Aanandam Yogashala

Aanandam Yogashala Just practice.. Passion P3 -"Persistent Patient Practice with passion" has been our yogashala mantra. There is no possibility of impossibility.

let's explore ourselves!!


Arathi asked a student,-
"Where you live in your body.. in hands or legs or stomach or back or head or where exactly ?"
He said, I live in each cell, all over the body.
She told, you must be around 45 years but you hardly know your house. You barely experience some gross muscles and you don't experience any organ at all, in your residence. Then how The self can be experienced if you cant even perceive your gross body.
She Continued,

Panchakoshas, you might have read the 5 sheaths in many yoga books. Annamayakosha is physical skeletomuscular body. Pranamayakosha is physiological body. The third kosha is Manomayakosha, the mental body or you may call manas. Fourth is Vijnanamayakosha. Vi-jnana is translated as special intelligence. Before we understand this, we must understand how to unify the first three koshas to experience the special intelligence. The fifth is Aanandamaya kosha. Aananda, the word can't be translated, no near translation available !

Patanjali says, 'Sthiram Sukham Asanam'. Shivananda swami said 'AsanaJaya'. BKS Iyengar taught 'The Perfect Posture/asana'.

To make this easy, we will take an example of a pot with water. Most people are trying to stabilize water to avoid the waves in water which is actually the result of unstability of the pot. If the water is in the pot then you must, first, put your efforts to stabilize the pot..right? If you succeed in stabilizing the pot, the waves will automatically stop and the water becomes still. Movement of the pot results in movement in the water, stillness of the pot results as stillness in the water..right ?
So, Now, you understand that the stillness in the body has to come.

In pot example, there is only pot and water but, here, we have a connecting sheath between body and mind. it's pranamaya kosha, regulate prana.
But, it is difficult to understand prana. How can you ever regulate what is unknown to you..!?
You experience mind as moods, emotions, thoughts etc. And you can grossly experience the body. But, how to experience the connecting kosha, the pranamayakosha ?
It is difficult to understand the word Prana, because it is misunderstood as breath. The baby inside womb has prana but it is not breathing. Person in coma is breathing with ventilator but there is no energy in him. Therefore, Prana is not breathing oxygen, though the pranayama can be done with reference to breathing. Prana is called as chi in chinese tradition. We may say it as energy but for better understanding we will practice keeping gross elements as reference, like, hormones, blood flow and nerve current flow in the body.

Prana is very important because Chitta is in constant touch with prana. To achieve the goal of 'chittavrutti nirodha' student must regulate prana. Movement in prana creates waves in chitta. If you don't regulate prana you can't regulate the vruttis. The waves in the chitta reflects in mind and mind becomes restless. What happens then ? The karma goes on playing its role.
Destroy karma, is the only solution to all problems in life.
Because 'life is karmaadharita'.

The energy is flowing in the body and it is uneven. You may understand it as hormonal or chemical imbalance. You need to regulize the energy flow which will regulate the two other subsequent koshas (body and mind). Prana is in body, therefore, use body to make the flow of prana equal and even. This evenness in the body will result as evenness in the mind. By practicing the Methodology taught by BKS Iyengar, with regular practice, you will regulate prana. In this Methodology, regulation happens with growing awareness. Anthahprajne (inner awareness) has to grow. If that happens then first three koshas become one. Prana makes mind unite with the body. This state is dhyana. This is called Asanajaya or Perfect Asana or Sthiram Sukham Asanam.

You can not attend mind or prana directly, by making body dull. Only the lazy people ask you to discard body as body is perishable, to seek the imperishable atman. Remember, Yogi is never a dull or lazy person. You might know the following phrases from the scriptures: Deha maatra sadhana, deharoopi aatmanu.
If the self has taken a form that means you cant ignore the form to attain The Him. You must respect the form taken and perceive the form to see who resides in this form. Therefore, Iyengar added a sentence to the prayer which all iyengar students end their prayer by saying -"bow down your head to the heart where the Self resides". Only a seer, The yogi who has seen the aatman in the heart region can teach so.

