We want to thank our long time client and family for creating and sharing this beautiful video montage with us and for allowing us to share with the community.
We couldn't be more happy in our hearts ❤️ to see how this little one's language has developed. She is a Gestalt Language Processor and loves music and play. 🎵
Here, our wonderful CDA, Allison is providing neurodiversity affirming speech and language services.
⭐ following the child's lead
⭐ connection first
⭐ honouring all forms of communication
⭐ providing structure, but choice
⭐ providing sensory supports and movement
⭐ play play play and honouring all play
⭐ incorporating deep interests
⭐ creating a safe space to be her authentic self
⭐ modelling language through the various GLP stages
⭐ family-centred approach
⭐ presuming competence
⭐ supporting self-advocacy skills
Thank you @foxylady2380 for embracing neurodiversity affirming care and helping this little one gain functional, meaningful, and natural language! ❤️
#neurodiversity #gestaltlanguageprocessing #childledplay #connection #trust #safespace #authenticself #speechtherapy #communicationskills #cda #slplife #familycenteredcare #sensoryregulation #presumecompetence #deepinterests #selfadvocacy #mountainspe #MountainSpeechLanguageServices Allison Fox
I'd like to introduce my brother, Christopher and my REASON for opening Mountain Speech Language Services in 2021. Christopher was born with anoxic brain injury and as a result was a neurodiverse person and non-speaking.
Christopher required support with his life skills, communication, sensory regulation, advocacy, safety, health and inclusion, but no matter the challenge, Christopher faced it bravely especially his health challenges.
He kept on climbing that mountain. Sometimes we'd slip backwards and even fall off, but forward was forward no matter the speed. He taught others acceptance and awareness of neurodiversity with a hug, a big, bright smile and charming laugh.
He had so many strengths: dressing, toileting, eating, gestural communication, comprehension, math, physical strength, kindness and humour. He had strong interests in movies and magazines, dogs, people, cookies and squishy toys.
His health journey was very difficult over the years with numerous diagnoses. Unfortunately, Chris passed away over a decade ago now, but his memory lives on through our stories and photographs. He brought so much joy to people and that will never be forgotten.
He continues to be my inspiration to develop the best neurodiversity affirming SLP services in Hamilton and Niagara Regions. To support families like mine who need a community around them as they face their own mountain climb. Just know, we are here for you.
#Neurodiversity #acceptance #awareness #lifeparticipation #meaningfullife #community #nonspeaking #AAC #climbamountain #conquer #strengths #supports #communicationmatters #sensoryregulation #speechtherapy #literacy #hamilton #niagara #MountainSpeechLanguageServices
Dear Hamilton Families!
Back by popular demand, we can't wait to open registration on Feb 1st, 2025 for our "Let's Read!" summer literacy camp in July and August 2025.
For ages 5-8, full days and before/after care available.
Meet your SLP and Teacher team, Melissa & Paul Mascio. We've collaborated to create a camp experience for your child that includes:
- 1:1 and small group literacy skill instruction
- fun, motivating games and activities
- sensory regulation supports
- speech, language and social communication goals
Stay tuned for more information soon!
This December in Downtown Stoney Creek!
We’re thrilled to announce a new collaboration between Mareas Therapeutic Services Inc. and Mountain Speech-Language Services, offering expanded services to clients and families in the Hamilton and Niagara regions. Our wrap-around services now include:
🔹 Speech Language Therapy
🔹 Group Therapy
🔹 Literacy Services
🔹 Individual Therapy
🔹 Counselling
🔹 Behaviour Support
Join us for our **Open House** on **Saturday, September 21st** at **7, Hwy 20, Fonthill, ON** to learn more about how we can support you and your loved ones!
📞 **Contact us today** to book an appointment or service package:
📲 289-212-6099
✉️ [email protected] or [email protected]
#TherapeuticServices #SpeechTherapy #GroupTherapy #CounsellingSupport #NiagaraRegion #HamiltonRegion #OpenHouse #ClientCare #FamilySupport #MareasTherapeuticServices #MountainSpeechLanguageServices #languagetherapy
Feel free to adjust any of the details as needed!
Announcing a new collaboration between Mountain Speech Language Services and Mareas Therapeutic Services Inc in both Hamilton and Niagara Regions.
We will be offering valuable, wrap-around services for children and families to meet their unique needs.
Booking Speech Language services at our Fonthill location starting Oct 1st.
www.mountainspeech.ca www.mareas.ca
#Niagara #Hamilton #Fonthill #wraparoundservices #treatthewholeperson #notalone #Autism #playgroups #socialskills #speechtherapy #individualtherapy #counselling #familysupports #collaboration #comprehensive #mountainspeechlanguageservices