Arklow Holistic Health and Healing

Arklow  Holistic Health and Healing Committed to offering the best in alternative therapies and supplements

A product and advice centre, offering advanced therapeutic treatments,NES Therapy,Bowen, Weight losss, fat loss, facelift therapy, by appointment, nutritional, weight management and general health advice, pain management, AND MUCH MORE on line and in the clinic


Now in stock organic CBD oil 3%.

Massage is one of the best ways to help you relax, and or alleviate tension and strain.

Massage is one of the best ways to help you relax, and or alleviate tension and strain.


StemRenu harnesses the power of signal molecule technology to rejuvenate the body. This advanced renewal complex features young tissue extract and nutrient d...

Dr lyle Wilson  interview See him live in Radissson Blue, stillorgan, Sundau 10th April

Dr lyle Wilson interview
See him live in Radissson Blue, stillorgan, Sundau 10th April

This proprietary blend supports your body's natural responses to daily stress and activity. By enhancing the body's essential biologic functions, ReStor work...


Dr Lyle Watson is giving a talk in the Radison Blue hotel, Stillorgan, Dublin on Sunday April 20 at 11 am
This talk is free,
Will be of interest to everyone especially those interested in cardio health and brain health, and aging.
No booking necessary but email [email protected] you intend to go so we can alert hotel to expected numbers for seating

VIDEO THAT MIGHT EXPLAIN WHY WE GET ILLWe cannot absorb most nutrients if we are too acidic or too alkalineMost of the w...

We cannot absorb most nutrients if we are too acidic or too alkaline
Most of the water we need for our cellular hydration is acidic, from taps, bottles, etc.
We can hydrate by using alkaline water at PH 7.5
If we are acidic though it is important to to a test and to gradually increase the alkalinity to avoid strong detox effects.
There's a couple of ways to get alkaline water, but not without purchasing alkalinising equipment, like a water alkalinising machine or using a clustered water product to add to specially treated distilled water.

Great video on the BAD effects of ACID in the body and the need to Alkalize your body for GOOD HEALTH! For more info on how to alkalize your body click on th... is a very informative video and accurate.The benefits of these particular minerals fron...
This is a very informative video and accurate.
The benefits of these particular minerals fron this company is the availability via post as they are not liquid and retain their potency

The world's first effervescent tablet to contain more than the essential 60 plant derived minerals for maximimum health benefits and degenerative disease pre...

A short video demonstrating the 85% loss of minerals in the Earths soils in the USA and how this effects our health. Europe is not far behind, suffering a 72...


The Possible positive impact of vitamin supplementation has been receiving both good and not so good reviews for many years
There is no doubt though that a good diet adds to possible good health.
A great diet leads to greater good health
Many of us are aware though that to achieve the great diet is almost impossible without supplementation because of the lack of quality available in purchased foods
Lifestyles lead us to need to buy our foods, rather than grow and rear our own
Science also agrees that essential nutrients are not now available from our food grown in developed countries due to over-farming, ie very low mineral content in soils.
So what do we do.
There is no doubt we need these missing nutrients
They are essential for proper functioning of our bodies at cellular level.
Any ideas?


My curiosity got the better of me.
i just ordered a product from this company, a few actually, but one very interesting one, Alura.
Check it out if interested in more vvah vaah hroomh!!
Some more info available on YouTube- Alura NHT


Our lives can become so "busy" sometimes we loose track of our own commitment to our own and our family's health
here is some information that may revive interest
The enzymes advertised are available in USA so I sourced a European distributor of raw enzymes from Garden Line
Rewe enzymes are present in all raw fresh foods.
Unfortunately unless we are picking our own fruit and veg directly from the garden we cannot be gauranteed of the amount of live enzymes present.
It had been a practice to irradiate fresh produce to prolong shelf-life. This practice kills the enzymes
Making live soothies with fresh organic produce can supply enzymes.
Pineapple is wonderful but we must eat the stem, and the get maximum benefit
find this article at

Had an encounter with my office floor, A sharp lesson in patience, and having to ask for help. St Vincent's Emergency wa...

Had an encounter with my office floor, A sharp lesson in patience, and having to ask for help. St Vincent's Emergency was amazing. Many thanks
Used my time wisely, watched the first 6 episodes of The Truth About Cancer"
This is a must watch for anyone and everyone.

