I guess having a 2 and 3 year old back then took a lot of time from my day. But as they grow up, everything gets so much easier and infinitely more fun! I'm here to challenge you, to question your beliefs, and to encourage a deep relaxation and respite from your churning mind. I started practicing massage therapy 6 years ago, but felt like there was more to learn. Each massage client came with a s
tory and that story was usually what was behind their specific physical complaint for the session. I began to realize that massage was a way to physically work out today's tensions but that it didn't really address the underlying cause, and therefore the same physical problems would persist. When you begin to unravel the cause of the problem-fear, stress, or often guilt; the physical tensions are greatly decreased. I was inspired to try different modalities and added Reiki and BodyTalk to my portfolio in quick succession. I want Reiki to be accessible for people, for them to experience the freedom that comes with questioning their beliefs about themselves and to know that they don't have to stay stuck in the same stomach-tightening thoughts that most people live with each day. I use a variety of techniques including BodyTalk, the work of Byron Katie, and intuition to bring healing and change to people's lives. Some people report great relaxation, others feel physically lighter, and some divulge their greatest desires and are inspired to follow them. If you are feeling uninspired or overwhelmed with life, consider giving yourself the gift of a treatment. It may be just what you need to energize and inspire you to live the life you are dreaming of!