From the scriptures you must be aware that the aatman is a piece of god who is Eternal. If Jeevatma is a part of Paramatma and resides in the body, then body is a temple..isn't it ? You must respect the body because it is not chosen by you, its given to you. Without doing asana to grow awareness to have clarity in body, mind and words, without perceiving annamayakosha, you will not go an inch further in the path of yoga. I bet !

When I say so, you may ask about Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Ramana Maharshi. Then i will laugh aloud at you for thinking yourself as an avatar like them. They very well knew their purpose of themselves as the forms. They finished their work and gone. But, you dont know the purpose of your life to finish and go. You are in the karma cycle, hence you must start from the scratch. Because, The Pronoun-I or ego or asmite takes a numerous forms from depression to superiority complex, which is difficult to recognize, you need a guru who breaks ego so that asmithe becomes sa-asmithe.

So, once you reach the state of Dhyana, the awareness grows further and leads you to Samadhi. In the beginning, you see nothing. There is no You or Him. There is just Nothing. Some people called it as Shoonyatva. There is silence but it is not a void. You must stick to your practice to reach this state again and again, many more times. One day, the Vi-jnana which is called as Witness Consciousness (Sakshiprajne) will witness that there is Atman- The eternal. This is the state of Dwaita. You and Him.

In the beginning, the student thinks, aatman is the backseater and student himself is driver to drive for him. But, with practice, student understands that the aatman is the light and the driver. It is only aatman who knows the route. The pronoun-I sits back and aatman drives. Pronoun-I becomes 'dasa' because student understands The Real and Unreal. Student understands that he is the limit to the limitlessness. Then, there is only aatman remains, the other barely exists. This is not pessimism. Instead here, student experiences 'Poornatva' This state is Advaita. But, the advaitha realizes with moksha or kaivalya (liberation) when the jeevatma unites with paramatma.

You must understand that when there are two entities, one experiences the other. When there is no two entities and there is only one, then there is none to experience the other. It is poorna and shunya, both are true at the same time.

There were two but one alone was true.
There was only one but they were seen as two.
Both Dwaita and Advaita are true. Therefore, it is called Vishishtadwaita.
The one who attained will know that all paths will lead to The Him only.

I will conclude by saying again that, at this very point of time, it is The Yoga in The Methodology of Iyengar, only path to students. It brings kaya-vacha-manasa shuddhate. It brings the yama-niyama in the student which is the necessary element for a student to progress in the path of yoga.
Asana practice with precise anatomical instructions brings ujjayi (a thin silk thread like breathing) when body becomes even. Mind dissolves in the body, mind has no separate identity, body and mind unites. This is Dhyana. The instructions will make you reach this state. If followed with Adherence to the teacher and yoga. The Samadhi Prapti depends on your karma and your shraddhe towards The Yoga and The Guru.

Krishnam vande jagadguru .

“With this book, Mr Iyengar, my guru in yoga, has added a new and greater dimension to the life of the people of the Wes...

“With this book, Mr Iyengar, my guru in yoga, has added a new and greater dimension to the life of the people of the West, urging us to join our brothers of every colour and every creed in the celebration of life with due reverence and purpose.”

Yehudi Menuhin, widely considered as one of the greatest violinist of 20th century.


“Mr Iyengar’s Light on Yoga will, I hope, enable many to follow his example and to become the teachers whom mankind so sorely needs. If this book will serve to spread this basic art and will ensure that it is practised at the highest level, I shall feel more than ever grateful for having shared in its presentation.”

