Kettlebell training
What is kettlebells good for?
Kettlebells are amazing for a whole body training! They are great to help you build up your strength and endurance and power! You can use kettlebells to work on your balance, coordination and flexibility. Kettlebells can be used to improve your core strenght and power. And it also really good for melting that fat!
When exercising with kettlebells all muscular imbalances becomes more visible and it helps you to identify what you need to work on. And it's really important in kettlebell training to take your time and perform exercise correctly to gain all the benefits and prevent any injuries!
If you would like to learn more about kettlebell training- come and join me on Wednesday morning at 9:30 at Zone fitness Plymouth!
#kettlebells #groupfitness #plymouthuk #zonefitness #fitness #exercise #morningworkout #pt #ptplymouth #strenghttraining #weightloss #flexibility #endurance #functionaltraining
Functional session
So proud of my client smashing this functional and cardio session! Loads of lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing, crawling this time!
And I absolutely love working from @zonefitnessplymouth- such a big choice of functional equipment for my programs !
#functionaltraining #ptplymouth #personaltraining #womenspt#bestgym #fitnessgoals #plymouth #Devon #fitness plymouth #getyourworkoutin #functionalcardio
Postnatal chest and shoulder exercises
Quick Chest and shoulders circuit with resistance band.
Can chest exercises help to change size of your breasts?
I often hear women saying that after pregnancy and especially breastfeeding breasts have changed appearance and have to buy smaller size bra.
There isn't that much studies but it's usually connected to sudden weight and postural changes during pregnancy.
So can exercise help get bigger size breast?
Truth is - there are no muscles in breast,it is only a tissue, so no- you can't increase size by doing exercise.
BUT - you can improve appearance!
Doing chest and shoulder exercises you will train pectoral muscles what are basically underneath the breasts and it can make your breasts look firmer, more lifted and appear bigger . Shoulder exercises will help to improve posture, which commonly changes during the pregnancy and also when breastfeeding you often round your shoulders and get in awkward positions chich has impact on your posture and also appearance of your breasts.
So conclusion- Chest and shoulder exercises won't change the size of your breasts but it can help to improve the appearance!
Message me if you want personalised workout plan for your post natal body!
#postnatalfitness #chestexerciseswomen #upperbodyexercises #postnatalexercises #plymouthpt #postnatalptplymouth #fitnessmumplymouth #exerciseformum #exerciseafterbaby
Pelvic floor, Bum and Core - Core restore workout
Core- restore workout from my post natal programme Pelvic floor, Bum and core!
During the pregnancy and child birth your core muscles need time to recover. Every birth is different and your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles can be affected in different ways - abdominal separation, c section, episiotomy or tearing scars, muscular imbalances ETC so when getting back to exercise I would always advise to talk to your health professional and work with post natal qualified fitness specialist.
My new post natal classe Pelvic floor, bum and core ,will aid in rehabilitation of your core muscles through gentle exercise no matter of your abilities, previous exercise experience and stage of post natal recovery - everything will be adapted to help you reach your fitness goals!
Pelvic floor mobilization and activation
Quick pelvic floor mobilization workout from my Pelvic floor, bum and core programme.
Izzy found it very amusing and giggling and wiggling her toes in the background!
Can't wait for indoor fitness classes to restart and to bring my new class to my clients!
#forladiesandbabies #rondaplattspt #postnatalfitness #pelvicfloorexercises# #fitnessmum #exercisewithbaby #plymouthpt
#pelvicfloorbumandcore #pelvicfloormobilization #pelvicflooractivation