This the link to the most recent one, episode 6

Go here to watch episode 6

Watch the most anticipated event of the year right here for free. 131 doctors, scientists, and survivors share their secrets to preventing, treating and even beating cancer. Must see!


I love this man's work

"Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 July 24, 2015

Dear Sheila,
I left for Rome yesterday.
I'm on my way to a conference on "tissue science and regenerative medicine." I'm giving a lecture on telomeres and I'm presenting results from the latest study of my own patients.
For many of the doctors, it will be the first time they've heard anything about telomeres. In fact, you probably know more about telomeres than they do.
It's exciting for me to be able to share this new technology with fellow doctors, and today I want to give you a sneak peek at the stunning results I'm presenting during my lecture tomorrow.
You see, I've been tracking the progress of my patients who are taking part in mytelomerase activation protocol.
They're all following a specific set of guidelines that give them the best chance of switching on the telomerase enzyme.
If you're a regular reader, you know telomerase is the enzyme that rebuilds your telomeres. And that's where the magic happens.
When you turn on that enzyme, your telomeres gradually get longer. And that lengthening is what slows down your aging.
Over time, your body creates younger and younger cells. And when I measure telomere length, the longer telomeres correspond with a younger biological age.
Let's say you come to my clinic and I do the first round of tests. You may be 60 years old, but have a biological age of someone who's 64. That means you're aging faster than you should be. It means stress and other factors are shortening your life, while zapping your energy and performance.
So the goal is to turn on telomerase, so your cells start regenerating and "growing younger." Over time, I'll be able to measure your progress and I can show you on a graph how much "younger" you're getting.
That's what I'm doing in my clinic, and that's what I'll show the doctors at this conference in Rome.
Let me show you what I mean.
In the graph below, you can see how the average biological age of my patients following the telomerase activation protocol dropped over time.

At the first measurement, their average biological age was 56 years old.
After six assessments over the course of about a year, their average biological age dropped seven years to 49 years old.
Reversing the biological age of an entire group of patients shows the effectiveness of this protocol, and its ability to turn on the enzyme that rebuilds your telomeres.
Seven years is significant for a group, but I've seen individuals reverse their biological age by 20 to 30 years. It's not uncommon.
Start Your Own Age-Reversing Protocol
At My Clinic... Without Ever Leaving Your Home
I wrote to you recently about a new technology I'm using at my clinic. It's calledtelemedicine, and it allows you to visit my clinic over a secure, two-way video platform.
It's the same doctor's visit experience you've always known, but you don't have to travel to my clinic in South Florida. All you need is a computer, smartphone, or tablet with a we**am and an Internet connection. That's it.
If you've used videoconferencing at work, or used Skype to chat with your friends or grandkids, you know how easy video chat can be.
Telemedicine allows me to bring my cutting-edge anti-aging therapies to anyone, anywhere – using the safe, secure platform at
For more information about telemedicine or my telomerase activation protocol, call my clinic at 561-784-7852. My colleagues and medical staff are waiting to hear from you.



MSM Health Benefits May Be Related to Its Sulfur Content

The clinical use of sulfur as an adjunct in our diet is becoming progressively more recognized as an important tool for optimizing health.

Certainly, diet is the primary tool for reducing your risk for chronic degenerative diseases. But the practical question becomes, how do you obtain the needed sulfur from food grown in depleted soils?

The nutrient MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in all vertebrates, including humans. MSM is already well-known for its joint health benefits, but it may be important for a whole host of other reasons as well.

Rod Benjamin is the director of technical development for Bergstrom Nutrition, the largest producer of the highest quality MSM that is produced by distillation purification.

MSM is a metabolite of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide, an organosulfur compound), but DMSO is approved for use in veterinary medicine only, not in humans.

Are the Health Benefits of MSM Related to Sulfur?

I first became aware of DMSO decades ago, when I saw a 60-Minutes episode in which they revealed its therapeutic impact on race horses. It supported their soft tissues, helped with muscle soreness and soft-tissue injury. It also benefitted the horses’ lung function.

Dr. Stanley W. Jacob pioneered the use of DMSO and later MSM. Originally, he began looking at DMSO because it freezes at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and Dr. Jacob had been deeply involved in looking at cryogenic preservation of tissues and organs for transplantation. As a result of being investigated for its cryogenic uses, DMSO ended up being one of the most researched drugs on the market today.