-Yehudi Menuhin

(Menuhin presented Guruji with an Omega wrist watch with the inscription “To My Best Violin Teacher; Yehudi Menuhin, Gstaad, 1954”)


The book (Core of the Yoga Sutras) is free from any religious bias and does not require any God as the creator. It has a universal appeal and will stand as a real guide for serious sadhakas of yoga. In fact, it is Patanjali reinvented. Dr Iyengar will be remembered as perhaps the best commentator on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

-Murli Manohar Joshi, Former Member of Lok sabha

(His daughter Nivedita Joshi who was brought to Iyengar on wheel chair is now, at present, a senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher in Delhi)


“What we need is a good heart, a disciplined mind and a healthy body. We will not transform ourselves merely by making wishes, but through working hard over a long period of time. Seeing how energetic he is at the age of 93 and his approach towards his students is an inspiration to all.”

-Dalai Lama


“Scholars will surely be interested by this thought-provoking treatise, a precious gem in the firmament of yoga.”

-T. Krsnamacharya


“My introduction to Yogacharya Iyengar, his methods and wisdom, came in excruciating circumstances. In early 1994, I suffered a bout of vertigo which left me debilitated. I could barely sit up on the bed, leave aside walk. Doctors from a leading hospital in Mumbai came up with foreboding diagnoses. One of them prescribed the instant deployment of steroids.

Lying in bed and miserable. I suddenly recalled that I had commissioned a piece on Yogacharya Iyengar in Sunday MidDay which I was then editing. I called up feature writer who had done the article and asked her to fix an appointment for me at an Iyengar Yoga Centre in Mumbai since I was unable to travel to Pune.
Within a day, I found myself at the class. To my utter surprise (at fright), the first asana I was put to involved hanging upside down from a windowsill, supported with only a rope fore almost fifteen minutes. Here I was, barely able to stand, and being made to do what seemed impossible. I was terrified.

The immediate gain was a return of courage, and within three days, doing various poses under guidance. I was able to walk without apprehension and a week after that, I was on the squash court. Thereafter, Yogacharya Iyengar has been integral to my life.”

-Ayaz Memon, one of India’s leading Cricket writers. He was national sports editor at The Times of India as well as editor-at-large of DNA.

(The above paragraphs are taken from the forewords and introductions written by them for different books authored by Guruji BKS Iyengar. Light On Pranayama, Light On Yoga, Core of the Yoga Sutras, Yoga for Sports)

Guruji Sri BKS Iyengar was not only a renowned Yoga master he was also a cultural representative to build cultural bond ...

Guruji Sri BKS Iyengar was not only a renowned Yoga master he was also a cultural representative to build cultural bond between India and many countries. The harmony in the world doesn't only happen through political gestures. Many people have carried the essence of yoga/dharma/culture of India to spread all over the world. After Swami Vivekananda it was BKS Iyengar.

The below is an excerpt, to read full article please read "Yoga Rahasya" compilation, volume B, page number 91, titled 'France'. Documented by Corrine Biria, senior Iyengar teacher France:

The seeds of Yoga were sown by Guruji in France when he gave his first international lecture-demonstration in one of Paris's most prestigious conference hall - Salle Pieyel. Subsequently, Guruji made several trips until 1976.

Guruji came to Paris in April 1984 due to persistent requests from his students. This trip represents the beginning of a new era, of a new impulse in the spreading of his teachings in this country. During his 1984 trip, he gave a conference in one large conference hall, Salle Adyar to an audience of more than 500 persons. He supervised a special yoga class for blind people and replied to questions raised by Yoga teachers who came to Paris from all over France.

In July 1984, Guruji was invited by the French Yoga Federation and conducted a week-long international class at Bitche consisting of 300 Yoga teachers.

In October 1985, the Mayor of Paris invited Guruji on the occasion of the Festival of India to preside over the first world premiere of the film 'Guruji'. During this ceremony, encouraged by the master's visit and guided by him, his Paris pupils gave a demonstration of yogasanas. The conference hall was packed and the evening turned out to be a huge success.

The French national radio, Radio-France, interviewed him as one of the greatest masters of our time. He created headlines in the French press as "The man with the 8,400,000 postures" (as a reference to the traditional number of yogic postures).

