Vibhuta Meditation

Vibhuta Meditation Vibhuta Meditation

Mediation with Universal Energy transmission with Prabuddha Deepak Chaitanya


Meditation time something happened to you, then you have to leave your self fully in the hand of that ; second thing. late go of yourself; just flote as on the floats on the surface of the water- just floating. You should be ready to go whatever the current of the river takes you. Meditation time when you feel energy receive , we leave ourselves in its hands , we have to let go of ourselves, God have taken over ; we need not worry anymore. we have to just float.


The soul is imperceptible to the mind, not an object for the mind.
If we understand it like this, it will be easier for us. The eye sees but cannot hear. Hearing is an object for the eye. Not an object for the eye. The eyes have no way of capturing sound. The ear detects sound, but sound cannot be seen. The eye can see colour, shape, size, light – not sound. This is how the mind grasps matter. Consciousness is an object for him.
The soul will not be visible to the mind. Therefore, the one who started searching with his heart, started searching using wrong means. And if the soul is not found, it does not prove the absence of the soul, it only proves that the means you were carrying was irrelevant. The mind has no connection with the soul. Some other path will have to be found for the soul.
Meditation is the way. The one who cannot think, can meditate. What is an object for the mind is an object for meditation. Meditation awakens a new power within, which is additional to the mind - neither of the eyes, nor of the ears, nor of the nose, nor of the hands, nor of the body, nor of the mind. apart from all this
And is different. If we understand this then it will become easier. There is a mirror. Whatever falls in front of him becomes visible. If we hang another mirror behind us, what is behind also becomes visible. Mind is a mirror, to catch matter. Meditation is also a mirror to capture the divine. We cannot experience the soul without meditation.
The soul is the subject of mind and speech, because the mind can think, it cannot know – it can think, but it cannot know. The meaning of mind is the ability to think – the capacity to think. That is why it is called mind. And that is why man is called man, he who can think. Mind means: ability to think, ability to think. But gaining knowledge is a different matter. The truth is that where we do not have knowledge, the mind works as a substitute and supplement. Where there is no knowledge, we manage things by thinking. Where there is knowledge, there is no need to think and act.
Like a blind man, when he wants to go out of the room, he asks where is the way? Wondering where the way is? Finds out, where is the way? A man with eyes, when he has to go out, doesn't even think about where the path is. Don't even think where the door is. There is no question to ask, the man with one eye gets up and leaves. If you remind him, then perhaps he will remember that your groom came out of the door, otherwise the door would not even come to mind. When the eyes can see, there is no need to believe or think.
Mind is the remedy for ignorance. If you want to live with ignorance, you need a very active mind to think. For the one who wants to live in knowledge, for the one who wants to attain knowledge, there is no need for the mind. The mind becomes useless.
Knowledge comes to the consciousness, thoughts come to the mind. Besides, soul is also the subject of speech. It cannot be described even with words. Therefore there is no way to convince others. No way to communicate, no way to communicate. The dumb becomes like jaggery. The one who comes to know gets into a lot of trouble, because he is unable to say what he wants to say to anyone else. Thousands of devices, thousands of solutions are found to tell you. Still it cannot be said, all solutions go in vain, it cannot be said. The soul is immaterial for speech, because speech is the power of the mind. How can the mind describe something that the mind cannot know? If the mind could know, then speech could say.
So remember, whatever the mind can know, speech can say. But how can speech describe something that the mind cannot know? Speech is the servant of the mind. It is a part of the mind. That is why speech cannot express it. To reach the soul, meditation is needed, not the mind. You must have understood what is the difference between mind and meditation.


Happy Women's Day!

Women are the embodiment of strength and the architects of humanity. It is unjust to overlook their contribution. A woman nurtures her offspring with her blood and flesh, feeding them with her milk. A woman is the linchpin of the human chariot, and without the linchpin, the chariot cannot move forward. The role of women is supreme for the family and society, and no one can deny this. The world cannot progress without the feminine force, making it crucial to safeguard our daughters for a prosperous nation and society. Moreover, the crusade to protect our daughters must permeate every heart and soul, awakening the collective consciousness. Today, women are contributing positively in various fields. By being self-reliant, they are engaged in the welfare of their families and the country. To demean women is to plot against the very essence of our existence, a detriment to society and the nation at large. Neglecting women means conspiring to erase our own existence.


