The pineal gland is one of the biggest secrets that have been kept from us.
The secret is not that the gland exists, the secret is its function. Medical students are told that it is a disused organ, but it is not.
The Pineal Gland is our third eye, it is the organ through which we dream and imagine and once activated it is also the organ that connects us with other dimensions of reality.
That is, it allows us to see beings from other dimensions as well as allowing us to make astral trips (leave our physical body to travel with our ethereal body).
Develop psychic abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy and even the possibility of traveling through time.
It is not difficult to know why it is a secret, the answer is in the Church. How has the church survived? Being the monopoly of religion: going to mass is the only way in which we have been shown to connect with the Divine plane, but in reality the Temple to reach the Divine connection is within each one of us.
The pineapple or pineal gland has several meanings. For the Catholic religion it means the power of God; for Freemasonry, the vision of the cyclops.
Within the Egyptian tradition it is known as the eye of Horus. In sacred geometry we can see that the eye of Horus corresponds exactly with all the structures of the brain and in the Asian world as the THIRD EYE or center of clairvoyance and intuition.
In initiation terminology it is known as "The Gate of Paradise" and even the French philosopher Descartes proposed that the pineal gland was what connected the body with the soul, or contained it. He defined it as "The seat of the soul".
His proposal arises because the pineal gland is not duplicated bilaterally in the body, and he also believed (wrongly) that it was unique to humans.
The hormone Melatonin produced by the Pineal whose deficiency is caused by insomnia, depression, fluoride calcification and various other chemicals that are present in some chemically added foods such as tap water, oats, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, nuts, rice and cherry Ies.
In the ancient temples of the Sumerians and Babylonians there was worship of the pineal and even in the Vatican we can see a monument that they have in the shape of a pineapple or pineal, the popes also carry it, and on the walls of the pyramids are hieroglyphics.
The pineal secretes a substance called DMT (dimethyltryptamine) also known as the spiritual molecule that curiously is released in the rapid eye movement (REM) phase, that is, when we are dreaming, it is responsible for the visualization of images in dreams.
When there is no light, the pineal gland produces melatonin from serotonin. It is related to the regulation of wakefulness and sleep cycles and serves to counteract the effects of jet lag syndrome.
DMT is so powerful that it can carry the consciousness of man through travel through time and dimensions.
In the immediate state before death, a large amount of DMT is produced.
That is why the ability to enter consciousness in higher dimensions is attributed to him. It achieves mystical or interdimensional states, it is the most powerful hallucinogen or entheogenic found in nature, in all plants and animals (in greater or lesser concentration) and has profound effects on consciousness, which accelerates the spirit.