
Bodycare Bodycare is the industry leader in the provision of injury prevention and early intervention

Bodycare have been an innovative player in the workplace injury prevention space as well as health and wellbeing. Our philosophy is that in order to maximise workforce productivity we need to empower employees to be healthier and avoid injury, thereby improving our clients’ bottom line while promoting an enhanced culture and staff engagement.


Creating a safe and healthy workplace is essential for both employers and employees. Not only does it ensure that everyone goes home safe and healthy at the end of the day, but it also contributes to a more productive work environment.

Take ownership of your safety and wellbeing at work by making health and safety a top priority in your workplace. By anticipating and correcting unsafe actions, we prevent harm and prioritise injury prevention.

Learn about injury prevention:

Today is a special day, dedicated to raising awareness and support for cancer research and patient care. Daffodils are n...

Today is a special day, dedicated to raising awareness and support for cancer research and patient care.

Daffodils are not only a symbol of hope and strength but also a reminder of the resilience shown by those battling cancer.

If you are able, please support the Cancer Council in any way you can. Your efforts help find better treatments, support patients, and fund vital research.

How sure are you that the pre-employment data you collect is confidential? Privacy and data breaches have become a big c...

How sure are you that the pre-employment data you collect is confidential?

Privacy and data breaches have become a big concern for many individuals over the last 2 years. Its protection is crucially important when conducting business relating to pre-employment medicals and health assessments, yet it is often overlooked.

What's the solution?

Use a trusted provider of health assessment information like Bodycare. Our technology is occ health specific and revolutionises the way organisations capture, manage, analyse, and store occupational health data from within workplaces across the globe.

Maintaining privacy helps prevent any misuse or unauthorised access to the health data, safeguarding it from falling into the wrong hands.

Learn more about pre-employment medicals and health assessments:

Ergonomic assessments and ergonomic workshops are a great place to start when addressing and looking to prevent musculos...

Ergonomic assessments and ergonomic workshops are a great place to start when addressing and looking to prevent musculoskeletal issues.

The best way to prevent poor ergonomic work practices is to provide employees with the right information to be able to identify the issues or risk factors before they cause an injury.

By up skilling employees, organisations are able to actively improve their working environment through workstation ergonomics and make positive changes to the company’s workplace culture.

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, companies must embrace a proactive approach to employee health...

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, companies must embrace a proactive approach to employee health and well-being.

Early intervention and injury prevention programs, including the implementation of onsite physiotherapy, offer a transformative solution that can significantly impact businesses for the better.

By prioritising preventive care, businesses can create a culture of health consciousness that empowers employees to excel.

By investing in the physical health of employees, companies can unlock untapped potential and drive sustainable growth.

Interested to learn what injury prevention can do for your workforce? Get in touch:

August is National Tradies Health Month and we're exploring where you might start with improving your workforce health. ...

August is National Tradies Health Month and we're exploring where you might start with improving your workforce health.

That place is Risk & Workplace Assessments.

Our Onsite Injury Prevention Specialists are the ‘fresh eyes’ in your workplace and will assist you in identifying hazardous manual handling risk factors and recommend strategies to reduce these risks through a number of solutions such as worksite layout, procedural changes, education and training.

At the conclusion of the assessment period, Bodycare will provide a detailed report that will highlight key findings in the assessment.

Learn more here:


Here are just some ways in which pre-employment health assessments can positively impact your business...

Reduced absenteeism
Improved productivity
Lower healthcare costs
Enhanced safety in the workplace
Decreased turnover
Compliance with regulations
Positive company image

By incorporating pre-employment health assessments into your hiring process, your business can gain several advantages that positively impact both the bottom line and work environment.


What is your guess?

Traditionally, the average employee does not report an injury for as many as 84 days.

This length of time can lead to injuries deteriorating and lasting for extensive periods, resulting in expensive claims.

This is why our onsite injury prevention model goes beyond treatment provision. We encourage employees to move from a reactive to a proactive mindset by encouraging them to present early for treatment of niggles, aches and pains before they become injuries.

This approach empowers managers, supervisors and employees to take effective actions to attain meaningful outcomes.

it is Tradies National Health Month and the APA have shared six reasons physios can help tradies:Work safe and smart for...

it is Tradies National Health Month and the APA have shared six reasons physios can help tradies:

Work safe and smart for a long, healthy career
Act early when it comes to low back pain
Fit for work does not mean fit for life
Bodies change as you age, so should the way you work
Drive for longevity by setting up your vehicle right
Longer sleeps make for a longer career

Physios play a crucial role in reducing musculoskeletal concerns through a worker's lifespan and improving quality of life in retirement.