🕉 ॐ Salutations to Lord Shiva in the form of Swaprakash Anand.(self realisation)
Happy Shivratri to all of you.🙏
🕉 Maha Shivaratri is a holy day to raise our consciousness and to increase the vital energy through meditation to take us to our source. Meditation is the seed to reach the temple of Shiva in search of our life.
Sanatan Dharma and its festivals have a solid scientific basis. Scientifically, Mahashivaratri festival is also of great importance. The night of Mahashivratri is special. Actually, the northern hemisphere of the earth is located in this night in such a way that the energy inside the human being naturally starts going upwards. That is, nature itself facilitates the way for man to reach his spiritual peak.
Shiva is also known as Bhola Bhandari and Rudra too, this form of Shiva gives the message that we should always be naive and kind in nature so that everyone can dwell in the heart and Rudra gives the message that whenever sin increases, then be ready to stand in the face of injustice without being dissuaded from your duties. Shiva has many forms and many names, there is some deep rooted education hidden in every name.
This Shivaratri, let us all vow not to see Shivaratri from the point of view of a festival or a festival alone , but in the deterioration of values in the society today, adopt the philosophy and teachings of Shiva so that the society gets attention We become the medium to take us to the ultimate Samadhi.
Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham🙏🕉 🕉 🕉


Keep an eye on your 'thoughts',
Because they become “words”.

Keep an eye on your 'word',
Because they become “work”.

Keep an eye on your 'work',
Because they become “nature”.

Keep an eye on your 'nature',
Because they become “habits”.

Keep an eye on your 'habits',
Because they become "characters".

Keep an eye on your 'character',
Because it creates “life ideals”…

There is an intrinsic law:   thoughts don't have their own lifeThey are parasites; they live on your identifying with th...

There is an intrinsic law:
thoughts don't have their own lifeThey are parasites; they live on your identifying with them. When you say, "I am angry, you are pouring life energy into anger, because you are getting identified with anger. But when you say, i am watching anger flashing on the screen of the mind within me. you are not anymore giving any life, any energy to anger. You wibe able to see that because you are not identified, the anger is alsolutely impotent. It has no impact on you, it does not change you does not affect you. It is absolutely hollow and dead. It will pass on by and leave the sky clean and the screen of the mind empty.
Slowly, slowly you start getting out of your thoughts. That the whole process of witnessing and watching. In other words Gurdjieff used to call it nonidentification-you arelonger identifying with your thoughts. You are simply staning aloof and away-indifferent, as if they might be anybody's thoughts. You have broken your connections with them. Only thecan you watch them.
Watching needs a certain distance. If you are identified, thereis no distance, they are too close. It is as if you are putting the mirfor too close to your eyes: you cannot see your face. A certain distance is needed; only then can you see your face in the mirror.
If thoughts are too close to you, you cannot watch. You become impressed and colored by your thoughts: anger makes you angry,greed makes you greedy, lust makes you lustful because there is nodistance at all. They are so close that you are bound to think thatyou and your thoughts are one.
Watching destroys this oneness and creates aseparation. Themore you watch, the bigger is the distance. The biggerdistance, the less energy your thoughts are getting from you. Andthey don't have any other source of energy. Soon they start dying,disappearing. In these disappearingmoments you will have the first glimpses of no-mind.


Happy New year 😊🙏🏼✨

My best wishes to you for the new year. May the life of you and your family rejoice in this new year, my blessings and I pray to God that you and your family be happy, mentally joyful and emotionally satisfied in the new year.

May you gain more and more divine power every day. May your consciousness be awakened daily and you reach spirituality and you love the world with selfless spirit, I pray to God that God may give you strength.( power)💛


Happy Diwali!
On this auspicious occasion, may joy, prosperity, and happiness illuminate your life and your family and friends.
May the divine light of Diwali guide you on your path to spiritual enlightenment.
May the divine light of Diwali illuminate your life and banish all darkness.
Light gives wisdom to the heart, meditation to the mind, and love to family and friends.
Light gives to all of us a healthy body, respect, happiness, prosperity and peace.
With these best wishes, I wish you and all your family members a very Happy Diwali.