“DMSO is classified as a drug within the United States. You can buy it at a lot of veterinary supply stores and things like that, but it’s not to be used for humans,” Mr. Benjamin says.

MSM, which is a metabolite of DMSO, and approved for use in humans, primarily impacts your health by reducing inflammation. It’s widely used as a supplement for arthritic conditions. Like DMSO, MSM also appears to improve cell wall permeability, so it can be used to help deliver other active ingredients. Perhaps most important, MSM helps protect against oxidative damage.

Within the last two years, at least four human clinical trials have been conducted on MSM and its ability to help with exercise recovery, and muscle injuries like delayed onset muscle stiffness or soreness (DOMS) and large muscle injuries like that from a heart attack—all of which is related to oxidative stress and subsequent cellular damage.

“In one of the studies, they were looking at the VAS pain scores. That’s muscle soreness due to exercise. There was a significant reduction in the MSM-treated group versus placebo. That’s directly tied to the muscle soreness,” Mr. Benjamin says.

The Importance of Sulfur

Furthermore, according to Mr. Benjamin:

“Dr. Stanley Jacob said DMSO – and MSM together with that – in his opinion is much more of a therapeutic principle. It’s similar to exercise or proper nutrition. Instead of that singular focus that is so prevalent within the drug or pharmas per se, it’s much more of a therapeutic principle, which is overall body wellness [opposed to treating a specific symptom or ailment].”

This suggests that MSM may be providing some kind of missing link, and that link appears to be related to sulfur. MSM is 34 percent sulfur by weight, but as Mr. Benjamin discusses below, it is more than just a simple sulfur donor. It affects sulfur metabolism in the human body, although it’s still not entirely clear how.

Sulfur is just now becoming more widely appreciated as a really critical nutrient, without which many other things don’t work properly, and most people are probably not getting enough sulfur from their diet anymore. For example, sulfur plays a critical role in detoxification, and also in inflammatory conditions. For detoxification, sulfur is part of one of the most important antioxidants that your body produces: glutathione. Without sulfur, glutathione cannot work.

The plethora of research that was done on DMSO and its therapeutic properties begs the question: How many of those therapeutic properties are due to the DMSO? Or are they due to its metabolite, MSM, once it’s been converted in vivo or within the body? (Approximately 15 percent of any DMSO dosage, on average, converts to MSM in the human body.) The answer to that question is still unknown. Sulfur is found in over 150 different compounds within the human body. There are sulfur components in virtually every type of cell, so it’s extremely important.

“Now, as far as MSM’s role within the body, it’s very complicated. And I will say that it’s not a hundred percent understood,” Mr. Benjamin says. “I’ve been working with this compound for 16 years to try and answer that question. We understand a part of the mechanism of action, but not all of it.
..In 1986, Richmond did a study, and it showed that it was taken up into serum proteins. That sulfur was actually incorporated in the serum proteins.

We also have done [something] like the pharmacokinetic study, which showed that radiolabeled sulfur was taken up into hair, skin, and nails. Keratin is a very high sulfur-containing compound, which is a building block for your nails and your hair. But it also showed up in almost all tissues, spleen, and liver. It went all over.

It’s complicated. We did a study where we said, 'Okay, let’s give it to healthy human volunteers.' We did actually three different dosages – one gram, two grams, and three grams. We measured urinary sulfur output by measuring sulfate, thinking that sulfate will be a waste sulfur product that would show up excreted in the urine. We did the different doses to see if it was in a dose-dependent manner that we’d be able to correlate back and, say, 'Yes, MSM is giving output of sulfur.

We found that they were indeed dose-related, but the interesting thing was it was inversely related. The more MSM you took, the less sulfate was excreted in your urine. What that says is it’s much more complicated than just a strict sulfur donor. It is a compartmentalization of sulfur and sulfur metabolism within the body. That suggests that MSM is actually allowing better metabolism, better incorporation of the sulfur throughout the body. It’s not just a simple sulfur donor...'”

MSM Improves Your Body’s Ability to Make its Own Antioxidants

As mentioned earlier, sulfur plays an important role in the production of glutathione—one of the most important antioxidants that your body produces. Glutathione also serves important functions for detoxification. Without sulfur, glutathione cannot work. So, while not an antioxidant by itself, part of MSM’s action is to improve your body’s ability to make its own antioxidants.

