ಯೋಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಮುಳುಗಿದರೆ..
ಸಾಯೋ ಹಂಗೆ ಮುಳುಗಬೇಕು.
dAsana mADiko enna swAmi
sAsira nAmada venkaTaramaNa ||
How wonderful his expression is. How can anyone say himself a dasa..? Its HIS wish. We can only ask him to make us his dasa..that's all.
Today was varshabdhika of Vijaya Sampath's mom-in-law. Purohits chanted Vedas and krishnaleela too. I couldn't understand Leela which was in Tamil, but my heart enjoyed each and every word. Krishna has to remind a Krishna that he himself a Krishna.. what a marvelous Leela !
Vijaya narrated Bhrigu and his father's tale to me. Were Bhrigu a Tamilian, would have called his father "aNNa". I could see Maharishi Bhrigu, is my Punya.
Sarvam Sri KrishnarpaNamastu.
NarayaNa samarpayami.
Essential Yog is for understanding and identifying Kleshas. Subsequently, the Kleshas are alienated, enfeebled and countered. Yog is a process of attenuating-weakening-destroying Kleshas. These Kleshas are :
Dvesha and
The aspects of Yog are to counter these Kleshas. However, it is not possible to declare an open war against Kleshas; this will be realized shortly as we continue with our observations.
-Prashanth Iyengar
Book: Fundamentals of Patanjali's Philosophy (Theory of Kleshas & Karma)
I am re-reading this book.
I become blank in the middle of the sessions when thoughts arise about the circus I am teaching.
And there is no connection between the book and teaching circus kind of asanas.. 😆 !
We think yoga asanas make us free of all pains, physically and mentally. Yoga the nectar, divine medicine will keep all kleshas away ?
Definitely Yes !
But not when we do asanas as exercises or medicine for our present problem. Only when we understand, experience and realize that we are actually pain-free, suffering-free 'Self' whose status is sadaananda, all kinds of kleshas will be transcended, -as described in the scriptures and taught by scholars.
Travel towards jnana will help us in the process. Understanding body and building awareness for arising chitta vruttis is the clue.
Hence, I don't respond when my mother complains of her back pain due to aging and want my hopes to get rid of the pain forever..!
@muktha1943 first time #shirshasana attempt at 76..kudos to all Ammas 😍
#aanandamyogashala #yoga #practice #bangalore
What is vision inwarded?
When someone is deeply into a subject then he doesn't see anything outside because his physical eye is closed though the eyelids are open. We call such people daydreamers or wastebodies !! If your own child is driven deeply into a book and couldn't see you standing next to him, then you name it 'concentration', right? But, concentration requires effort, here, inwarding into oneself doesn't require such efforts. It's skill ought to be cultivated by practitioners.
For instance, next time when you do a Sarvangasana, experiment with the below inputs.
I advice to practice Sarvangasana with props (appropriate height to shoulders and belt above elbows). Unless your body can't keep quiet, you will not be allowed to go further. When you are struggling to keep your body up lengthened in straight line, you will sense tension in body. Will be reflected in mind and brain. Thought quality is not good. The total environment you created is not adequate for experiments. Learn to listen to teacher..😂
In Sarvangasana (with props you stay straight for sufficient period) usually we look at our toes. This 'look' makes mind active enough to exercise the body.
Try to look up without changing head position. Look sideways. Look nosetip. Look noseroot. Look bhrumadhya. Look at other parts of your body (without turning head). Look as if both eyes going to the temples in opp direction. And inward by rolling eyeballs into the eye cavity (we do this at aanandam while doing pranayama).
Observe and note down. Next time add breathing to this. You will start understanding bodily connection with breath.
I hadn't had any brain to understand these. I thought these are not important and we can directly sit in padmasana like rishis.. 😂 In fact, I was only focused on learning physical postures. I was into depression and ashtanga vinyasa was medicine. Athletic yoga which helped me to an extent at surface level and then I became ready to go beyond asana circus. If you t
Do you teach Ariel Yoga ?, someone asked.
Surely, I can try it out and teach but not in the name of Yoga..because that's not Yoga !
Ariel Yoga, the most happening classes in the market ! There is Ariel Dance, Acrobats, Gymnastics, Circus but nothing as such Flying Yoga. You can call it an exercise, may include yoga poses but not exactly 'Yoga or Asanas'. Asan is Seat. When you can settle down inside yourself in any posture is Asana. Impure water requires sufficient time to seterate. Students need to be in the asana for longer duration. No one can hold one posture on an Ariel cloth for minutes at least, hence, it is not an asana, perhaps can be called a posture. Therefore the usage of the word Yoga with Ariel is nothing more than a business strategy !
You might have heard a question that rope shirasasana is also Ariel..right ?
People who project themselves as traditional classical yoga, offer Ariel yoga and ready to throw this question if pointed them out..yup, I know them !
Ans: It is Not.
You can be suspended there for an hour practicing breathing and exploring much more. More over, people who can not practice shirasasana on head shouldn't be deprived of the benefits. Not every human being can become BKS Iyengar to practice independent shirasasana at any age..right ?!
(Note: I have not done any Ariel courses for myself, nor do I offer them. As I'm also a exercise freak sometimes, I experiment on myself, on my own..that's all)
#iyengaryoga #yogaphilosophy
#learn_to_discriminate #bengaluru
With a biggg Iyengar style lunch the workshop ended Happily. Malaysian- Chinese students gave a performance for Prashanth ji. School children from Belluru Iyengar Trust fabulous yoga choreography stolen us completely.