A meditator need a non achieving mind. but in non achieving mind Possible only if you can be content with purposelessnes...

A meditator need a non achieving mind. but in non achieving mind Possible only if you can be content with purposelessness. just try to understand the all cosmic play and be a part in it. don't be serious. because they play can never be serious. And even if the play need you to be serious, the playful serious. Don't be really serious. Then this very moment become rich. Then this very moment. You can move into the ultimate.


💗Happy guru purnima💗

Free meditation 3th of july tonight!

The job of the Guru is to make a bridge in between the "Aatma"( Personal Self) and the "Paramatma"( Divine Self); that is to become the Medium for the Energy to flow.

When hydrogen and oxygen come together then water is formed; but if you mix hydrogen and oxygen in the laboratory in a test tube then it will not turn into water. To make water from hydrogen and oxygen a huge voltage of power (flow of electricity) is required.

The water droplets that fall during the rain, are formed due to the lightning in the sky. Hydrogen and oxygen both are present, but when lightning strikes and becomes available, it becomes the medium, generates such extreme heat hydrogen and oxygen can fuse together to form water.

In the same way, Guru becomes the bridge in between the Aatma and God. Guru is not the person, it is the element, and whosoever becomes available to this element becomes the medium like the lightning.

Please follow the steps in order to join the free meditation on every full moon evenings!

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The International Yoga day" - 'Yoga' means 'To Unite'. Yoga is a pure science. for example - Something is made by uniting with. Sometimes, It's talked about 'The Union' ie 'The Yoga' in outer life, too; that is when two people meet , they say that it was 'An Union / Yoga with each other; and something is added to each person's life in meeting with each other . The real meaning of 'Yoga' is 'The Union' of body, mind, nature and the consciousness, that is doing the alignment and balancing of the body, mind, nature and soul or purifying the body, mind, nature and soul. But nowadays, the meaning of 'The Yoga' has been limited to the physical body only, or at most to some extent, it can help to change the mind; but doesn't have any effect on the 'Nature' of a person, let alone to touch the consciousness of a man. Our Yogis /the practitioner of Yoga, who have realized the truth have said that staying well established with the Consciousness or Self is called 'Yoga'. And, only one who is well established with one's own self can be emancipated from all GRIEVANCES and live life in PEACE & BLISS. If you are really willing to unite with 'Yoga', YOU will have to unite yourself with MEDITATION; because you can experience the truth only through NO-METHOD MEDITATION. And, only through NO-METHOD MEDITATION can the union of body, mind, nature and Consciousness take place, and I also declare it only 'The Yoga'. And, in the end, I wish you all the best on the auspicious occasion of "The International Yoga day"! And, if you are willing to unite yourself with 'Yoga' through NO-METHOD MEDITATION, I invite each and every one of you for your healthy and Blissful life.
Prabuddha Deepak

Tomororow 4th  june guruji will invite you to powerful fullmoon meditation 😊Starting from 8pm bangkok time90min.参加方法***P...

Tomororow 4th june guruji will invite you to powerful fullmoon meditation 😊

Starting from 8pm bangkok time

Please follow the steps in order to join the free meditation on every full moon evenings!

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means the power of the Supreme Soul /God, that is LOVE, COMPASSION and WISDOM, with that the TRUTH manifests which is extremely HOLY, which man has been seeking and searching since the time immemorable,THAT TRUTH manifests everywhere, and we can experience IT every moment, to attain this truth we have to start from the Meditation and INNER PATH, to understand OURSELF to attain IT, analyse ourself, or study ourself. IT manifests while studying and experiencing OURSELVES. IT manifests by SELF-REALIZATION; that's eternal, that is the beginning and the end,and the virtue of IT is BLISSFUL, THAT we call God.


Happy Buddha purnima and fullmoon🙏We invite all of you to  Buddha purnima and fullmoon meditation by guruji. Tomororow 5...

