Meet Ekaterina Blajko; Reiki master and Rapid Transformational Therapy® practitioner.
Just a few years ago, I was living an unhappy life. It was a combination of things - feeling and growing unhappy in my marriage - being far away from my ailing parents - feeling unfulfilled and diluted. On the surface, everything looked fine, but inside, it felt as if I was struggling against rapids all the time.
There were nagging questions in my head: "Is that all there is?", "Is that how it's going to be for the rest of my life?", "What's the purpose of all of this?" It looked and felt like there were no answers to my questions.
Fast forward five years, add financial difficulties and health problems, and that's when the rapids swallowed me up completely. It felt like I was drowning fast, and there was no help.
I didn't share this with my friends or my far-away family. I couldn't eat or sleep for weeks in a row. One day, after receiving a devastating phone call, the straw that broke the camel's back, I unexpectedly started laughing. There was nothing else I could do. I was thinking: "OK universe you have got to be kidding me! What else do you have for me? Just bring it all on now."
...Only later did I realize that this had been my moment of surrender.
Strangely enough, after my hysterical laughter fit, I felt much better and lighter. That night, I slept through the night and had a very powerful dream. There was a silent yet extremely powerful explosion of white light. I felt its vibration in every cell of my body. I actually saw my whole body being filled up with this bright light and it felt so secure, so peaceful and loving.
The next morning I woke up in peace - at peace with myself, and my life, and although nothing else had changed in my situation, I felt that now I was in a flow, aligned with the stream.
I can and will manage everything and anything. And indeed after this shift, in my perspective of life, and accepting the challenges and responsibilities (my own responsibility for my situation), I witnessed many miracles and synchronicities of how all the things, people, and events aligned and clarity and peace followed.
That's when I wanted to learn more about life, synchronicities and ways of bringing clarity and joy to my life and the lives of others. That's when Reiki, and recently RTT, came into my life and provided me with the knowledge and tools for helping myself and others.