Phoenix Holistic Health

Phoenix Holistic Health Holistic health service for those wanting an alternative way to heal their mindset and bodies. Hi and thanks for finding out more about my page and me. What?

My name is Lesley Ford and I am the founder of Phoenix Holistic Health UK Ltd. I came into the holistic therapy world in the late 1990's when I was suffering from M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) within which I had a period of 2 years having to go shopping in a wheelchair as I had no energy to walk long distances, and after my GP told me that there was no specific treatemt for this condition and

the only options for me was to go on anti-depressants, I started to investigate how else I could help myself recover. My journey back to full health was a long one (9 years in total) as I was stubborn and would not listen to my body! I suffered from panic attacks, migraines, no or very low energy, attention deifict and I could only focus on looking at pictures, no text, and eventually a friend recommended I see a homeopath. was my reaction! I had no idea what that type of therapy was!! My first experience with my 'homeopath' was something I had never experienced before with any health professional, someone sitting there and listening to me for once, he took my 'full case' and worked out my constitutional remedy and my recovery started. My recovery took about 18 months to 2 years to become what I would say 'being fully back to normal' but each small step was attributed to Homeopathy, and as such, I decided to look for a short course to help my young family at the time whenever they became ill, alas there were none and all I could find was a 4 year part time course to become a Registered Homeopath, so I trained and qualified in 2005, I then went on to study my Post Graduate in Homeoapthy for another 2 years. I worked full time in another business role whilst still practising in a very part time capacity within my practice. It was in 2019, that I was made redundant from my full time business role and I decided that now was the time to launch my dream of my full time practice to help others. Phoenix Holistic Health UK Ltd was set up in December 2019 and I now also have added Coaching to my skillset, covering NLP, (Neuro Linguistic Programming, Law of Attraction, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique- also known as Tapping. I am happy to say that I now enjoy FULL health and have done so for many years now and am honoured by the fact that I am here to help others heal themsleves. When I was at my lowest health I had to give up my job and had very little finances to cope and having to find more money for holistic treatment seemed daunting at the time, and so, with that in mind, I have set up a monthly payment option for those that want the treatment but with flexibility on payment. BONUS- also included in the monthly payment plan is the basic 18 remedy kit (RRP 29.99) for you to keep at home , and comes to you after the first monthly payment has been received. You can also pay per treatment if you wish. Coaching 1-2-1 and mindset courses are available, please ask for more details, where I explore with you your limiting beliefs and values that are embedded in your subconscious mind and may have been holding you back from achieving your own dreams in your life. Wishing you a wonderful day and thanks for dropping by, if you would like to have an informal chat about how I can help you gain optimum health or a better mindset, then please do contact me for a free chat. Lesley Ford

Happy Saturday 🌟

Happy Saturday 🌟


If you know chocolate is sabotaging your dieting efforts - come along to this group session where I will help you not want to eat chocolate and hence help you lower your shape and size.

This event is happening at The Isbourne Centre in Cheltenham at 10am tomorrow morning for an hour and only costs £10!!!

Something toPonder over for 10 minutes whilst you have a coffee or cuppa today 👌

Something to
Ponder over for 10 minutes whilst you have a coffee or cuppa today 👌


Hypnosis- How to tell if it will work for you.

Here is a short video explaining if Hypnosis is something that you could consider in helping you in some way.

So true 💕

So true 💕



Something to ponder on today 💕

Something to ponder on today 💕

“The Goddess doesn’t enter us from the outside; she emerges from deep within.She is not held back by what happened in th...

“The Goddess doesn’t enter us from the outside;
she emerges from deep within.
She is not held back by what happened in the past”- Mairanne Williamson

I saw this quote the other day and thought it a good reminder to us all, whether you associate with an inner goddess or not, it is a reminder that we all have the capacity within us to rise up and live the best life we can or be the best version of ourselves that we can be at any one time.

When we hang onto emotions and events that happened in the past, we only continue to hurt ourselves by reminding ourselves of that hurt, that pain. I'm not saying forget it, but you can reduce the emotion out of it, so as you can live your life on your terms.

So, my question to you today is;
Are you in touch with your inner strength? Your inner Phoenix?

Is it time for you to rebirth and emerge into a new version of YOU?

In just a few sessions, Hypnotherapy can help you.

Here is a quick grounding meditation for whenever you might need it  to help you when you might be feeling stressed or a...

Here is a quick grounding meditation for whenever you might need it to help you when you might be feeling stressed or anxious.

Imagine yourself as a big oak tree with the roots growing out the bottom of your feet, going through the different layers of the earth vertically and horizontally, firmly grounding you.

Now imagine pushing the negative energy down through your body and out through your feet down into Mother Earth to be transformed back into something beautiful.

Release any feelings of fear, anger, procrastination, doubt or any other emotion that doesn't serve you through the roots of this tree back down into Mother Earth, and feel the relief from releasing these emotions and the love that follows through your body.

