Falko Kriel, R.TCMP Acupuncture

Falko Kriel, R.TCMP Acupuncture Falko Kriel, R.TCMP Acupuncture is a holistic medicine practice in Kelowna, BC. Services include acu One of his passions in life is martial arts.

Falko Kriel, R.TCMP has a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This program includes extensive training in acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy, cupping, tuina, moxibustion, and qigong. He also trained as an acudetox specialist with the National Acupuncture Detox Association at Vancouver’s Onsite and Daytox programs. He has experience with a wide variety of health

conditions such as pain management, sports injuries, chronic fatigue, insomnia, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, women’s health, and stroke rehabilitation. He also has a special interest in assisting clients restore their mental health, especially those suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Falko is dedicated to helping others to overcome any obstacles, whether in their health or personal lives. He has over 20 years of experience, and founded Tiger Claw Kung Fu and Tai Chi to teach them to others. After a rare post-viral inflammation of the brain and spine left him paralyzed below the waist in his early 20s, martial arts and Chinese medicine helped restore him to full health. This experience inspired him to deepen his study of how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can awaken the body’s ability to heal itself.




Help stop the Health Canada fees that will increase the costs of our herbs and decrease their availability.

Deadline to sign this petition is August 1st.


Remember when we told you about the “cost recovery” fees

(https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/natural-non-prescription/regulation/cost-recovery.html) that Health Canada was imposing on Canadian natural health products (NHP) distributors, manufacturers, and suppliers?

Well, that went through via Bill C-47, a huge budget bill. The NHP industry, healthcare providers, and the public have spoken up loudly against these fees because (1) there is already a robust regulatory process in place for NHPs; (2) NHPs have long been recognized as causing little harm (yes, they can be harmful if used incorrectly or if contaminated, of course, but the risks have long been recorded as low); (3) small- and medium-sized businesses will not be able to take on this further financial burden and some may close, others will decrease their product availability, and prices to you and your patients will increase.

ATCMA is talking to Chinese herbal suppliers, and they are worried. Last time there was a big change by Health Canada toward NHPs, we lost access to a bunch of herbal suppliers. Remember Kan, Health Concerns, Three Treasures, Women’s Treasures, and Blue Poppy?

Because the new fees will be applied to each and every product for sale, and will be applied annually, we are likely to see a decrease in some of our herbs. Suppliers have some herbs they know will sell in high quantity; others will rarely sell, though they are highly important when needed. With the per product annual fee, suppliers will have to consider whether it’s worth keeping that herb in stock or whether they drop it. And, of course, there’s price. Prices will have to go up to cover added expenses. Can you afford to take the loss? Can your patients afford their herbs at a higher cost? How does this impact the care you can deliver?

Bill C-368 is a Private Member bill that is attempting to repeal the changes to the Food and Drug Act that render natural health products to be put into the same regulatory framework as pharmaceutical drugs.

What can you do?

1. Sign this petition https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Sign/e-4914 . You can until August 1st.

2. Talk to your MPs. Write to them. Call them. Ask to meet with them in person.

3. Check out https://chfa.ca/en/Advocacy/NHPs for ways to take action against these “cost recovery” fees, noting that Health Canada is ALSO adding in new labelling requirements (also $$$) and addition of Vanessa’s Law to NHPs when we already have sufficient regulation and safety measures in place that already give Health Canada the power of seizures, stop sales, cancellations and suspensions of licenses.

4. Another way to support Bill C-368 is to click here to send an electronic letter (remembering that step 2 is still the MOST powerful way to deliver your message, so if you do this, write your own letters too) https://nhppa.org/bill-c-368-passed-second-reading-heres-whats-next/

Apparently, it’s rare that a Private Member bill goes through, but so far this one has had two readings and is now being considered by the Standing Committee on Health. This is where you can have input through the petition.


帮助阻止加拿大卫生部的费用增加,因为这将提高我们的草药成本并减少其供应量。请在 8 月 1 日前签署此请愿书:https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Sign/e-4914

还记得我们告诉过你们关于加拿大卫生部向加拿大天然健康产品 (NHP) 分销商、制造商和供应商收取“成本回收”费用 (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/natural-non-prescription/regulation/cost-recovery.html) 的事情吗?