While both Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists both do rehabilitative work, the two roles are quite different f...

While both Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists both do rehabilitative work, the two roles are quite different from one another.

A Physiotherapist focuses on treating an individuals injury (whether that is a torn ligament, fracture or another injury that has impaired their mobility), and works to improve the individuals ability to perform a movement.

An Occupational Therapist on the other hand will help a person who has suffered an accident or illness live as independently as possible by improving their ability to perform everyday tasks.

The impact of mental illness on your business...It is estimated that at any point in time, one in five working age peopl...

The impact of mental illness on your business...

It is estimated that at any point in time, one in five working age people will be suffering from a mental health condition.

45 per cent of Australians will experience a mental health or substance-use disorder in their lifetime.

It is also estimated that Mental Health conditions cost Australian businesses $11 billion per year, attributed to health expenses, reduced workforce participation and decreased productivity in the workplace.

Contact us now to learn more about our Mental Health and Wellbeing Services


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What do you think of this key takeaway from our CEO Dean Mohr at last month's Townhall event?


Types of health surveillance and periodic medicals conducted by Bodycare:

Spirometry / Lung Function
Silica Health Monitoring
Biological Monitoring (Blood and Urine Samples)
X-Rays and Imaging
Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD)
Skin Checks including Chromium skin checks
Confined Space Assessment
Commercial Driver Assessment
Coal Board Medicals (NSW and QLD)
Rail Safety Workers Cat 1
Rail Safety Workers Cat 2
Rail Safety Workers Cat 3
Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) Medical
OGUK (formerly UKOOA) Offshore Medical
Hazardous Chemicals Health Monitoring
Periodic Medicals including company specific health assessments

Health surveillance can take place onsite or offsite through our national clinical network depending on your organisation’s individual needs.

To ensure that our clients and partners have complete oversight when it comes to managing health assessments in their or...

To ensure that our clients and partners have complete oversight when it comes to managing health assessments in their organisation, we have created a variety of online tools that aim to improve efficiency, provide 24/7 live progress tracking and enable our clients to view reports at the click of a button.

This includes:

The ability to monitor when online questionnaires have been sent and complete
The ability to monitor when appointments have been booked- including ability to view appointment details
The ability to track when appointments have been missed


We believe that building a great team starts with getting the right people into your organisation and getting the right people into your team starts with a great recruitment and pre employment process.

Bodycare Pre Employments:

According to Diabetes Australia, type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia. An estimated 500...

According to Diabetes Australia, type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia. An estimated 500,000 Australians are living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Join the conversation and break the stigma this National Diabetes Week:

Our belief in taking a proactive approach to occupational health and safety underpins everything that we do onsite. Whet...

Our belief in taking a proactive approach to occupational health and safety underpins everything that we do onsite.

Whether we are delivering a holistic onsite injury prevention solution, a tailored health and wellbeing program or a one-off education seminar, we believe in providing people with the skills, tools and resources to prevent injuries, mitigate risks and improve overall health and wellness.


How would a regular day look for you without your vision?

It is easy to underestimate how important our eyesight is to the job we do.

Regular eye checks are important to catch preventable diseases such a glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness. If blindness occurs, it is irreversible. So, let's try and prevent people’s vision from deteriorating.

Organise vision checks for your workplace:

Like professional sporting clubs, we have expert teams and divisions to ensure our programs and services are delivered t...

Like professional sporting clubs, we have expert teams and divisions to ensure our programs and services are delivered to the highest of standards and get the best outcomes for our clients.

Our business divisions can work independently or collectively to create tailored occupational health solutions that get results.

Get in touch with our team today:

Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations were recently nationally harmonised to provide uniformity across expectations f...

Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations were recently nationally harmonised to provide uniformity across expectations for noise and hearing testing across Australian workplaces.

Testing types and requirements may vary slightly across states and industries. However, the overarching WHS regulations place a duty on persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to provide hearing testing for employees who are frequently required to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect them from the risk of hearing loss associated with noise that exceeds the exposure standard.

The PCBU who provides the PPE as a control measure must provide hearing testing:
● Within three months of the worker commencing the work; and
● in any event, at least every 2 years.

Hearing testing will be mandatory for employees requiring hearing protection when Regulation 58 is enforced in April 2024 (WorkSafe).

