www.JyotishGurukul.com is a humble effort by a team of professionals to facilitate provide direction to our day today lives so that with the help of this guidance we all can enrich our lives and provide value addition to quality of lives. If used in an appropriate and practical way it can act like salt in our food or may be like a ‘traffic police’ personnel guiding this unruly traffic of life in a
better way or in the desired direction. We are deliberately not using very high sounding philosophical and astrological terms to make it user friendly to common persons. Here is an attempt to demystify spiritual healing, astrology and allied sciences and share with all its beneficence. This is one of the way to continue to evolve ourselves and improve our quality of life. Jyotish Gurukul is a school or learning place where we can know the weather forecast of our life, it depends entirely on you about how seriously you wish to take it. Rain or Storm may come or may not come, it may rain or may not rain but the point is that if you are prepared mentally and physically then you can face it without any harm or less harm. Another example can be that even if it rains and you knew it then you will take the umbrella with you, so the point is that it did rain but you were saved or you got less wet. This guidance is also like that if you know that you are going to be blessed by Saturn for next two and half years in that case you are prepared for this, may be you start praying and use some remedies as applicable per your chart. Then there are people who run astrology down in public but will run to Astrologer at night time when no body can see them.cSpiritual healing (ThetaHealing) is one of the great leanings of the century, which one can learn at this school. Why we are repeatedly trying to explain the importance of this divine guidance is because if you come to know that a particular road is blocked due to heavy traffic in that case you can think of an alternative road. The point is you will reach wherever you wish to go but what is to be seen is how you reach there i.e. happily or with great difficulty or you don’t reach there at all. Spiritual healing (ThetaHealing) is a miracle by Viana Stible. No matter what people say about Spiritual Healing or Astrology, some in their heart they wish to know about there future in one or the other way, be it through Tarot cards or through the medium of birds. Some do have the misconception that planets do not effect them so my question to them is why on full Moon night the tides are higher because the gravity from Moon attracts the water in the sea. We very well know that our body consist of more than 80 percent of water so by simple logic don’t we feel that it will impact us too. Similarly how do we feel if Sun starts playing hide and seek, I am sure we feel the impact directly and indirectly. This is a normal scene in every house hold that we all run for a news paper on Sunday specially for the magazine section in which the weekly forecast is given. It is a curiosity factor and human tendency to know about what is in store for him. Almost every news paper carries weekly forecasts every Sunday and yearly forecasts around new year besides some special forecast e.g. what will be the impact of solar / lunar eclipse on various individuals. Similarly we find forecasts on the basis of Numerology also so that people can easily correlate themselves and the forthcoming events. Though we may not have any control over events but I personally believe that the knowledge about an event itself is an enhancement in awareness thus preparing ourselves for the particular situation. Another popular magazine columns are Vaastu, thus how to improve harmony in our home environment and surroundings. It was surprising to note that I saw a lady buying crystal balls and at the same time asking the store manager, where and when to hang them in her home. She said that she read this in the news paper column that by hanging the crystal balls in her home, she is inviting luck in her home. Spiritual healing (ThetaHealing) is so simple that it can be easily learned by even children. You may be thinking that there are millions of such learning places, so what is different here, so come, meet us and feel the difference. Jyotish Gurukul is going to be a differentiator in your life soon. Mohan Pahujani
ThetaHealers; Teachers and Consultants;
Spiritual Healers; Astrologers; Vaastu Consultants; Palmists; Numerologists, Tarot card Reader