这些费用已经通过了 C-47 法案,这是一个庞大的预算法案。天然健康产品行业、医疗保健提供者和公众已经强烈反对这些费用,因为 (1) NHP 已经有一个健全的监管程序;(2) NHP 长期以来被认为对人体危害较小(当然,如果使用不当或受污染,它们可能有害,但风险一直被认为很低);(3) 小型和中型企业将无法承担这一额外的财务负担,一些企业可能会倒闭,其他企业将减少产品供应,价格将上涨。

ATCMA 正在与中草药供应商交流,他们感到担忧。上次加拿大卫生部对 NHP 进行重大更改时,我们失去了许多草药供应商的供货渠道。还记得 Kan、Health Concerns、Three Treasures、Women’s Treasures 和 Blue Poppy 吗?由于新费用将适用于每一种在售产品,并且每年都将适用,我们可能会看到一些草药供应量的减少。


C-368 法案是一项私人草案,旨在废除对《食品药品法》所做的更改,这些更改将天然健康产品纳入与药品相同的监管框架。


签署此请愿书:https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Sign/e-4914。请在 8 月 1 日前签署。
查看 https://chfa.ca/en/Advocacy/NHPs,了解如何反对这些“成本回收”费用,并注意加拿大卫生部还增加了新的标签要求(也是 $$$),以及将 Vanessa 法案纳入 NHP 管理范畴,而我们已经有足够的监管和安全措施,使加拿大卫生部拥有查封、停止销售、取消和暂停许可证的权力。
支持 C-368 法案的另一种方式是点击这里发送电子信件(记住,第 2 步仍然是传递你信息的最强有力方式,因此如果你决定这么做,请写以你自己的方式写这个信件)https://nhppa.org/bill-c-368-passed-second-reading-heres-whats-next/

Write a Google review for Falko Kriel Acupuncture and win a gift basket valued at $200, featuring teas, locally made soa...

Write a Google review for Falko Kriel Acupuncture and win a gift basket valued at $200, featuring teas, locally made soap and bath products, and a bottle of herbal liniment for pain from

2 weeks left before the draw!


"Our Father"from "Sacred Treasures III: Choral Masterworks from Russia and Beyond" (Hearts of Space Records)Written by Nikolai Rimsky-KorsakovPerformed by St...

Sun came out today to remind us Spring is near

Sun came out today to remind us Spring is near

Everyone should be aware that the Federal government is planning on making natural health products unaffordable or inacc...

Everyone should be aware that the Federal government is planning on making natural health products unaffordable or inaccessible by imposing exhorbitant fees on the supply chain. Thankfully there has been a lot of pushback 💪 There has been a flood of letters to MPs that has made an impact.

If these regulations go through you will see herb and supplement costs rise substantially and many will be taken off the shelves as it will be cost prohibitive for companies to sell them. Let's ensure we can continue accessing effective and affordable herbal medicine in Canada as we were meant to for our health.

I was going to share a news article on this, but apparently in Canada we are unable to do so due to more government regulations. How interesting... Instead, here's a link to the supplement regulation proposal:

Health Canada is the federal department responsible for helping people in Canada maintain and improve their health

Fishing the Fraser River - summer moving into fall brings cool mornings and opportunities to be in nature and harvest th...

Fishing the Fraser River - summer moving into fall brings cool mornings and opportunities to be in nature and harvest the bounty of wild, nourishing food. Feeling ready for fishing, hunting, and foraging to prepare for the winter months.

My heart goes out to all directly affected by the wildfires.For the next two weeks, I will be offering free 30 minute ea...

My heart goes out to all directly affected by the wildfires.

For the next two weeks, I will be offering free 30 minute ear acupuncture sessions in clinic for those who have been evacuated/displaced by wildfires as well as emergency personnel.

Ear acupuncture and the NADA protocol are used for treating acute stress and trauma in disaster affected areas as well as clinically for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. It can be helpful in calming the sympathetic nervous system and allowing us to process overwhelming emotions.

Please call the office at 236-420-4359 to book.

I am open and taking patients this weekMy heart goes out to everyone in our community in this difficult time. After seei...