On this occasion, Guruji supervised the first national training session of Iyengar Yoga in Paris and gave an unforgettable Pranayama class. More than 200 pupils attended each class while more than 100 had to be rejected due to lack of space. During 1986, as a part of his large European visit, Guruji visited several French cities in which he gave conferences, attended question and answer sessions, with special days for teachers (Paris, Toulouse, Montpellier)

During his visit to Bordeaux, the local authorities requested Guruji to pour the water from the Ganga in the Garonne River estuary (one of the major French rivers) to seal the spiritual bond between the two countries and cultures, through Yoga. The symbolic act was performed in the presence of the mayor's representative, then President of the French Parliament. This event got wide coverage in the press also.

During his visit in 1996, Guruji delivered a lecture at the most prestigious place in Paris, Le Palais des Congrs, to an audience of more than 600 persons, an event which was presided by none other than the Cultural Counsellor of Indian Embassy as well as the Cultural representative of Paris.

The Iyengar Yoga Association of France which was formed in 1991, currently has more than 1000 members with 110 certified teachers. It publishes an annual magazine, 'Yogasara'. It also organises an annual convention which is directed by a senior guest teacher and is attended by more than 120 pupils.


Bharatha is rich because of Dharma and Yoga. Here, both Dharma and Yoga are free of castes and religion segregations. They belong to mankind. Certainly the greatest Yogi deserves the greatest honour of our country, Bharatha Ratna.

1.The idea of International Yoga Day was first proposed by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2014 in his speech at UN. The initiative found support from many global leaders and 177 countries agreed to the proposal.
That means Yoga was already popular in many countries among a vast number of people across the world.
Who spread Yoga?
In olden days, people who were interested in Yoga used to visit India to learn and they were less in number. Swami Vivekananda spread sanatana dharma all over the world visiting many countries. In the same manner, BKS Iyengar selflessly served Yoga to the doorsteps of people across the globe. Decades later, when the proposal was made, the member nations of UN could adopt the proposal without a vote.

2.BKS Iyengar traveled many countries in Asia, Europe, America, Russia to give demonstrations of Yoga. It is almost impossible to anyone to deliver more than 10,000 solo stage demonstrations, in all weather conditions to the variety of societies. He narrates how difficult it was to give performance in Europe while the people used to see Indians as slaves. He could survive only with tea and bun to give performances.

3.Unlike olden days, he offered Yoga to everyone. This is very important to notice that the old notion about Yoga was that a person with any defect in the body was forbidden to do any Yoga sadhana, thinking he is not full. BKS Iyengar, an enlightened yogi made people understand that if the soul resides in everyone of us then all of us have equal rights to experience the supreme, regardless body condition. He taught Yoga to the patients, handicappeds, weak and elderly people.
His statement is evergreen- “Yoga is for one and all”

4.To bring everyone up, he had to discover a few props which made Yoga practice easy for everyone. It is very crucial to understand the role of him to introduce the props. For example, we have been seeing a belt since our school days. None of us could think this would help a person to do Yogasana to gain back his health, subsequently he may progress in the path of Yoga. Here, I emphasis the importance of props in bringing right alignments even in non-patients and strong people. Iyengar did not claim any patent for his intelligence in discovering props because he knew that Yoga is service to the mankind. He has given many props to the world without his name or any symbol to declare ownership.
It is unnecessary but you may not understand the greatness in the real sense if I don’t provide you a comparison. Like, a popular guru owning a patent for Pranayama and guru of that guru having the patent for Dhyana!!

BKS Iyengar must be the most popular yogi in the world. He would have earned billions if he had taken the patents for his discovery of props and the invention of the methodology.

5. BKS Iyengar practiced Aparigraha. He donated his hard earned money to develop his birth place, Bellur village. He donated millions to Mysore zoo decades ago, when the people were not so aware of protecting animals like today etc.

6.BKS Iyengar educated students in the path of Yoga by clearly laying the path step by step in front of the students to reach the goal of Yoga. He has written books, taught in videos and given interviews to pass the knowledge to the future generations which was kept secret in olden days.

ParitraNaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkrutam
Dharmasamsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge ||4.8||

"The monk who sold his Ferrari" there are 3 elements in this phrase1. Monk - that means a sanyansi, a renounced person.2...

"The monk who sold his Ferrari"
there are 3 elements in this phrase
1. Monk - that means a sanyansi, a renounced person.
2. Sold - the act of doing business to earn money.
3. Ferrari - a luxury expensive car owned by rich people only.

The contradictory words make a philosophy, a bestseller!!!

A serious student of yoga should understand his duty in recognizing guru for his progression and the guidelines has been given by sage Patanjali thousands of years ago and here I am giving the commentary of Swamy Vivekananda on this particular yoga sutra.

pratyakṣa-anumāna-āgamāḥ pramāṇāni ||1.7||

Direct perception, inference, and competent evidence, are proofs.

When two of our perceptions do not contradict each other we call it proof. I hear something, and, if it contradicts something already perceived, I begin to fight it out and do not believe it. There are also three kinds of proof. Direct perception, Pratyaksham, whatever we see and feel, is proof, if there has been nothing to delude the senses. I see the world; that is sufficient proof that it exists. Secondly, Anumāna, inference; you see a sign, and from the sign you come to the thing signified. Thirdly, Āptavakyam, the direct perception of the yogi, of those who have seen the truth. We all are struggling towards knowledge, but you and I have to struggle hard, and come to knowledge through a long tedious process of reasoning, but the yogi, the pure one, has gone beyond all this. He does not require to go through all this tedious process, and his words are proofs, because he sees knowledge in himself; he is the omnipresent one. These, for instance, are the authors of the Sacred Scriptures; therefore the Scriptures are proof. Other philosophers go into long discussions about this Āpta, they say what is the proof that this is truth? The proof is because they see it, because whatever I see is proof, and whatever you see is proof, if it does not contradict any past knowledge. Any madman can come into the room and say that he sees angels around him, that would not be proof. In the first place it must be true knowledge, secondly, it must not contradict knowledge of the past, and thirdly, it must depend upon the character of the man. I hear it said that the character of the man is not of so much importance as what he may say. This may be true in other things; but in religion it is different, because no impure man will ever have the power to reach the truths of religion. Therefore, we have first of all to see that the man who declares himself to be an Āpta is perfectly unselfish and holy. Secondly, he has reached beyond the senses, and thirdly that what he says does not contradict the past knowledge of humanity. And fourthly, that truth must have a possibility of verification. Everyone must have the power to see it for himself. No one who sells his knowledge is an Āpta. All these conditions must be fulfilled; you must first see the man is pure, and that he has no selfish motive; that he has no thirst for gain or fame. Secondly, he must show that he is superconscious. He must have given us something that we cannot get from our senses, and which is for benefit of the world.
Thirdly, we must see that it does not contradict other truths. Fourthly, the man should never be singular; he should only represent what all men can attain.
The three sorts of proof, are, then, direct sense perception, inference, and the words of an Āpta. I cannot translate this word into English. It is not the word inspired, because that comes from outside, while this comes from himself. The literal meaning is “ attained.”

(If you are interested, read the commentary of Swamy Vivekananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras. pdf is available online).

I am Pallavi, I would like to introduce myself as a yoga practitioner rather than a gold medalist in BSc Biotechnology w...

I am Pallavi, I would like to introduce myself as a yoga practitioner rather than a gold medalist in BSc Biotechnology who worked in an IT firm for 8 years. Later, I quit my job to give more time to my family.

I started learning yoga with Arathi 4 years ago, at Aanandam. At that time, she was teaching ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. When she went to other yogaclasses to teach yoga, I accompanied her to assist her as per her guidance. Later my teacher Arathi told that vinyasa does not benefit anyone or there is no progression in the path of yoga with vinyasa practice. There is much more than these dynamics. She called it a circus while she could effortlessly do the series one after the other ! Then her teaching style changed, according to a change in her practice style. By that time I moved to Singapore along with my family. Distance was never a concern and did not hinder the learning process, she kept guiding me and teaching me throughout my stay through messages & videos. She advised me to join an Iyengar Yoga class in Singapore because direct learning from a teacher will help more to learn. Then I started attending Iyengar yoga classes and workshops in Singapore and worked as an intern in the yogashala there.