Maybe you could imagine a rose coloured light or any colour that fills you with calm, flowing down through your head and into every cell of your body. feeling the warmth and comfort of this beautiful colour and know that you are loved. 💖

Self Love ❤️Self Respect ❤️Self worth ❤️

Self Love ❤️
Self Respect ❤️
Self worth ❤️

How is it that Mondays seem to come around so quickly?For some, Monday mornings might be filled with dred and gloom, and...

How is it that Mondays seem to come around so quickly?

For some, Monday mornings might be filled with dred and gloom, and if it is, this post is for you.

I used to hate Mondays coming around in my old job, but now my life is different and I wake up on Mondays full of LIFE, knowing I am helping someone in their life lead a better life.

Keep're doing great, even if it is just tiny steps towards a goal, you are moving towards that goal, it doesnt matter how fast you get there, what matters is that you are travelling in the right direction.

Keep dreaming, keep going, keep patting yourself on the back, every tiny step is a step towards your future life.

I have a new video out today, link in comments for anxiety.Hypnosis & AnxietyAre you constantly worried?Maybe you have a...

I have a new video out today, link in comments for anxiety.
Hypnosis & Anxiety

Are you constantly worried?

Maybe you have a racing heart?

Or a nagging sense of dread.

Anxiety can reveal itself in many ways, it can cause sleepless nights, impact your ability to focus, and be a total drain on your energy.

These symptoms can be debilitating, they not only affect your mental and emotional well-being, but they can also take their toll on your physical health and relationships.

Left unchecked, anxiety can ruin lives.

But there is hope!

Hypnosis offers a powerful, chemical-free and holistic approach to address anxiety.

Hypnosis works by guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and acute awareness and your unconscious mind becomes more open to positive suggestions.

In this state of mind you can reframe negative thoughts, release pent up stress and develop better coping mechanisms.

Hypnosis is a natural process that empowers you from within, it helps you gain control over your thoughts and emotions leading to lasting change and improved mental and emotional health.

If you are struggling with anxiety, don’t wait, contact me now and take the first step towards a calmer, more fulfilling life.

Negative thoughts are just that- negative.They are often made up stories formed by fear, doubt and anxieties.Hypnotherap...

Negative thoughts are just that- negative.

They are often made up stories formed by fear, doubt and anxieties.

Hypnotherapy can free you from them in just a few sessions.

Is it time to feee yourself from those pesky thoughts so as you can live your life the way you want it to be?


Here is a great explanation on how the gut breaks down foods with Barbara O’Neill

Link in comments

A snap shot from my desk calendar this morning .What do you do for yourself as self  maintenance each day?I get up early...

A snap shot from my desk calendar this morning .

What do you do for yourself as self maintenance each day?

I get up early to pack more into my day and rise around 5am so as I give myself that time for myself.

I can choose to meditate or watch something that interests me on YouTube to learn more or I read and it has been known for me to do some exercise too.💕

A kind reminder for us today 💕

A kind reminder for us today 💕

5 - 5 - 5 What does that mean?Making decisions.........We can make a decision to CHANGE in 5 minutesOnce we make that de...

5 - 5 - 5

What does that mean?

Making decisions.........

We can make a decision to CHANGE in 5 minutes

Once we make that decision - how will that affect our lives in 5 months from now?

How will making that decision to change affect our life in 5 years from now?

The choice, as always is yours.

Whether it is to:
Reduce your weight
Let go of limiting beliefs
Let go of trauma
Let go of anger
Let go of the fear or phobia
or anything else that limits you living the life you want to lead .

You can CHOOSE to change.

When you make that decision - is up to you.

In five months time it will be December (scary) what will you have changed by then?


Here is a short video using EFT tapping to help with anxiety feelings or overwhelm.

EFT tapping is a great way of reducing all sorts of emotional feelings in the body that can also be connected to physical pain.

The holiday season is upon us.Is there something you would like to change so as you can enjoy your well earnt time off?C...

The holiday season is upon us.

Is there something you would like to change so as you can enjoy your well earnt time off?

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a fast acting way to get the results you want so as you spend less time in 'therapy' and more time doing the things you love most.

Contact me today for a FREE no obligation chat.

No strings!

The power of the mind is simply amazing

The power of the mind is simply amazing

Live in the present moment 🌟Thoughts especially negative ones can hold us back from living in the present and living to ...

Live in the present moment 🌟

Thoughts especially negative ones can hold us back from living in the present and living to our true potential.

When you choose to live in the present - you chose life and all it’s wonderful opportunities.

Sometimes our unconscious mind keeps reminding us of memories that are trapped in the past, this can be cleared with a few sessions of hypnotherapy so as you can live the life you want on your terms.🥰

Love this 💕

Love this 💕

I’m sure there were a few people in the Glastonbury crowds who had no idea who the man in the wheelchair was. But for any of us who do know Michael J Fox what a heart rending moment it was to see him being brought out on stage to play his guitar along with Coldplay. Wow - I got goosebumps for him and must admit I shed a little tear ❤️🥰❤️

If you’re wondering how this came to be Martin explained, “The main reason why we’re in a band is because of watching, “Back to the Future.”

