Meet Kathy. A Hill House resident.
This is why we Walk.
Hurry and register to win great prizes!
It's here...check your mailbox! Hill House has launched our annual Holiday Campaign and Canso Investment Counsel Ltd. will be MATCHING YOUR DONATIONS up to $100,000! Thank you so much for your partnership and generosity! Every dollar helps our residents live life as fully as possible with dignity and respect in the final stage before death. You can also give online at our website:
Hill House has so many things to be thankful for. We are grateful to have wonderful supporters, residents and their families, and an amazing staff, volunteers, and board members. We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, from Executive Director Michelle Hambly and the Hill House Hospice team.
May the new year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.
With love from your Hill House Family!
Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness and prosperity!
It is never too late to take action and speak up.
Let us all stand together and #FightRacism on International Day for Elimination Racial Discrimination + every day after this.
We all have the power in our lives to do the right thing and look beyond the colours of our skin and unite.
#hillhousehospice #internationaldayforeliminationracialdiscrimination
#hospicecare #fightracism
#nonprofit #yorkregionnonprofit #palliativecare #endoflifecare #finalstageswithdignity
Volunteer Spotlight: Cathy
"It's never been a chore to come. It's always been a privilege" - Cathy, Volunteer at Hill House Hospice
Cathy has been volunteering at the Hill House Hospice for 13 years now and have been such an amazing part of our team. Thank you for all that you do Cathy! Our residents appreciate you so so much ❤
Watch the video to learn more about what Cathy does and hear about her experience at the Hill House Hospice!
#hillhousehospice #volunteerspotlight #volunteersmakeadifference #appreciation #hospicecare #yorkregion #community #richmondhill
Hike for Hill House 2021
Words from Dr. Janet Morse, Hill House Hospice's Board Chair! Thank you Dr. Morse for being such a strong and supportive leader. #hillhousehospice, #HikeForHospice, #hikeforhillhouse, #momentsmatter
A message from Councillor David West.
Thank you Councillor West for being such an amazing leader in Richmond Hill and for your support of Hospice Care. #shoutoutforhilllhouse, #compassion, #care, #generosity, #thankyou