It also provides support for all sorts of structural proteins, where sulfur is an important component. According to Dr. Benjamin:

“[G]lutathione has two different states within your body. There’s reduced glutathione and oxidized glutathione. The ratio of those two signifies the overall oxidative status or the ability of your blood plasma to address oxidative stress. MSM improves that overall ratio. In other words, you have much more reduced glutathione that’s able to deal with these free radicals. That’s, I think, kind of the key of how MSM really – and DMSO also does the same thing – by controlling that oxidative stress or protecting from the oxidative damage can have these therapeutic [benefits].”

Sulfur-Rich Foods

Ideally, you’d be best off getting your sulfur needs filled from the foods you eat. However, this can be a bit of a challenge these days. There’s been a transition away from many traditional foods that have been the big sources of sulfur, like collagen or keratin, which we just don’t eat much nowadays.

You can perhaps get enough if you cook down bones from organically raised animals into bone broth and drink the broth regularly (or use for soups and stews). The connective tissues are sulfur-rich, and when you slow-cook the bones, you dissolve these nutrients out of the bone and into the water. According to Mr. Benjamin:

“MSM is in almost all raw foods. It’s in leafy green vegetables. Interestingly enough, there’s MSM in beer and coffee. Actually, it’s been identified as one of the main flavoring constituent in port wines... raw milk has the highest naturally occurring content of MSM.”

One caveat is cooking and pasteurization. While MSM is stable to extremes of pH and temperature, it volatilizes and turns to gas very easily. It’s also very water soluble. So when cooked at high temperatures, it simply wafts off in the steam. That’s why it’s easily removed during cooking and processing. Pasteurization cuts the MSM content by approximately 50 percent. So, in order to ensure you’re getting the most MSM from any food, it must be either raw or as minimally processed as possible.

Toxicity and Dosage Recommendations

Toxicity studies have shown that MSM is extremely safe and can be taken at very, very high doses. Even if you have a very rich diet full of raw vegetables and MSM-rich foods, you can still supplement and not hit that toxicity level. Clinical research studies have found that the effective amounts range from about 1.5 grams to 6 grams, although at higher doses, potential side effects include:

Intestinal discomfort
Swelling of the ankles
Mild skin rashes
These are likely detoxifying effects that can typically be mitigated or minimized by cutting back on the initial dosage, and slowly working your way up. In that case, you might want to start out with half a gram (500 milligrams) for a couple of weeks and then slowly increase until you get up to the desired dose.

MSM is approved for use in fortified food and beverage and gram quantities may be consumed when consuming raw diet and approved MSM fortified foods. The amount from the fortified foods that have been approved would be between 1.9 to 3.8 grams per day. For comparison, intake of MSM from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables would be in the milligram per day range of about 2.3 to 5.6 mg/day.

How to Select a High–Quality MSM Supplement

As with most other supplements and food, quality is a major issue when it comes to selecting an MSM supplement. Fortunately, with MSM it’s fairly easy to determine. There are two methods of purification of MSM:

For MSM, distillation is by far superior. But crystallization is less expensive, and a lot less energy-intensive. According to Mr. Benjamin, only two companies that produce MSM use distillation. Mr. Benjamin explains why you should consider a product that has been purified using distillation.

“A lot of the problems with [crystallization] is you’re essentially crystallizing it out of a parent solvent or liquid. If there are any impurities, which could be salts of heavy metals, you could have aromatic hydrocarbons in that… It’s actually the parent solvent. It’s usually water. It is dependent upon water quality. ”

Is MSM for You?

As you know, I am very cautious about recommending supplements, as I believe you’re best off getting your nutrients from healthful, whole organic foods. But, I’m also realistic, and I understand a perfect diet is hard to come by these days, so some supplements I believe can be quite beneficial. MSM would fall into this category. It would make sense that, if you’re suffering from a decrease in normal dietary sulfur, supplementing with something that’s relatively safe and inexpensive would make a lot of sense.

