If you know chocolate is sabotaging your dieting efforts - come along to this group session where I will help you not want to eat chocolate and hence help you lower your shape and size.
This event is happening at The Isbourne Centre in Cheltenham at 10am tomorrow morning for an hour and only costs £10!!!
Hypnosis- How to tell if it will work for you.
Here is a short video explaining if Hypnosis is something that you could consider in helping you in some way.
#hypnosis #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapyforchange #hypnotherapyorks
Here is a short video using EFT tapping to help with anxiety feelings or overwhelm.
EFT tapping is a great way of reducing all sorts of emotional feelings in the body that can also be connected to physical pain.
#efttapping #anxiety #overwhelm #eftforanxiety #emotions
A testimonial from a new Non-Smoker.
You can stop smoking in ONE session.
Is it time for you to STOP smoking or vaping?
#stopsmoking #stopvaping #stopsmokingnow #hypnotherapytostopsmoking #hypnotherapytostopvaping #stopsmokingwithhypnotherapy #stopvapingwithhypnotherapy
I often get ask if anyone can be hypnotised.
Here is a short video explaining the answer.
#cananyonebehypnotised #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapyonline #hypnotherapyforanxiety #hypnotherapyforweightloss #hypnotherapyforfears
Here's a short story on Snow White & the 7 dwarfs and how it can relate to mindset
#partstherapy #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapycotswolds #mindsetchange
Here's a short video explaining how Hypnotherapy can help to improve you life
#hypnosisimprovesyourlife #hypnosisworks #hypnosisquitsmoking #hypnosisloseweight #hypnosisforanxiety #hypnosisforphobias #hypnosisforfears #hypnosisforcravings
Today marks my one year anniversary since I graduated as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
It has been my privilege to help those that have asked me for help.
I counted up the hours from my diary that I have used in clinic and that is an amazing 422.
422 hours of helping people in their lives.
So - to all those people I have helped this last year, thank you for allowing me to assist you in some way and for also helping me to craft my skills even further.
My education goes on, as we never stop learning.
#lovemyjob #hypntherapyworks #hypnotherapyforanxiety #hypnotherapytostopsmoking #hypnotherapyforfears #hypnotherapyforphobias
Can Hypnotherapy Help With Anxiety?
The short answer is yes, hypnotherapy can be a highly effective tool for managing and reducing anxiety.
Anxiety is a common issue that affects millions of people, and it can manifest in various ways, from general feelings of worry and unease to full-blown panic attacks.
Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to addressing these symptoms by targeting the subconscious mind.
During a hypnotherapy session, you’ll enter a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus. In this state, your mind is more receptive to positive suggestions and therapeutic interventions.
The hypnotherapist can guide you to explore the underlying causes of your anxiety and help you reframe negative thought patterns.
One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy for anxiety is its ability to promote relaxation. By learning to access a deeply relaxed state, you can reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, and shallow breathing.
Regular practice of these relaxation techniques can help you manage anxiety more effectively in your daily life.
Hypnotherapy also helps you develop new coping strategies. Through guided imagery and positive affirmations, you can build confidence and resilience, which are crucial for managing anxiety. You’ll learn to replace negative, anxious thoughts with more positive and constructive ones, leading to a more balanced and peaceful mindset.
Another advantage of hypnotherapy is that it can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether your anxiety is related to specific situations, like social interactions or public speaking, or it’s more generalised, your hypnotherapist can customise the sessions to address your unique concerns.
Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for reducing and managing anxiety.
It promotes relaxation, helps reframe negative thoughts, and equips you with new coping strategies. If you’re struggling with anxiety, consider giving hypnotherapy a try.
Thanks for watch
What ailments can hypnotherapy help with?
Here is a short video listing a few f the many ailments hypnotherapy can help you with in your life.
#hypnotherapyforpanicattacks #hypnotherapyforanxiety #hypnotherapyforinsomnia #hypnotherapyforanger #hypnotherapyformenopause #hypnotherapyforhotflushes #hypnotherapyforstress #hypnotherapyforconfidence
How does Hypnotherapy work?