I am open and taking patients this week

My heart goes out to everyone in our community in this difficult time. After seeing the ridges up in flames Thursday night, I felt like I was hit in the gut and was up almost all night checking on friends and family and scrambling for updates. We have been fervently praying for favourable weather and for our firefighters to have success.

Since then the long term challenges of elevated stress, smoke, confinement indoors, and uncertainty have been an ongoing challenge to everyone. What has lifted my spirits is seeing the acts of compassion and unity around, and taking the time to appreciate all the opportunities given - more time with friends or family, or conversations with loved ones we have not reached out to in ages.

Being able to do acupuncture on myself has been tremendously helpful in helping my nervous system deal with all the stressors, specifically the NADA protocol which is used in disaster affected regiona to help treat acute mental trauma. Chinese medicine recognizes that grief affects lungs, stress affects the liver, worry affects the digestive system, fear affects the kidneys/adrenals, and the heart bears it all.

If anyone needs my help I am here in any way I can. If cost is an issue please reach out and don't let that be a barrier.

May God bless and protect everyone 🙏

I am open and taking patients this week!My heart goes out to everyone in our community in this difficult time. After see...

I am open and taking patients this week!

My heart goes out to everyone in our community in this difficult time. After seeing the ridges up in flames Thursday night, I felt like I was hit in the gut and was up almost all night checking on friends and family and scrambling for updates. We have been fervently praying for favourable weather and for our firefighters to have success.

Since then the long term challenges of elevated stress, smoke, confinement indoors, and uncertainty have been an ongoing challenge to everyone. What has lifted my spirits is seeing the acts of compassion and unity around, and taking the time to appreciate all the opportunities given - more time with friends or family, or conversations with loved ones we have not reached out to in ages.

Being able to do acupuncture on myself has been tremendously helpful in helping my nervous system deal with all the stressors, specifically the NADA protocol which is used in disaster affected regiona to help treat acute mental trauma. Chinese medicine recognizes that grief affects lungs, stress affects the liver, worry affects the digestive system, fear affects the kidneys/adrenals, and the heart bears it all.

If anyone needs my help I am here in any way I can. If cost is an issue please reach out and don't let that be a barrier.

May God bless and protect everyone 🙏

Cucumbers and peppers are coming along!

Cucumbers and peppers are coming along!

Acupuncture for upper back and neck pain!Treating trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboids - three muscles that are co...

Acupuncture for upper back and neck pain!

Treating trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboids - three muscles that are commonly tight due to muscle imbalance, poor posture, or overuse. Whether working at an office, an athlete, or both it is likely these muscles are locked and need releasing. It is also an area in which we store our daily stress, and releasing it can provide relief from being overwhelmed and an increased ability to process emotion positively.

Very important update about how natural health products and herbs are in danger of being made inaccessible to Canadians ...

Very important update about how natural health products and herbs are in danger of being made inaccessible to Canadians by Health Canada!

New proposed changes to Natural Health Product (NHP) regulations Leave a comment News, TCM June 15, 2023 June 15, 2023 by John Stan and Kelly Kitchen Call to Action! – Time to speak up and make our collective voices heard!! This email concerns you. Whether you are a TCM/Acupuncturist, Naturopath, ...

New photos and website are up! Big thanks to This one was my favourite as it was totally unplanned and has a spontaneous...

New photos and website are up! Big thanks to

This one was my favourite as it was totally unplanned and has a spontaneously contemplative feel. It's amazing how you much perspective waving around a ball of fire mindfully can bring! Also as most will know this is the traditional method of applying cupping therapy, which I use often in my treatments.

https://bestof.kelownanow.com/I was nominated this year in two categories, Acupuncture and TCM as well as Alternative Me...


I was nominated this year in two categories, Acupuncture and TCM as well as Alternative Medicine. Thank you to everyone who has valued my practice and shown their support. I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to vote for me!

If you would like Events Coverage: [email protected] If you would like Events Sponsorship: [email protected]

Beautiful Spring day

Beautiful Spring day

Grateful to have been nominated for Best of Kelowna in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine! If I've been of any...

Grateful to have been nominated for Best of Kelowna in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine! If I've been of any help to you, taking a moment to nominate me and vote when that opens would greatly help me and my practice grow 🌲☀️


Shared from a BC healthcare provider group, as no one seems to be talking about this outside of our profession and yet I...