As I’ve said, sulfur is an emerging stealth player in nutrition and for a variety of mechanisms, including the detox and anti-inflammatory pathways. Remember, if you don’t have enough sulfur in your diet, you’re not going to be able to naturally produce glutathione, which is absolutely essential for removing heavy metals and many of the toxins you’re exposed to. People who might want to consider using some supplemental sulfur sources such as MSM include those who have:

Chronic inflammatory conditions
Aches and pains / sore muscles and achy joints
Premature aging symptoms

by dr mercola


Interesting article from humaworm

Before you read over the following list of symptoms, you need to understand how and why parasites make us sick. Parasites are the HIDDEN DISEASE, they can occur ANYWHERE in the body, in EVERY organ, in ALL tissues, and in the blood. Parasites can cause problems that mimic other disorders and are not diagnosed as being parasite related.

Not only do they cause harm by taking nutrients away from their host, they also produce toxic waste (from their excrement and death cycles) that affects the human body including the central nervous system. For example: Parasite urine is pure ammonia! HUMAWORM not only removes parasites - it ALSO REMOVES TOXINS FROM THE ENTIRE BODY! If you nor your doctor can't figure out why you’re not feeling 100%, then please continue to read!!

The Symptoms of Parasite Infections

STOMACH & INTESTINAL COMPLICATIONS – The sheer number of parasites in the lower digestive system and the toxic waste produced by them can cause these problems:

Chronic Constipation
Gas & Bloating
Digestive Problems
Excessive Early Bowel Movements (very explosive bowel movements very soon after eating)
Abdominal Pain
Mucus in the Stools
Leaky Gut
Burning in the Stomach
Bloody Stools

FATIGUE - The toxic metabolic waste overloads and overworks the organs of elimination and taxes the central nervous system causing:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Low Energy
Excessive Weakness

SKIN DISORDERS & ALLERGIES – Parasites that pe*****te the skin cause itching. When tissue becomes inflamed from these parasites, the body’s white blood cells increase to defend the body. This reaction causes skin rashes and food allergies to appear. Parasites also create toxins and the skin, being the largest organ, tries to remove these toxins which causes many skin problems. Symptoms include:

Dry Skin
Dry Hair
Brittle Hair
Hair Loss
Itchy Nose
Itchy A**s
Itchy Skin
Allergic Reactions to Food
Crawling Sensation Under the Skin
Weeping Eczema
Cutaneous Ulcers
Papular Lesions

MOOD & ANXIETY PROBLEMS – Once again, it’s the toxic metabolic waste produced by the parasites that attack the central nervous system causing:

Mood Swings
Unclear Thinking
Slow Reflexes

SLEEP DISTURBANCES – The physical presence of the parasites themselves are a nuisance to the human body. The body reacts to them during periods of rest, this in turn produces:
Teeth Grinding During Sleep
Bed Wetting
Drooling While Asleep
Disturbed Sleep – Multiple Awakenings

WEIGHT & APPETITE PROBLEMS – Parasites live undetected by their hosts. They rob the body of all essential nutrients (they get the choicest nutrition from the food you eat) and you are left with the fats, sugars, etc. Many overweight persons are infested with parasites, they stay hungry which leads to overeating because of the parasites. Depending on the type of parasite infestation, many people are malnourished, they can’t gain weight, again, because of the parasites. This is why parasites cause:

Weight Gain
Long-Standing Obesity
Loss of Appetite OR
Uncontrollable Hunger Eating More Than Normal BUT Still Feeling Hungry
Inability to Gain or Lose Weight

MUSCLE & JOINT COMPLAINTS – Parasites can travel to almost all soft tissue including in the joints and muscles where they cause cysts and inflammation that is commonly mistaken as arthritis and muscle pain. The toxins from parasites can also pool in the joints and in muscle tissue causing:

Muscle Pain
Joint Pain
Muscle Cramping
Numbness of the Hands and/or Feet
Heart Pain
Pain in The Navel
Pain in the Back, Thighs or Shoulders
Arthritic Pains
Fast Heartbeat

BLOOD DISORDERS – The parasites get the good vitamins, including iron, leading to:

SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE PROBLEMS – With a weakened immune system caused by parasites and their waste you also can experience:

Male Impotence
Erectile Dysfunction
Candida – Yeast Infections
Urinary Tract Infections
Cysts & Fibroids
Menstrual Problems
Prostate Problems
Water Retention

OTHER SYMPTOMS – More health problems caused by parasites:

Excessive Saliva
Unclear Vision
Bad Breath
Poor Immune Response
Respiratory Problems
Chronic Viral or Bacterial Symptoms
Body Odor

DISCLAIMER: The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your Health Care Professional before beginning any herbal treatment.

Content copyright 2015. HUMAWORM. All rights reserved.