Happy Buddha purnima and fullmoon🙏

We invite all of you to Buddha purnima and fullmoon meditation by guruji.
Tomororow 5th may.
Starting from 8pm bangkok time.
Everyone is wellcome .

Please follow the steps in order to join the free meditation on every full moon evenings!

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As soon as the flower blooms, butterfly attract the fragrance and come close to it.  In the same way we have to create l...

As soon as the flower blooms, butterfly attract the fragrance and come close to it. In the same way we have to create love. When the fragrance of love arises within us, the world will be attracted towards us.


It has been a big damage by equating LOVE with ATTACHMENT. LOVE is something very DIFFERENT THING. LOVE happens only in ONE'S Life , in whose Life there is no ATTACHMENT. But we call LOVE ATTACHMENT, and vice versa. LOVE happens only in the Buddha, Krishna and Christ whose HEART of LOTUS has flowered. There can't happen LOVE in whose life there is ATTACHMENT. Because ATTACHMENT demands, whereas LOVE gives away. They are different states. But it's useful to understand ATTACHMENT, to understand LOVE. LOVE happens in that CHITTA in which there is no DESIRE of S*X, in whom there is left NO DISIRE at all. Because only he can give away who doesn't DEMAND. DESIRE demands. DISIRE says: this should come, that should come. LOVE says that there is NO more DEMAND. DISIRE is a BEGGAR whereas LOVE is an EMPEROR. LOVE says, take away what we have. We need nothing now, now; our no demand is left. Now, what you have to take away, take. LOVE is GIVING. DISIRE is DEMANDING.Therefore, there is FIGHTING in DISIRE ; there is no FIGHTING in LOVE. If you take away, fine. Even if you don't take away, fine. But the DEMANDER can't say if you give, fine. Even if you don't give, fine. The GIVER can say that if you take away, fine. Even if you don't take away, fine. Because, it doesn't make difference even in GIVING. If you don't take away, don't take. It makes difference in DEMANDING. If DEMAND is not fulfilled, one becomes RESTLESS, because then it will be left INCOMPLETE. Within, something won't be full. ATTACHMENT is born in the last ring of DISIRE, in the contrary LOVE is born last ring of DISIRELESSNESS. You can say, as REMEMBERING is DESTROYED from ATTACHMENT, in the contrary LOVE is STRENGTHENED from REMEMBERING. ATTACHMENT is the lowest rung of LADDER where man reaches just about to go MAD. LOVE is the HIGHEST rung of ladders where man reaches next to EMANCIPATION.There is PERVERSION after ATTACHMENT, and there is EMANCIPATION after LOVE. ATTACHMENT that is born, destroys the REMEMBERING of LOVE. And, LOVE fills the REMEMBERING with EX**CY.



- Surprise travelling in outer dimensions astonishment is travel inner dimension .
- surprise is base is on science.
- astonishment is base on meditation.
- differences between surprise and astonishment .
- If we start thinking about life, and material happening in outer dimension than science is born That Is surprise.
- science always tries to find out logic, reasoning, and tries to discover the reason behind surprise.
- once surprise is discovered people get bored and again tries to find out something more in outer world.
- The result is stres, frustration, depression etc.
- The happiness is missing even if they have riches , comfort's and life partners or companion's.
- one thing which we have known is science, something which are not known but can be discovered but something is preseat in life which can be experienced but can not be expressed in words, it is known as unknowable , God is unknowable.
- science not accepting God, Science Claims that everything can be known. one day mystery will be solved by science and everything will be remain discovered and nothing will remain unknown.
- surprise is born surprise and kills surprise.
- Science is " Patricide " it kills it's own 'father ' ' spirituality ' is opposite, it is Bron out of and born Surprise and astonishment.
- Any religious person when filled with astonishment than he starts his travel towards' self ' which inner journey.
- His whole attention is ïnwards and tries to find out' `Who I. Am' .
- when someone turn to ward spirituality then it's called astonishment.
- astonishment never destroyed. when you attain ' supreme knwolege ' than astonishment ' also become supreme, but on that day we will say that everything is known but still there is something remain which can be known.
- That is why in upanishad, it is said even though we have known everything there is Something yet to be known.
- The religion and science gives birth to ego, you Cannot become ' Knower ' but you will become more humble.
- when you attain Supreme knowledge you will say that ' Nothing belongs to me ' and it is known as astonishment.
- If we attain 'astonishment' our eyes will become child, like expioring everything child is astonished at everylhing from Smallest things to be biggest thing He will be surprised at seeing stones also.
- If we attain `astonisment' we will become innocent like children astonishment State is easy to attain for every single human being, That State is khown as `buddha','prabuddha', Son of God, messenger of God That is why Christ Said those who can become 'Child like can enter in the kingdom of God'
- you can understand 'and expesivence ' astonishment ' through `meditatien' only.
Prabuddha Deepak.


