Knee osteoarthritis, or knee OA, is a progressive condition causing pain due to joint structure compression. Össur Unloader One® X is a biomechanical solution, clinically proven to provide pain relief and function improvements for those suffering from unicompartmental knee OA and degenerative meniscal tears.
Learn more about Unloader One X:
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Experience an advancement in double upright knee braces with CTi®3! It has been optimized to accommodate a wide range of people with its off-the-shelf design. The frame has been enhanced to adapt to the natural contours of your leg, providing exceptional comfort and optimal support.
Learn more about CTi3 and find out if it's the ideal solution for you!
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Have you experienced life-changing improvements in your daily activities thanks to your Össur knee brace? Share your story with us and inspire others to take control of their knee pain and improve their mobility.
Enter for a chance to win a "Formfit® Pro Knee Brace"!
➡️Tell us your story in the 📲comment below with #Mykneebracejourney & #Motionlabclinics and send us a message with a 📷photo of you wearing an Össur knee brace.
➡️Or post a 📷photo of you wearing an Össur knee brace and your story with #Mykneebracejourney & #Motionlabclinics.
Final Entry: September 30th, 2023 11:59PM PST
Announcement: October 13th, 2023
#unloader #motionlabclinics #patientreviews #ossurkneebrace #patientstory #patientfeedback #kneebracefeedback #kneebracereviews #giveaway #giveawaycontests #kneebracejourney
Many people experiencing knee pain can often trace it back to a common factor: Hip Weakness, specifically in the abductor or lateral hip muscles.
Engaging in exercises that strengthen your hip external rotation and including inner thigh muscle stretches into your routine can effectively protect your knee joint and provide relief from knee pain.
If you are looking to strengthen your hip muscles and possibly find relief from knee pain, give this simple exercise a try!
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Our custom braces are meticulously sculpted to fit the unique anatomy of each individual.
As part of the assessment process, we will take measurements of your leg using our SmartMeasure App, which will be translated into an accurate 3D model that matches the contour of your leg. Straps and liners are custom-made for your brace, and custom paint options are also available for select braces.
If you are seeking a custom knee brace tailored to your osteoarthritis pain or ligament injury, speak with one of our clinical specialists today!
Book an Appointment:
Call us: 604-242-0203
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#KneeBraceFitting made easy! Our patient education program – Embrace is here to help – get the right fit for optimal comfort and support! We provide tailored fitting videos, product updates, and support you need to help you with your knee brace application.
Experiencing challenges with the fitting of your knee brace? Get in touch with us today for assistance!
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