RCHM statement on recent media interest in auricular acupressure products.
The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) notes that there has been a recent popularisation of auricular acupuncture via Dragon's Den where an auricular acupressure seed product gained support and funding on the programme. During the show, certain claims were made relating to the treatment of ME.
This is a complex condition, and requires skilled professional treatment following a detailed medical assessment.
We appreciate the concerns raised by Action for M.E., and agree with them in their recommendation that, when seeking for complementary health care, patients should ‘always use a qualified therapist who belongs to a professional body’.
The use of auricular acupuncture techniques can form part of a Chinese medicine treatment plan from a qualified practitioner. As the treatment of ME is complex, it requires skilled professional treatment from trusted practitioners.
Our members have a minimum degree-level standard of training and adhere to professional codes of practice.
The RCHM therefore recommends that those seeking acupuncture for ME choose practitioners who are members of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine or the British Acupuncture Council, the leading voluntary regulating bodies for Chinese Medicine in the UK.
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