Hypnotherapy works primarily with the unconscious mind.
For simplistic explanation, we have two minds, the conscious and the unconscious,
The conscious mind is our awareness of who we are at all times but underneath all of that is the unconscious mind and that controls everything the conscious mind thinks and does.
We can find ourselves self sabotaging in our lives and that will be the unconscious mind running a programme that may or may not be outdated.
People come to see a hypnotherapist when their thoughts or actions are self sabotaging their conscious lives on a regular basis and this can be for any number of things:
Weight loss
Anger issues
Confidence issues
and so much more ......
#hypnotherapy #howdoeshypnotherapywork #hypnotherapyforanxiety #hypnotherapyforstress #hypnotherapistcotswolds
Concerns regarding hypnotherapy.......
Here is a short video of explanation.
#hypnotherapyissafe #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapistincotswolds #hypnotherapistingloucestershire
Hypnosis & Self Confidence
What is self-confidence?
It's that inner belief in yourself and the assurance that you can handle whatever life throws your way.
But for many, self- confidence remains elusive and can lead to many challenges in day to day living.
A lack of self-confidence can affect various aspects of life including personal and professional relationships.
It can hold you back from reaching your full potential & cause feelings of not being good enough & give you self-doubt.
How can you overcome this hold on you?
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that taps into the unconscious mind- the place where your beliefs and patterns are stored and in some cases are deeply rooted.
Hypnotherapy can reprogram those beliefs, replacing self-doubt with self-assurance by allowing positive and empowering suggestions to sink deep into the unconscious mind and this reshapes your automatic thoughts & therefore performance and promotes newfound confidence and self-worth.
You weren't born with a lack of self-confidence or self-worth- in fact you probably let those around you know that you had arrived in this world!
Is it time to connect back & take the first step to re-connect with your own inner confidence?
Contact me for a FREE no obligation call.
#confidence #self-confidence #youwerebornconfident #hypnotherapyfor anxiety #hypnotherapyforconfidence #hypnotherapyforpositivity #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessweek2024
Stress Awareness Month
Embrace the power of nature and her sounds.
Listen to recordings of rain, ocean waves, or birdsong to create a soothing atmosphere.
🌊 #NatureSounds #Relaxation #getbacktonature
It's the weekend!
Why not take a moment to disconnect from technology and connect with nature.
Go for a walk outside and appreciate the beauty around you. 🌳
#NatureTherapy #Unplug #destress #weekend
Happy weekend! I am just enjoying my first cuppa outside this year as it’s a spring like day this end and the birds are chirping away and the garden is coming back to life.My cat, also enjoying the possibilities of spring! The spring season reminds me that even after the dark times of winter, there is always a new beginning in some way, nature shows us this every year. Have a lovely Saturday 😊 #lovemycat #spring #timeforacuppa #springtime
Is your head a nice place to be?
You know - you can change it
You have the resources inside you to change it ,
You just need someone to show you how.
#hypnotherapist #hupnotherapistcotswolds #changeyourlife #liveyourbestlife #changeusinghypnosis #healyourpast #hypnotherapyforsucess
Another happy client - she had a fear of dogs for many years and in a few sessions completely gone 💜🐾🐶#fearless #phobiatreatment #phobias #hypnotherapyworks #hypnotherapy #fearofdogs
A lovely quote by Sarah Brassard this evening and a good reminder to us all:
You owe yourself one hour a day
of self-maintenance.
It can include anything
you want it to be, eg: reading, writing, yoga, exercise, dancing, meditation, painting.
You owe it to yourself.
One hour, one-twenty-fourth of your day. That is less than five percent!
It matters, you matter!
#youmatter #self-care #self-maintenance #onehour
Hypnosis & You in 2024. Hypnosis gives you a path forward with tailored sessions for you to unlock your full potential in 2024. Hypnotherapy can help with many conditions- scan the ar code for a FREE chat. #hypnosis #HypnosisWorks #mindsetgrowth #hypnosisforweightloss #hypnosisforanxiety #hypnosisforsuccess #hypnosisforIBS #hypnosisforptsd #hypnosisforchange