He thanked Fox, calling him, “our hero forever and one of the most amazing people on Earth.”
How beautiful is that ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Photo from the Independent Newspaper


A testimonial from a new Non-Smoker.

You can stop smoking in ONE session.

Is it time for you to STOP smoking or va**ng?

**ng **ng **ngwithhypnotherapy

From my desk calendar this morning as I head off to a wedding show.Weekends can be testing times on everyone’s energy in...

From my desk calendar this morning as I head off to a wedding show.

Weekends can be testing times on everyone’s energy indeed.

Today is a kind reminder you can say ‘No’ if it will affect you negatively in some way.💕

Looking forward to meeting lots of lovely couples at this lovely venue 💕

Looking forward to meeting lots of lovely couples at this lovely venue 💕

Book your FREE tickets now

It's going to be a gorgeous day, so spend the day with us (kids are welcome), there's loads of grounds to explore too!! There's tasters, welcome drinks, ice cream, milkshakes, waffles and smoothies.

We have dozens of fabulous suppliers at this super friendly wedding show, including:
** help with anxiety, stress, weight loss and more from Phoenix Holistic Health
** gorgeous wedding hair accessories from Estrella Designs
** incredible honeymoons from Africa We Travel
** beautiful photography from Weddingsbysam

Don't have your venue already booked? then the wedding team from Stonehouse Court Hotel will also be on hand to show you their stunning venue!!

Please share and we look forward to seeing you at Stonehouse Court Hotel

Team WOW x

So true 😊

So true 😊

Keep this in mind when you hear an alternate opinion than your own.

Hmmmmm, Can both sides be right?

Happy Friday 🌟

Happy Friday 🌟

The holiday season is upon us and if you have an upcoming holiday to a different country and need to embark on a flight ...

The holiday season is upon us and if you have an upcoming holiday to a different country and need to embark on a flight to get to that well earned rest and recouperation but the thought of flying is filling you with dread, a few hypnotherapy sessions can help you enjoy the experience, because your holiday starts when you are journeying to that resort or destination, so why not enjoy it and experience a different way to be?

Fear of Flying -Phoenix Hypnotherapy in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.As the holiday season arrives, here's a short video explaining how hypnosis can help you ...

Good morning allA note from my desk top calendar today that I thought you might all like.The ultimate test of success is...

Good morning all

A note from my desk top calendar today that I thought you might all like.

The ultimate test of success is not whether you’re proud of what you’ve achieved.
It’s whether you’re proud of who you’ve become.

In true Phoenix fashion you can choose to change, rise up and become a new version of you - if you don’t like the version of you at the moment chose to change and make things different.🐦‍🔥

If you want to chat things over send me a message and we can arrange to have a chat over a cuppa online - sometimes just talking can allow you to see things differently.

The journey of life continues ……..💕



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 4pm - 8pm
Wednesday 4pm - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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My name is Lesley Ford and I am the founder of Phoenix Holistic Health UK Ltd. I came into the Holistic therapy world in the late 1990’s when I was suffering from ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) with a period of 2 years having to go shopping in a wheelchair as I had no energy to walk long distances, and after my GP telling me that there was no specific treatment for this condition and the only option for me was anti-depressants I started to investigate how else I could help myself recover. My journey to full health was a long one (9 years) as I was stubborn and would not listen to my body! I suffered from panic attacks, migraines, no or low energy, attention deficit and could only focus on looking at pictures - no text and eventually I was told by a friend to visit a homeopath- (What? who is that was my reaction) My first experience with my ‘homeopath’ I realised later was nothing more than a prescription for vitamins! But undeterred I found another homeopath and he took a ‘full case’ and my recovery started.

My recovery took about 18 months to 2 years to become ‘back to normal’ but each small step was attributed to homeopathy, and as such I decided to look for a short course to help my young family at the time whenever they became ill, alas there were none and all I could find was a 4 year part time course to become a Registered Homeopath, so I trained and qualified in 2005, I then went on to do my Post Graduate qualification for another 2 years.

Phoenix Holistic Health UK Ltd was set up in December 2019 and I now have Angelic Reiki therapy to add to my skills as a Homeopath and the wonders of healing.

I have am now also a practitioner of Gamma Mindset Technique, one of the first in the UK this helps an individual retrain their Gamma brain waves that controls the sub-conscious side of our minds. Our sub-conscious actually over-rides our conscious states, and this can be the reason people find themselves self-sabotaging their efforts on a daily basis. A good example of this that I use is when we go on a diet and we do well on it for about 6 weeks or so and when we can actually see a difference in our body shape, we start to make short cuts on the diet and don’t stick to the diet rules etc, this is self sabotaging as deep down you may have a belief that is stopping you attain what your conscious state wants, a belief that has been there for possibly many years. The Gamma Mindset Technique teaches you how to CHANGE this belief in a short mind exercise and allow you to achieve anything you want. It is a powerful technique and now endorsed by top brain surgeons and also Bruce Lipton - a top rated scientist and author.

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