Learn more about workplace hearing tests compliance requirements by reading our latest blog here


We are proud to provide services to the Linfox warehouse in Truganina, Melbourne. Operating one of the largest supply chain warehouses in Australia, this client requires a unique solutions when it comes to managing the health and injury management of over 800 employees onsite.

LTIs and insurance premiums have improved since Bodycare have implemented their tailored programs.

Visit our website to learn more about our services:

What are the benefits of screening potential employees?Reduced TurnoverBy thoroughly screening a candidate before hiring...

What are the benefits of screening potential employees?

Reduced Turnover
By thoroughly screening a candidate before hiring, employers are able to improve their chances of selecting the right person for the right role within their organisation. This can help to increase productivity and reduce the costs associated with high employee turnover rates.

Safety and Injury Prevention
Appropriate pre-employment medical and functional tests can be used to identify any health or fitness issues that could potentially make an individual unfit for a role. Armed with this information, a company is in a better position to hire a candidate that is more suited for the role or otherwise implement reasonable changes to accommodate the individual’s needs. This also protects the business and helps to keep medical costs to a minimum.

Learn more about pre-employment screening:

Why are ergonomic assessments important? Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that their employees’ health an...

Why are ergonomic assessments important?

Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that their employees’ health and wellbeing is not compromised. The lack of supportive equipment, suitable workspaces and often the requirement to use laptops for a prolonged period means that the potential for musculoskeletal injuries is significantly exacerbated, predisposing employers to an increased likelihood of claims and cost of doing business.

A workplace ergonomic assessment ensures optimal working posture, work practices and correct workstation set up.

Enquire about ergonomic assessments and training on our website:

Bowel cancer claims the lives of 103 Australians every week (5,354 people a year) - but it's one of the most treatable t...

Bowel cancer claims the lives of 103 Australians every week (5,354 people a year) - but it's one of the most treatable types of cancer when detected early.

This is why health surveillance and periodic medicals are so important. The benefit of investing in health surveillance goes beyond simply managing health risks and negating liability. The data that you collect can help keep your employees safe, improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and boost the profitability of your business.

June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, watch this video to learn more:

So when it comes to keeping people alive who gets all the credit?The heart . . . pump, pump, pump, pump.What else does it do? Nothing.I'll tell you what I d...

Musculoskeletal injuries can negatively affect an individual’s productivity in the workplace, as well as their personal ...

Musculoskeletal injuries can negatively affect an individual’s productivity in the workplace, as well as their personal wellbeing, which is why it is imperative to monitor their functional capacity to ensure that preventive measures can be implemented where applicable.

A Functional Movement Screen comprises seven movements that quickly and effectively screen core strength, coordination, flexibility and dynamic stability, including:

Deep Squat
Hurdle Step
In-line Lunge
Shoulder Mobility
Active Straight Leg Raise
Trunk Stability Push Up
Rotary Stability

This feedback can then be used to drive other functional and health promotion programs onsite such as strength, flexibility and conditioning programs.

Learn more about this service and other injury prevention services on our website:

As Men's Health Week comes to a close, we encourage everyone to keep the conversations going. Investing in mental health...

As Men's Health Week comes to a close, we encourage everyone to keep the conversations going.

Investing in mental health training programs can reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and encourage employees to start important conversations around mental health.

Contact us to learn how you can support your workforce with Mental Health First Aid Training:

Health surveillance is as fundamental to a business as servicing your machinery is.If a site manager told you that your ...

Health surveillance is as fundamental to a business as servicing your machinery is.

If a site manager told you that your heavy machinery had never been serviced and was showing signs of malfunction, would you get a mechanic to look at it now or wait until it breaks down? Your heavy machinery is worth a lot of money, so chances are, getting it serviced is high on your priority list.

Your workforce is your most valuable asset. By assessing your employees’ health regularly, you will have the information you need to avoid injury, maximise productivity and reduce operating costs

Read more about this in our whitepaper 'Insure your business with healthy habits':

The statistics speak for themselves: Australian men have a lower life expectancy, higher rates of chronic diseases, and ...

The statistics speak for themselves: Australian men have a lower life expectancy, higher rates of chronic diseases, and are more likely to be overweight compared to women. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours contribute significantly to this burden of disease (AIHW 2020).

As a provider of preventative and mental health and well-being solutions, Bodycare is committed to supporting men's health and breaking the silence surrounding men's mental health challenges. Together, we can make a difference.


How can employees maintain good eye health at work?

In addition to workplace vision testing, implementing these strategies can help employees maintain good eye health.

Learn more about maintaining good eye health at work by reading our blog


Level 3, 50-56 York Street
South Melbourne, VIC


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