After we returned to Bangalore in April this year, I resumed my classes at aanandam for my self-progression. Currently attending both the morning and evening batches at Aanandam. I'm blessed to have direct support, guidance and teachings from her now during and after the classes.

Looking at my progression when I was in Singapore, Arathi told to teach a class at Aanandam after my return. But because of the covid situation we delayed announcing the class for new admissions. Now the external situation is getting better and government has lifted many restrictions and vaccination is in progress, I'm ready to teach direct physical classes from August 2021.

For admission please contact:
Pallavi: 8792048555
Pratipade: 9945016827

Monthly fees : 1500/- No admission fees.

aanandam Yogashala Trust (R)
#8, 2nd floor, 22nd Main, near PES college, Hanumantha Nagara, Bangalore - 50

*In case of any changes in the class schedule due to the current covid situation will be informed on this platform

Arathi, my teacher said her Writing, Teachings has ended, result awaiting. So, from now on I, Pallavi will be writing th...

Arathi, my teacher said her Writing, Teachings has ended, result awaiting. So, from now on I, Pallavi will be writing the posts on fb. Posting the below on the occassion of yoga day recollecting Arathi's teachings;

Allamaprabhu says-
Hennu, honnu, mannu maayeyalla,
Manada Mundina aaseye maye kaNaa guheshwara ||

What is maye ?
The common answer is 'this world'
Why this world can't throw its tantrums on a few people, why only lot others get into this maye ? If the world was maye, then logically, everyone who are in the world should have been in the maye only. But, a few yogis/sages/rushis could reach beyond this to experience the Truth, the Supreme knowledge. That means, world is not maye, our desires are maye.

Arathi was always practicing in front of her students, in class, sometimes falling from asanas or trying to do some perfect postures etc. She used to tell us that, we should never build any image. Building image is building a cage for our own selves. It is very difficult to break it. Unless you break self built image, you can't break karma the maye. And, her practice was a lesson to students that students must get up and practice when they fall !

If you have a headache or simple tooth ache, you can't restrict yourself from unnecessarily raising voice at people around you. When you have slightest discomfort in your stomach, you voice lowers down, feeling weak. One pain makes you raise voice while some others makes it low. Uneven flow of energy in the body makes uneven emotions, that means unstability in mind. Patanjali says, tatho dwandva anabhighataha.

Bks iyengar practicalizes the sutra. If you have noticed when you get any pain, eg, one knee pains not the both at same time. That means body is fragmented therefore, mind is fragmented. Evenness in body is evenness in mind, called sthitaprajnate. You can't attend mind directly to have sthitaprajnate unless you are Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Ramana Maharshi ! They completely lived in their bodies, with their complete mind with evenness in their emotions regardless of their body conditions.

But, we want an easy route or a shortcut when we hear some stories of Half-baked so-called Gurus. Like, a guru in recent years has undergone a small surgery without taking local anesthesia. And the doctor who stitched was in tears whereas the guru was very calm. People who are attracted to such incidents (yes, I agree that these can be done) need not read me anymore. You are a lazy person and want a shortcut. You will endure in a never-ending loop like the same guru ! That is anti-yoga. Because, such things are not written or considered in any scripture of yoga or upanishads or in Vedas.

Patanjali writes, Sthiram Sukham Asanam. One must reach that state with sufficient practice, under direct guidance of a true teacher. Anything in the beginning will be effort full, the efforts end when you bring samatva in body, that state is prayatnashaithilya as stated by sage Patanjali.

Practice The Yoga. Sooner or later you will have to reach The Divine health.


#8/a, 2nd Floor, 2nd Block, 22nd Main, BSK 1st Stage, Near PES College


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