Hello again to our existing followers, and welcome to our new ones! We're thrilled to resume our "TB in Focus" social media presence, and share with you what the TB PE & RU team has been up to in 2023!🌟 Our team has been hard at work researching, collaborating, and advocating for TB elimination🦠🔬
Stay informed and connected by following our page as we continue to share #tuberculosis knowledge, resources and encourage conversations!💥🌎
#tuberculosis #tb #stoptb #tbelimination #tbperu #tbinfocus #endtb
Throwback Thursday TB Edition: J. L. Schönlein first coined the term tuberculosis in 1834.
#tuberculosis #tbhistory #throwbackthursday #tbt #history #TB
This week's ✨Throwback Thursday TB Edition✨:
#TBHistory #tuberculosis #throwbackthursday #tbt #history #TB #tbinfocus
Are you from or have lived in Treaty 8 territory? Do you have a story about tuberculosis? We would be honoured to hear your story as we try to learn about the history of TB in Treaty 8. We invite you to join our digital knowledge exchange to hear more stories and share your own by visiting https://www.tbinfocus.ca/knowledge-exchange/ #tuberculosis #canada @SSHRC_CRSH
Thanks to @CarlosMTBVAC from our twitter page for pointing out an error in our last slide - there were 10 million persons with active TB disease in 2019, among whom 1.5 million died.
We love this community for its ability to provide real-time reviews and comments! Our correction is here:
Can TB cause death?
TB can cause/contribute to death. It is especially important with preventable and curable diseases like TB to properly invest in research and development for diagnostics and treatments to continue to reduce mortality. #Tuberculosis #TB #EndTB #TBCure #InfectiousDisease
There are a lot of similarities between TB and COVID-19. Both of these ongoing pandemics are teaching us that we need to develop comprehensive, coordinated strategies to tackle communicable infectious diseases. Check out this article from our team researchers to find out more: https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/eclinm/PIIS2589-5370(20)30328-X.pdf.
#Tuberculosis #TB #COVID #COVID19 #EndTB #TBCure #InfectiousDisease
Did you know about the M72/AS01E TB vaccine candidate? Here are some facts! For more information, check out the following link: https://t.co/LU77RYskTZ.
#Tuberculosis #VaccineDevelopment #ClinicalTrials #TB #EndTB #TBCure #InfectiousDisease #WHO
Throwback Thursday TB Edition:
The BCG vaccine for TB was developed in 1921. And today, 100 years later, it still remains the only vaccine in use for TB.
#tuberculosis #tbhistory #throwbackthursday #tbt #history #TB #endTB #vaccine
Are you from or have lived in Treaty 8 territory? Do you have a story about tuberculosis? We would be honoured to hear your story as we try to learn about the history of TB in Treaty 8. We invite you to join our digital knowledge exchange to hear more stories and share your own by visiting https://www.tbinfocus.ca/knowledge-exchange/
#tuberculosis #canada @SSHRC_CRSH
Did you know how TB impacts pregnant and lactating mothers? These facts highlight the need to involve pregnant women in clinical trials and longitidinal research interventions. Check out the following research article for more information: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0242604
#Tuberculosis #Pregnancy #TB #EndTB #TBCure #InfectiousDisease #WHO
What got you interested in this field and why TB? Danika shares where her interest in TB stems from - comment below on what got you interested in TB!
#TheClockIsTicking #WorldTBDay #Tuberculosis #TB #TBCanada #TBTargets2022
What does #WorldTBDay mean to you?
#TheClockIsTicking #WorldTBDay #Tuberculosis #TB #TBCanada #TBTargets2022
If you could do one thing, what would you prioritize right now to end TB? Robin's got some ideas. Comment below - what would you do?
#TheClockIsTicking #WorldTBDay #Tuberculosis #TB #TBCanada #TBTargets2022
Hear from our manager Courtney on what got her interested in the field of TB, and comment below - where does your interest in TB stem from?
#TheClockIsTicking #WorldTBDay #Tuberculosis #TB #TBCanada #TBTargets2022
It's World TB Day today...and the clock is ticking. Check out our page today to hear about what this day means to our team. #TheClockIsTicking #WorldTBDay #Tuberculosis #TB #TBCanada #TBTargets2022
This week's Throwback Thursday #TB edition: Ice cream and TB spread?! Click to learn how we went from🍨to🍦and why #tuberculosis #tbhistory #throwbackthursday #tbt #history #TBTTBEdition
Can #tuberculosis cause blindness? While TB mainly affects the lungs, it can also impact other organs, like the eyes. Ocular TB is a rare form of TB and causes visual impairment or blindness. Early dx and tx of ocular #TB may help prevent vision loss. #AnswerthePublic #endTB
March 24th is World TB Day! This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and is a day to educate the public about the impact of #TB around the world. #TheClockisTicking #WorldTBDay
FACT FRIDAY: Do you know the top 10 global leading causes of death by socio-economic status? Tuberculosis disproportionately affects individuals from countries of lower socio-economic status. #Tuberculosis #TB #EndTB #TBCure #InfectiousDisease #WHO