"The maharishi effect states that if you get the square root of 1% of the population of a group / town /city / country even the planet to change their field / belief system / act kinder / be calmer etc then it effects the entire group / town / country or planet."
Imagine if by just wearing the meditation band on a regular basis, and this is the effect,
Also be careful of your thoughts, !!
Interesting! Have You Tried To Meditate Before?If you are new to meditation I am sure you have heard ...

Have You Tried To Meditate Before?
If you are new to meditation I am sure you have heard people talking about the profound benefits of meditation and maybe like many people you have "given it a go". This for many people is where the journey begins and ends because meditation takes time and discipline to master before you really feel the benefits.

Many people who are new to meditation sit in a chair trying to quieten the mind only to find their brain will not shut up. Which makes many people feel frustrated like "they just can't do it".

Meditation Made Easy!
We have the solution for any beginner to skip the need for the long, disciplined and challenging learning curve to "master" meditation.

Our Meditation Wristbands resonate a series of frequencies that tune you into meditation within minutes of putting it on. The frequencies resonated from the wristband help you to empty your mind of thoughts and move into a meditative state just like you had been meditating for years. Our Meditation Wristband uses exactly the same technology as our Frequency Wristband accept this only emits the frequencies which are designed to tune you straight into a deep and satisfying meditative state.

Amazing for Beginners and Experienced Meditators
Beginners have the benefit of being able to rapidly skip the learning curve and experience the benefits of meditation but experiences meditators will feel they are able to go deeper with ease because the meditation frequencies enhance the experience.

How To Use The Meditation Wristband?
There are several ways that you can use the Meditation Wristband and here are the most popular........

1. Morning Meditation
Start your day by accessing a calm and blissful state with a morning meditation. This can be anything from 10-15 minutes to an hour. Perhaps try a sunrise meditation as it really does start your day amazingly

2. Lunchtime De-stress
When the stress and strain of the day is hitting its peak try to take 10-15 minutes to yourself. Put on your band and experience how a short meditation can realign your body and mind to be able to better deal with your environment.

3. Night Time Meditation (The most popular)
At the end of the day just before you go to bed put on the band and clear your mind from all the days activity and experience the clarity of stillness. Many people continue to wear the Meditation Band while in bed to continue the calmness right through the night into a deep and restful sleep.

Benefits of Meditation
Below are some interesting videos that give you more information on the benefits of meditation.

A few minutes a day can be transformative for your life.

Harvard Neuroscientist Sara Lazar
An amazing TED Talk that shows brain scans on how meditation can actually change the size of key regions of our brain, improving our memory and making us more empathetic, compassionate, and resilient under stress.

Meditation Wristband05/13/15
Amazing has to be tried to be believed
After the success of using the original frequency band, Ive been happily testing out this new blue one. In a nutshell Its beyond amazing and definitely makes you feel much more relaxed, with less buzzy thoughts going on in the mind. I'm not really a meditator usually as its been too hard for me but with this, and some practice, I am well on my way to actually being able to be good at it. A truly amazing device. Also can be worn at night to help have a better sleep. get your boom back certainly make some incredible stuff. thank you for changing my life!!
Petifi - Frequency Pet Tags05/12/15
Petifi works brilliantly
The bioresonance combined with the copper and the negative ion output deliver triple benefits! Thanks so much for this - our dogs are calm and happy :)
Frequency Band05/12/15
Joan L.
I feel so calm and relax wearing this wristband.
Reviews by YOTPO

New technologies bring new advances in energetic health care This website has 5 new produ...

New technologies bring new advances in energetic health care
This website has 5 new products that open up unlimited possibilities in positive health and prevention for us and our pets

Drinkifi is a revolutionary drink enhancer that uses frequency to change the the water of the drink. It does this by emitting 30,000 natural resonance frequencies that change the structure of the water.

Drinkifi works amazingly well on alcoholic drinks because it takes the harshness from the drink and makes it taste smoother with less after taste. A bottled beer often tastes like a draught beer and a cheap wine tastes like a premium wine. For spirits it does the same removing the judder you get with the harsh after taste.

Drinkifi works very well with water turning most tap waters into a smoother tasting drink more like a spring water.

Wow your friends at parties with what appears to be a frequency magic trick by changing the taste of their drinks by frequency upgrading their drinks within 60 seconds!




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