, exercise and kind and gentle thoughts and words.
I want to use my life expertise to inspire and empower others, and to say that change is always possible - at any age! There is another way! Just look for it and you will find help. It simply starts with a choice!
My MISSION is to empower vulnerable souls to stand in their own true power, and to help them create the life they desire and deserve, with ease and grace.
My INTENTION is to open hearts and touch souls with my work, my presence, my words, thoughts and actions.
My VISION is to spread LOVE all around me, to help people reconnect with their own heart and soul, and to create a balanced mind-body-soul connection.
with all of my love