Living in present...
man lives in mechanical habit of past and future .
because of which the " real present moment" is wasted.
The reality is that we have only one present moment in hand.
The past is our memory and feature is imagination.
Truth can be known only and only and only in the ' present moment'.
During meditation. You have to be careful that you don't slide in past or future.
What is present?
present is not a state of mind. But is it is consciousness.
The nature of mind is always to going past or future.
The nature of consciousness is always to remain in the present.
in the meditation you go beyond mind and the experience during that time is known as present moment experiences.
Men us suffering thinking thoughts and excessive thinking leads to stress and depressed.
But in meditation Even if thoughts are coming in mind, you don't get disturbed by it.
During meditation the one who is observing thoughts experienceing happiness, relaxation is ' Real' you.
This is present moment and you can continue to remain in it throughout the day.
If you can feel that supreme moment continuosly and mind cannot disturbed you.
Present moment is the state of awakening.
Present moment is absolutely emptiness.
And in that state of emptiness only you can stat happy, joyous and blissful.
And if you want to maintain this state of consciousness,be connected with me through meditation and satsung.
Satsung means being in the coming of master.
If you stay together with master for Sam day and meditate this will help you to progress your inner journey.

Tomororow 17th march guruji will invite you to powerful fullmoon meditation 😊Starting from 8pm bangkok time1hour. 参加方法**...

Tomororow 17th march guruji will invite you to powerful fullmoon meditation 😊

Starting from 8pm bangkok time

Please follow the steps in order to join the free meditation on every full moon evenings!

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ॐ tomororow 1th  tuesday is SHIVARATRI Guruji invite us this powerful meditationBy zoomStarting from 8pm bangkok time1ho...

ॐ tomororow 1th tuesday is SHIVARATRI

Guruji invite us this powerful meditation
By zoom

Starting from 8pm bangkok time

Please follow the steps in order to join the free meditation.

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Salutations to Lord Shiva in the form of Swaprakash Anand.(self realisation)
Happy Shivratri to all of you.
MahaShivaratri is a holy day to raise our consciousness and to increase the vital energy through meditation to take us to our source. Meditation is the seed to reach the temple of Shiva in search of our life.
Sanatan Dharma and its festivals have a solid scientific basis. Scientifically, Mahashivaratri festival is also of great importance. The night of Mahashivratri is special. Actually, the northern hemisphere of the earth is located in this night in such a way that the energy inside the human being naturally starts going upwards. That is, nature itself facilitates the way for man to reach his spiritual peak.


Very happy and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to all my friends and family members! I wish each and every one of you to be physically healthy, emotionally joyous, mentally happy and spiritually ecstatic and blissful! May you receive more and more GODLY ENERGY and may your CONSCIOUSNESS awake more and more and may you attain the climax of the spirituality, and may you be able to love the whole world selflessly! 🙏

In the history of man, next years are important. It won't work anymore if only a few people meditate as the earth goes through times now. If millions of people can be jointed in a vast meditation movement, and we all can destroy collectively the negative energy. And, in this hope, I regularly pray to God that more and more people can be support together in the meditation. So you can be support in this, that is very precious. Let's try together to make people positive, for you, for whole human being and also for the whole world.🙏💛

From the 26th of this month, guruji will be staying in Koh Phangan, Thailand.  If youare interesting to experience live ...

From the 26th of this month, guruji will be staying in Koh Phangan, Thailand. If youare interesting to experience live meditation with guruji , feel free to contact us. ❤️




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