And before all these happenings, we had a mesmerising morning session. The best day.
Many students liked to have a photo with Prashanth ji, he never denies, and I clicked for some of them. But, I don't have my photograph with him to post here ! God himself has told me that he is accessible any day then why do I bother about a photo with God ?!
#belluru #iyengaryoga #aanandamyogashala #life #practice #must_visit_place
One of the lessons in last TTC was to use hands and legs for front bends, backbends and twists, this avoids straining your spine. Stretch the muscles associated to spine.
*You should not directly work on spine*
For inversion backdrops: use shoulder blades, lengthen inner arms, firmly press mid-forearms, open armpits and then drop legs. There will be no strain or pain in your back. You will be addicted to backdrops because that's the awesome stretch, only an experiencer knows it !
#learn_to_learn #aanandamyogashala
Mulabandhasana is an advanced asana. But, with regular practice of bhekasana, veerasana, janushirshasana, padmasana, vamadevasana, godasana etc you can attempt this. You will experience elasticity in knees. All rigidity or tightness in knees will be destroyed with special yoga grease !
Caution : It is safe for you to practice with a teacher who knows how to do with his/her own experience not in any other manner.
#mulabandhasana #vamadevasana #aanandamyogashala #bangalore #yoga #free_yoga_lesson
You will be taught according to your strength, endurance, flexibility. You must know that I would avoid you overstraining yourself
NOT allow you to be lazy to underdo !
I believe anybody can do anything (with modifications if necessary)
Aanandam students who reside in distant places, FB reader-practitioners and some other interested students who have keen interest in right way of learning asanas have been asking for advanced yoga classes. I understand how good to have an inspiring group and a teacher for teachers and teacher aspirants, that's why I too go for workshops often to renew myself. Hence, we have decided to provide you a motivating class structure to progress holistically. Make use of our energy & efforts spent honestly to support you, assist you, teach you and to be with you in your practice in all aspects.
*you should be a regular yoga practitioner at least for a year. (New students must visit teacher and obtain permission before paying fees)
*Any medical issues should be discussed with Teacher.
Begins: 8th June to 22nd Sept
15 weekends (excluding Ganesha festival weekend)
To register, contact :
Vijaya Sampath : 98801 98818
Arathi KN : 98457 51701
#aanandamyogashala #advancedyoga #practice #yoga #bangalore #weekend_classes
‘Close your eyes’, he told in Pranayama. We closed our eyes. He laughingly asked again, - ‘close eyes, not just eyelids, cease the power of seeing.. !’
“If you rely on sense of organs to understand asanas, you become judgmental. Its human tendency to punish oneself ! Therefore, perceive beyond the senses of organs.”
There were many more pearls throughout the workshop !
Teacher Sri SF Biria is Hanuman in Bhakti for his teacher BKS Iyengar, The Guruji. There were more than 180 students from 12 countries and Faeq Biria knew everyone with right pronunciation of their names ! I'm lucky to be accepted to his workshop and thankful to Teacher Biria.
I used to be the last bencher in college. But, here, I everyday, took the first mat, right in front of the teacher, so that he could correct me, I would adopt the correction in my future self practice. The words he used opened wide range of awareness in me. For instance, when teaching a asana, he went deep by telling stretch the new inner groin..! is new to the people even who know anatomy.
Haha..many of my students and my family too think that I enjoyed the 2 weeks vacation, just because I was updating joyful whats app status. We were not allowed to shoot inside yoga hall or in class. And seriously, we practiced 4hrs in the morning and 3 hours in the evening with a small tea break before pranayama. There were 2 meals a day, a brunch & a dinner. I loved the menu.
Now, I need to practise what's been taught, experiment & experience to refine my self practice & teaching !
Regular classes resume.
Weekend TTC starts on 2nd March 2019 at 6am. Please be in time)
MagaLeer Mattum !
4th TTC at Aanandam was a special batch, because for the first time there were only female students. One or the other would cook & bring something to eat, and we all cherished eating after sessions. Bondage built very quickly as one team.. Strong, Healthy, Happy, Loving.
Though, I find not much difference in teaching men and women students, I loved this winter TTC. Not only students have learnt, I too have experimented a few new teaching techniques helped me to grow as a teacher.
Dear TTC Students,
Vijaya, you are always a bubbling energy in asanas, an inspiration to all.
Radhika, I could see you absorbing my every word. You surprised me whenever you told exact words & pictures of aanandam FB old posts too !
Smitha, cute barbie doll, but, tough enough to give your best, really really flexible in your mind Smitha. I like your pony tail !
Rajeshwari, Rock Hard Strong but knows not how to rest ! I was exactly like you 4-5 years ago.
Mohini, I have never heard saying a NO or CAN'T. Just perfect to be a Yoga Teacher.
Varsha, a question bank who threw a lots of questions in & out sessions. It would be strange if you are quiet ! The Backbend Queen.
Shweta, I could see noticeable stability building in you. I wanted to be angry for your frequent absences but your child like excuses made me cool !
Vani, I'm happy you learnt good enough Headstand ! You are actually an unexplored mine !! And Jamoons were so yummy..!!!
Thanks Pallavi for guest appearance !
#aanandamyogashala #ttc #bengaluru #yoga