Shared from a BC healthcare provider group, as no one seems to be talking about this outside of our profession and yet I believe it will greatly diminish our healthcare system in this province. Not only does it introduce unchecked and unelected government officials in place of duly elected experts - in the bill are also clauses that undermine civil liberty in regards to private healthcare.

Please share to raise awareness and let people know to oppose Bill 36!

The new Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36) is heading to legislature next Monday. There are serious concerns about how this new legislation will affect the governance of public and private health professions from creating amalgamated super colleges to removing the current elected board system to be replaced with ministerial appointment of board members. It is important that we voice our concerns on these matters. Please email your local MLAs with your specific concerns pertaining to these drastic changes. You can find a template here on our website.

You may find your local MLA with this link:

Please also email/cc, or call the following key politicians as well to ensure all parties know our concerns.

Liberal MLA Kevin Falcon, the Leader of the Opposition,
[email protected] or (250)-356-6171

Liberal MLA Health Critic Shirley Bond
[email protected] or (250)-386-2771

Premier David Eby
[email protected] or (250)-387-1715

Minister for Public Safety & Deputy Premier Mike Farnworth
[email protected] or (604) 927-2088

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is so much more than just acupuncture. Falko Kriel, R.TCMP Acupuncture has extensive ...

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is so much more than just acupuncture. Falko Kriel, R.TCMP Acupuncture has extensive experience and training in acupuncture, and TCM, and focuses on pain management, sports medicine, whiplash and motor vehicle accidents, mental health and addiction, migraines, and a whole range of internal medicine conditions. In addition to acupuncture, he integrates a variety of other modalities, including cupping, gua sha, and tuina.

Tuina (traditional Chinese therapeutic massage), incorporates a variety of techniques such as rolling out muscles, pressing into acupoints, and decompressing joints with light stretching. It is suitable for any type of musculoskeletal issue, whether from posture and overwork, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, or simply chronic pain. It can be incorporated into a holistic treatment plan, and can even be used for functional health or stress relief.

Falko Kriel also practices herbal medicine and often combines the two. As his background is in martial arts, he has experience with using herbs both internally in the form of formula prescriptions and external in the form of liniments, plasters, poultices, and oils. He is expanding his offerings in clinic to include a wider range of herbal products for sale to assist with pain and injury healing, and will be making his own custom liniments to offer to patients in the near future as well. This will allow healing to occur in a deep and comprehensive way.

Book now for an initial consultation to learn more and get an individualized health plan!


Looking for a needle free alternative to acupuncture, or a new way to release myofascial tension?Three incredible tools ...

Looking for a needle free alternative to acupuncture, or a new way to release myofascial tension?

Three incredible tools used by Chinese medicine are cupping, guasha, and tuina.

Cupping creates suction using a glass jar and often gives instant relief. It can also be done with oil to glide along tight muscles. Guasha is a scraping technique, often with smooth jade, that focuses on fascia and can release tension. Both are also highly effective for reducing pain.

Tuina, which includes acupressure, is a style of medical and sports massage developed in China. It can be done with clothing on and in 15-30 minutes. As we use acupressure points, it can function like acupuncture for a variety of internal issues as well as treat the musculoskeletal system.

Come to and book with and give it a try!

Very excited to be begin offering acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Lakeside Health in Salmon Arm starting in July! To...

Very excited to be begin offering acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Lakeside Health in Salmon Arm starting in July! To book in visit https://lakeside-health.com/ or phone 250-833-5899.

I will be up there Mon/Tues and continue serving Kelowna at Landmark Wellness Wed/Thurs/Fri.

Tai chi practice is one of the most cherished ways to develop health in Chinese Medicine. Come try out a class with us w...

Tai chi practice is one of the most cherished ways to develop health in Chinese Medicine. Come try out a class with us www.tigerclawmartialarts.com

Primitive and low cost trellis set up for our urban garden!

Primitive and low cost trellis set up for our urban garden!

Nothing like a delicious bowl of bone broth soup to nourish the joints!

Nothing like a delicious bowl of bone broth soup to nourish the joints!


1708 Dolphin Avenue #200
Kelowna, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 3pm


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