Quick.. Slow.. Alien Flow.. with Heather
Wednesday is First Contact Day!
Bring your out of this world self on over and let's do some fun fusion flow!
Want more flow in your life? ๐
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #firstcontactday #aliensrock #wecomeinpeace
Quick.. Really Slow.. Flow... with Heather
Wednesday is Manatee Appreciation Day!
You know what I appreciate about them?
They are never in a hurry... kind of like when you're doing your qi fusion flow...
Join me and see!
Want more flow in your life? ๐
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #manateeappreciation #manatee #lemonchiffoncake #happyspring #littleredwagon
Quick.. Slow.. Goofy Flow..
Happy Spring!!!
Yes!!! It is finally here! (** Cue confetti!! **)
So to celebrate come and join me Wednesday morning for National Goof Off Day!
A great way to break up the week and have some fun!
Want more flow in your life? ๐
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #springhassprung #goofoffday #humpday #wednesdayfunday
Quick.. Slow.. Beware Flow.. with Heather
Beware the Ides of March?
Or Beware.. it's Everything You Think is Wrong Day?!
Ides, March, Thinking... just come to tai chi fusion flow on Wednesday and you'll feel better!
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #7daysuntilspring #idesofmarch #bewaretheidesofmarch #everythingyouthinkiswrong #newideas #letshavesomefun
Quick.. Slow.. Women's Day Flow... with Heather
Hey Guess What!!
Wednesday is International Women's Day!
Not only are we hanging out in the morning for a little fun flow but....
I'm speaking in the Voices of Women Summit!
Check out all the amazing women who are sharing their wisdom and voices and (it's FREE) join in and let's raise our voices!
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #internationalwomensday #womensday #voicesofwomen #voicesofwomensummit #vow2023 #raiseyourvoice
Quick.. Slow... You Look Mah-velous Flow.. with Heather
Happy March!!
Let's flow in like a lion... and move winter out the back door like a lamb!
Did you know that Wednesday is also World Compliment Day!
The greatest compliment? Sharing your awesome fun flow time with a friend!
So... who's up for some tai chi fusion flow?
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #worldcomplimentday #marchflow #inlikealion #outlikealamb #almostspring #youlookmarvelous
Quick.. Slow.. Thinking Flow... with Heather
I LOVE thinking... it's just something I really really like doing!
And then, sometimes, I like not thinking and just doing!
You know what the great thing is about a little fusion flow?
You can do BOTH!!!
Not only is it World Thinking Day but it's also Recreational Sports and Fitness Day!!
Use your brain, calm your nerves, move your body, feel awesome!
What else could you ask for?
But... if you do want more flow in your life...
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #worldthinkingday #worldfitnessday #inconvenienceyourselfday #behumbleday
Quick.. Slow.. Sweet Flow... with Heather
Wednesday is National Gumdrop Day!
While it may not be chocolate... it is sweet and delicious!
Just like a fun fusion flow!!! ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #gumdropday #dayaftervalentinesday #fusionflow #yesyoucanmove
Quick.. Slow.. Fly a Kit Flow.. with Heather
Wednesday is National Kite Flying Day!
If someone tells you to go fly a kite on Wednesday you can say....thank you! I will!
AND... if you laugh while doing it you will also be celebrating Laugh and Get Rich Day!!
I love the combo deal!
If it's too cold out and you just want to get rich... join me in some fun flow and let's have a few laughs!
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #laughandgetrich #goflyakite #kiteflyingday #laughterismedicine #laughter
Quick... Slow... Spunky Flow... with Heather
Happy February!
Are you excited?
This Wednesday is Spunky Old Broads Day!
Who's up for some fun!?
Don't just sit there... It's ALSO National GET UP Day!!
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #getupday #spunkyoldbroads #darkchocolateday #moveitorloseit
Quick... Slow.. Robbie Burns Flow... with Heather
Wednesday is Robbie Burns day!
Grab your haggis and scotch and let's do a little jig (uh... flow)
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
Or heck... why not in the Zoom Room??
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #robbieburns #robbieburnsday #burnsday
Quick.. Slow.. Flow.. with Heather
Ready to get up and move that body?
You'll feel better!
Wednesday is Winnie the Pooh Day!
So... in the words of Piglet
โItโs so much more friendly with two."
Or maybe 3 or 4 or many many more!!
Why not hop into the Zoom Room??
Want more flow in your life?
Join us over in the Energy and Flow Studio!! (Best deal online!)
Join me on FB, on IG @yoganomads
#getoutofyourownway #energyandflowstudio #movementyourway #brainhealth #strokerecovery #youdoyou #healthiswealth #gowiththeflow #taichi #yogaflow #taijifit #bamboofusion #taiqi #winniethepooh #wisdomofpooh #wisdomofpiglet #poohday #christopherrobin #movetofeelbetter